
Terms for subject Economy containing complaints | all forms | exact matches only
Buyers have lodged a complaint for defective quality买主对货物的质量欠佳表示不满
complaint claim申诉与索赔
cross complaint互控
He followed the correct procedure in filing his complaint他遵循正确的程序提出投诉
Is the sentence in favour of the complaint or respondent n.?判决有利原告还是被告?
lodge a complaint against某人提出投诉 (someone)
Recently we have received bitter complaints about your silk products最近我们收到了不少对你方丝绸产品的激烈的投诉
The customer service department deals with the customers' complaints and orders顾客服务部处理顾客的投诉和订购
We didn't expect that it would incur your complaint我们没有想到这会引起你方的不满
Your complaint has been referred to the board of directors and the manager will soon give you a reply你的申诉已提交给董事会,经理会很快给你答复