
Terms containing common | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a common multiple公倍
gen.a matter of common practice普通〔通常〕的事
multimed.advanced common application platform高级公共应用平台
gen.affinity of common salt for water食盐与水的亲和力
gen.Bargaining is not common in the United States, but sales are讨价还价的情况在美国并不多见,但是打折出售比较普遍
gen.be common with是…常见的情况
gen.be of common occurrence经常发生
gen.be out of the common run不同凡响
gen.be out of the common run不普通
gen.be out of the common run不平常
gen.be wedded by common interest被共同利益结合在一起
geol.before the common era公元前
gen.by common assent经一致同意
gen.by common consent—致同意
gen.combine... with a common denominator将…通分
multimed.common access method公共访问法
biol.common adenostemma田下菊 (Adenostemma lavenia (L.) O. Ktze)
biol.common adenostemma田下菊属 (Adenostemma Forst.,菊科)
biol.common agrimony欧龙芽草 (Agrimonia eupatoria L.)
biol.common alder欧洲桤木胶桤木,Alnus glutinosa Vill.,桦科
biol.common amentotaxus穗花杉 (Amentotaxus argotaenia (Hce.) Pilger)
biol.common amentotaxus穗花杉属 (Amentotaxus Pilger,紫杉科)
biol.common ammannia水苋菜 (Ammannia baccifera Butler.,千屈菜科)
biol.common annual蜂室花屈曲花,Iberis amara L.
biol.common annual蜂室花属 (lberis L.,十字花科)
biol.common anopheles mosquito五斑按蚊 (Anopheles maculipennis Meigen)
biol.common anthurium安祖花 (Anthurium scherzerianum Schott.,天南星科)
multimed.common application language通用应用程序语言
multimed.common applications environment公共应用软件环境
biol.common apricot杏山 (Prunus armeniaca L. var. ansus Maxim.; Prunus ansu Komar.,蔷薇科)
biol.common arrowhead宽叶慈姑 (Sagittaria latifolia L.,泽泻科)
biol.common ash欧洲梣 (Fraxinus excelsior L.,木犀科)
biol.common ash欧洲棒欧洲白蜡树,Fraxinus excelsior L.,木犀科
biol.common aspidistra蜘蛛抱蛋一叶兰,Aspidistra elatior Bl.,百合科
biol.common aspidistra蜘蛛抱蛋
biol.common autum nocrocus秋水仙 (Colchicum autumnale L.,百合科)
biol.common bacteria blight of bean四季豆细菌性疫病 (Xanthomonas phaseoli (E. Smith) Dowson)
biol.common badysmantle斗篷草 (Alchemilla vulgaris L.,蔷薇科)
biol.common balata二齿铁线子 (Manilkara bidentata,山榄科)
biol.common balm蜜蜂花 (Melissa officinalis L.,唇形科)
biol.common bamboo龙头竹 (Bambusa vulgaris Schr ad.,禾本科)
biol.common banana香蕉甘蕉,Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum O. Ktze,芭蕉科
biol.common bane-berry类叶升麻 (Actaea spicata L.,毛茛科)
biol.common barberry刺檗普通小檗,Berberis vulgaris L.,小檗科
biol.common basil罗勒 (Ocimum basillicum L.)
biol.common basil罗勒属 (Ocimum L.,唇形科)
gen.common battery multiple共电制复式塞孔盘
gen.common battery system共电系统
gen.common battery system共电式
biol.common bean菜豆 (Phaseolus vulgaris L.,豆科)
biol.common bean菜豆四季豆,Phaseolus Savi.,豆科
biol.common bean weevil大豆象菜豆象,Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say),象甲科
biol.common bean weevil大豆象菜豆象,Bruchus obtectus (Say); Mylabris obtectus (Say) ;Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say),象甲科
biol.common bear grass旱叶草 (Xerophyllum tenax)
biol.common bedstraw软猪殃殃 (Galium mollugo L.,茜草科)
biol.common bee larkspur高翠雀 (Delphinium elatum L.,毛茛科)
gen.common beet糖萝卜
gen.common beet甜菜
biol.common betony药用水苏 (Stachys offici nalis Franch.,唇形科)
biol.common birch欧洲桦 (Betula alba L.,桦科)
biol.common bird's foot trefoil百脉根牛角花,Lotus corniculatus L.,豆科
biol.common bird's-foot trefoil牛角花百脉根,Lotus corniculatus L.,豆科
biol.common bistort拳参 (Polygonum bistorta L.,蓼科)
biol.common bistort拳蓼 (Polygonum bistorta L.; Bistorta officinalis Raf.,蓼科)
biol.common bladdersenna鱼鳔槐 (Colutea arborescens L.,豆科)
biol.common bladderwort狸藻 (Utricularia vulgaris L.,狸藻科)
biol.common bletilla白芨 (Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Reichb. f.)
biol.common bletilla白芨属 (Bletilla ichb. f.,兰科)
biol.common bogbean睡菜 (Menyanthes trifolia L.)
