
Terms for subject Environment containing complex | all forms | exact matches only
complex formation Formation of a complex compound. Also known as complexing or complexation混合作用 (混合物的合成,也称为混合或混合作用。)
complex stress复合胁迫
complexing agent A substance capable of forming a complex compound with another material in solution助混剂 (一种能够与溶液中的其它物质形成复杂混合物的物质。)
factor complex因子复合体
factor complex复合因素
light harvesting chlorophyllprotein complex集光叶绿素-蛋白质复合体
light harvesting complex集光复合体
light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex集光叶绿素蛋白复合体
light-harvesting pigment complex集光色素复合体