
Terms containing complaints | all forms | exact matches only
China, lawaccusation and complaint申诉和意见
tech.aerial contamination complaint空气污染诉讼
tech.aerial pollution complaint空气污染诉讼
wind.air pollution complaint空气污染诉讼
textileantidumping complaint反倾销控告
tech.bill of complaint控诉状
expl.blasting vibration complaints from surrounding communities周围邻里对爆破振动的怨言投诉
agric.bowel complaint下痢
sport., med.bowel complaint腹泻
econ.Buyers have lodged a complaint for defective quality买主对货物的质量欠佳表示不满
sport., med.chest complaint胸痛
sport., med.chief complaint主诉
nurs.chief complaints主诉
tech.civil complaint民事投诉
China, lawcomplaint acceptance投诉受理
China, lawcomplaint against a lawyer对律师的投诉
qual.cont.complaint analysis意见分析
qual.cont.complaint analysis抱怨分析
busin.complaint and claim申诉与索赔
busin.complaint and claim投诉与索赔
interntl.trade.complaint and claims抗议与索偿
manag.complaint box控告箱
manag.complaint box意见箱
econ.complaint claim申诉与索赔
hockey.complaint concerning penalty牢骚
hockey.complaint concerning penalty对处罚的抱怨
busin.complaint department顾客意见接纳处
fire.complaint desk修理部
fire.complaint desk障碍报告,服务
telecom.complaint desk障碍受理台
market.complaint form诉怨处理表格
proj.manag.complaint handling投诉处理
avia.complaint handling抱怨的处理
market.complaint index诉怨指标
tech.complaint investigation陈诉调查
tech.complaint investigation危害性调查
tech.complaint investigation意见调查
busin.complaint of wrongs索赔诉讼
market.complaint rate诉怨率
telecom.complaint service申告业务
securit.complaints against向……要求索赔
securit.complaints against…投诉……
securit.complaints against futures traders投诉期货交易商
tech.complaints and claims申诉与索赔控告与索赔
tech.complaints and claims抗议与索赔
securit.complaints and claims投诉与索赔
UN, policeComplaints and Discipline Department控诉和纪律部
fin.complaints officer投诉主任
tech.consumer complaint用户意见
econ.cross complaint互控
auto.customer complaint客户抱怨投诉
logist.customer complaint客户投诉
tech.customer complaint客户意见
China, polit.deal with the complaints, charges or exposures made by citizens处理公民的申诉、控告或者检举
busin.employee complaint职工申诉
auto.engine complaint发动机毛病故障
gen.engine complaints发动机毛病
busin.enter a complaint起诉
tech.environmental complaint环境问题投诉
busin.feedback of complaints申诉的反馈
qual.cont.field complaint现场诉怨
qual.cont.field complaint现场抱怨
auto.field complaint使用投诉索赔
qual.cont.field complaint analysis现场抱怨分析
exhib.file a complaint投诉
gen.give less cause for complaint thanM 与M相比人们的意见要少一些
gen.give less cause for complaint thanM 比 M 要受欢迎一些
China, lawhandle only upon complaint告诉才处理
econ.He followed the correct procedure in filing his complaint他遵循正确的程序提出投诉
gen.Hotel staff should handle guest's complaint with patience酒店员工必须耐心地对待客人的抱怨
gen.I have a complaint. Please ask your manager here我要投诉,找你们经理来
China, polit.improve the handling of people's complaints made in letters or through visits加强信访工作
polit.international complaint mechanism国际投诉机制
econ.Is the sentence in favour of the complaint or respondent n.?判决有利原告还是被告?
IMF.issue a complaint against a member对一成员国提出申诉
tech.justifiable complaint正当的申请
exhib.justified complaint合理投诉
gen.lay a complaint against…控告…
China, lawletter of complaint投诉书
busin.lodge a complaint提出控诉
China, lawlodge a complaint告状
sport.lodge a complaint提出抱怨
econ.lodge a complaint against某人提出投诉 (someone)
gen.lodge a complaint against…控告…
commer.lodge a complaint for poor packing对不良包装提出不满
China, lawlodge complaint提出控告
China, lawlodge complaints投诉
avia.maintenance complaints维修意见
gen.make a complaint against…控告…
China, lawmake complaints提出申诉
China, polit.make to relevant State organs complaints or charges向有关国家机关提出申诉、控告 (against)
el.mean time between complaints平均申诉[告]间隔时间
busin.mean time between complaints平均障碍时间
China, polit.mechanisms for reporting on complaints诉求表达机制
tech.memorandum of complaint民事起诉书
China, lawmistaken complaint错告
expl.Nobody has any cause for complaint anxiety, alarm, escape, retreat, fear,etc谁也没有理由埋怨担忧、惊慌、逃逸、撤退、恐惧等
spacenon-conforming material complaint不合格材料造成的缺陷
avia.non-conforming material complaint不合格材料造成的缺陷
China, laworal complaint口头起诉
el.outage complaint故障投诉
China, lawperson who lodged the complaint控告人
China, lawpetition and complaint申诉控告
sport., med.present complaint现病史
China, lawreceive and handle complaint接受申诉并作出处理
econ.Recently we have received bitter complaints about your silk products最近我们收到了不少对你方丝绸产品的激烈的投诉
China, lawright of complaint控告权
sport., med.stomach complaint胃病
sport., med.subjective complaint主诉
China, polit.suggestions, criticisms and complaints on any aspect of work对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见
med.summer complaint假霍乱
med.summer complaint夏季病
econ.The customer service department deals with the customers' complaints and orders顾客服务部处理顾客的投诉和订购
China, lawtourism complaint旅游投诉
commer.trade remedy complaint要求贸易改善的请愿
exhib.unjustified complaint不合理投诉
China, lawways for complaints投诉办法
econ.We didn't expect that it would incur your complaint我们没有想到这会引起你方的不满
commer.We've never received a similar complaint from other customers我们从未听到其他客户类似的不满
dentist.What's your complaint?您哪里不舒服?
China, lawwithdraw complaint撤回告诉
China, polit.work of addressing public complaints registered by means of letters and visits信访工作
China, lawwritten complaint状子
econ.Your complaint has been referred to the board of directors and the manager will soon give you a reply你的申诉已提交给董事会,经理会很快给你答复