biol.common box欧洲黄杨锦熟黄杨,Buxus sempervirens L.,黄杨科
biol.common brake欧洲蕨,Pteridium aguilinum (L.) Kuhn.,蕨科
biol.common breadroot scurfpea食用补骨脂 (Psoralea esculenta L.,豆科)
biol.common buckwheat麦荞 (Fagopyrum esculentum L.,蓼科)
biol.common bugle匐根筋骨草 (Ajuga reptans L.,唇形科)
biol.common burnet-saxifrage虎耳草茴芹 (Pimpinella saxifraga L.,伞形科)
comp.common business oriented language简单数据处理语言
comp.common business oriented language普通商用语言
multimed.common business-oriented languageCOBOL 语言
biol.common cabbageworm小菜粉蝶 (Pieris rapae (Linnaeus),粉蝶科)
biol.common calabash tree葫芦树 (Crescentia cujete L.,紫葳科)
biol.common caladium花叶芋杯芋,花叶洋芋,二色芋,Caladium bicolor Vent.
biol.common caladium花叶芋属 (Caladium Vent.,天南星科)
biol.common calceolaria荷包花 (Calceolaria crenatiflora L.)
biol.common camas卡马夏 (Camassia quanta sh Greene; Camassia esculenta Lindl. not Scilla esculenta Ker. ; Quamasia esculenta Raf.,百合科)
biol.common camellia山茶 (Camellia japonica L.,茶科)
biol.common carpesium天名精 (Carpesium abrotanoides L.)
biol.common carpesium天名精属 (Carpesium L. (菊科))
biol.common carpet beetle红缘皮蠹地毯皮蠹,Anthronus scrophulariae Linnaeus,皮蠹科
biol.common carpet beetle红缘皮蠹地毯皮蠹,Anthrenus scrophulariae (Riley),皮蠹科
biol.common carpet grass近缘地毯草 (Axonopus affinis Sw.,禾本科)
multimed.common carrier公用通信公司
biol.common cat tail宽叶香蒲 (Typha latifolia L.,香蒲科)
biol.common cat's tail梯牧草 (Phleum pratense L.,禾本科)
biol.common cat-tail宽叶香蒲 (Typha latifolia L.,香蒲科)
biol.common cattle grub纹皮蝇 (Hypoderma lineatum (De Villers),皮蝇科)
gen.common caustic硝酸银
biol.common cereus仙人山山影掌,Cereus pitajaya DC.,仙人掌科
comp.common channel control公用通道控制
multimed.common channel signaling公共信道信令传输法
gen.common channel signaling公路信令
gen.common channel signaling network共路信令网
gen.common-channel signaling system共路信令系统
gen.common-channel signaling system No. 77 号共路信令
biol.common chickweed繁缕 (Stellaria media (L.) Cyr.,石竹科)
biol.common chicory (Cichorium intybus L.,菊科)
biol.common chokecherry美洲稠李 (Prunus virginiana L.,蔷薇科)
biol.common chokecherry美国稠李 (Prunus virginiana)
biol.common cineraria瓜叶菊 (Senecio cruentus DC.; Cineraria cruentus Masson,菊科)
biol.common clothes moth负袋衣蛾 (Tineola bisselliella (Hummel),谷蛾科)
biol.common clover红三叶草 (Tri folium pratense L.,豆科)
biol.common cockcomb鸡冠花 (Celosia cristata L.,苋科)
biol.common codariocalyx舞草舞萩,Desmodiumgyrans DC.,豆科
biol.common coleus锦紫苏彩叶草,Coleus blumei Benth.,唇形科
gen.common collection transistor共集极晶体管
biol.common coltsfoot款冬 (Tussilago farfara L.,菊科)
biol.common comandra假柳穿鱼 (Comandra umbellata L.,玄参科)
biol.common comfrey西门肺草 (Symphytum officinale L.,紫草科)
multimed.common command set公共命令集
multimed.common communications support公共通信支持规范
gen.common-control adaption of the electro-mechanical机电集中控制匹配
biol.common corncockle麦仙翁 (Agrostemma githago L.,石竹科)
biol.common cotoneaster全缘枸子全缘枸子木,Cotoneaster integerrimus Medic.,蔷薇科
biol.common cow parsnap欧白芷牛防风,Heracleum spondylium L.,伞形花科
biol.common cowparsnip花土当归 (Heracleum lanatum Michx.,伞形花科)
biol.common crapemyrtle紫薇 (Lagerstroemia indica L.,千屈菜科)
biol.common crocus春藏红花春番红花,Crocus rernus All.,鸢尾科
biol.common cutworm斜纹夜蛾 (Prodenia litura (Fabricius),夜蛾科)
gen.common cycle共用周期
biol.common deerberry鹿莓越橘 (Vaccinium stamineum L.; Polycodium stamineum Greene,乌饭树科)
gen.common denominator共同特色
biol.common devil's claws角胡麻属 (Proboscidea Keller,角胡麻科)
biol.common devil's claws角胡麻 (Proboscidea Louisiana Woot et Stand; Proboscidea jussieui Steud,胡麻科)
biol.common dewberry悬钩子 (Rubus palmatus Thunb.,蔷薇科)
biol.common diplachne双稃草 (Diplachne fusca Beauv.,禾本科)
biol.common dodder百里香菟丝子 (Cuscuta epithymum Murr.,菟丝子科)
biol.common douglas fir花旗松 (Pseudotsuga taxifolia Brit.; Pseudotsuga douglasii Carr.; Pseudotsuga mucronata Sudw.,松科)
multimed.common dreams newscenter共同梦想新闻网
biol.common dune wildrye野麦 (Elymus mollis Trin,禾本科)
biol.common dwarf lupine矮羽扇豆 (Lupinus nanus Dauglas.,豆科)
biol.common earwig欧洲球螋普通蠼螋,Forficula auriculaia L.,球螋科
biol.common edelweiss高山火绒草 (Leontopodium alpinum L.,菊科)
biol.common eelgrass大叶藻 (Zostera marina L.,大叶藻科)
biol.common eider绒鸭 (Somateria molissima)
radio.amat.common-emitter amplifier共发射极放大器
gen.common European duck雌麻鸭 Tadorna tadorna
gen.common European duck翘鼻麻鸭 Tadorna tadorna
biol.common evergreen cypress地中海柏树 (Cupressus sempervirens L.,柏科)
biol.common extinguisher moss旋脉大帽藓 (Encalypta streptocarpa Hedw.,大帽藓科)
biol.common fennel茴香小茴香,Foeniculum vulgare Mill.,伞形花科
biol.common fenugreek胡芦巴 (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.,豆科)
biol.common fern moss柔弱羽藓 (Thuidium delicatulum (Heda.) Mitt.,羽藓科)
gen.common field mouse棉鼠 Microtus agrestis
biol.common fishtail-palm鱼尾葵 (Caryota ochlandra Hance.)
biol.common fishtail-palm鱼尾葵属 (Caryota L.,棕榈科)
biol.common flax亚麻 (Linum usitatissimum L.,亚麻科)
biol.common fleabane蚤草 (Pulicaria dysenterica Gaertn.,菊科)
biol.common fleas蚤科 (Pulicidae)
biol.common flowering-quince贴梗海棠 (Chaenomeles lagenaria (Loisel.) Koidz.,蔷薇科)
biol.common forget-me-not野勿忘草 (Myosotis arvensis Hill.,紫草科)
biol.common forget-me-not沼泽勿忘草 (Myosotis palustris With.,紫草科)
biol.common four-o'lock紫茉莉 (Mirabilis jalapa L.,紫茉莉科)
biol.common foxglove毛地黄 (Digitalis purpurea L.,玄参科)
gen.common frequency broadcasting同频率广播
biol.common frog hopper牧场沫蝉 (Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus),沫蝉科)
biol.common froghopper草原沫蝉草原吹沫虫,Philaenus spumarius Linnaeus,沫蝉科
biol.common fuchsia倒挂金钟 (Fuchsia hybrida Voss.,柳叶菜科)
biol.common furniture beetle具斑窃蠹家具窃蠹,Anobium punctatum (De Geer,窃蠹科) common garden canna 大花美人蕉 (Canna generalis Bailey,美人蕉科) common garden fuchsia 吊钟海棠 sia hybride Voss.,柳叶菜
biol.common furniture beetle具斑窃蠹家具窃蠹,Anobium punctatum De Geer,窃蠹科
biol.common garden parsley欧芹 (Petroselinum crispum var. latifolium,伞形花科)
biol.common garden peony芍药 (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.; Paeonia albiflora Pall.)
biol.common garden peony赤芍 (Paeonia veithii Lynch,毛莨科)
biol.common garden peony芍药属 (Paeonia L.,毛茛科)
biol.common garden petunia碧冬茄矮牵牛,Petunia hybrida Vilm.,茄科
biol.common garden ranunculus波斯毛茛 (Ranunculus ariaticus L.,毛茛科)
biol.common garden verbena美女樱 (Verbena hybrida Voss,马鞭草科)
biol.common gardenia梔子栀子花,Gardenia jasminoides Ellis
biol.common gardenia梔子属 (Gardenia Ellis,茜草科)
biol.common garlic大蒜 (Allium sativum L.,百合科)
gen.common gateway通用网关
gen.common gateway interface-binaries公共网关接口目录
biol.common giantfennel大阿魏 (Ferula communis L.,伞形科)
biol.common ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.,姜科)
biol.common gingerlily姜花 (Hedychium coronarium Koenig,姜科)
biol.common globeamaranth千日红 (Gomphrena globosa L.,苋科)
biol.common globedaisy球花 (Globularia vulgaris L.,球花科)
biol.common goat biting louse羊虱山羊羽虱,Bovicola caprae(Gurlt); Trichodectes,兽羽虱科
biol.common goat biting-louse山羊羽虱 (Bovicola caprae (Gurlt.),兽羽虱科)
biol.common goldenrod一枝黄花 (Solidago virgaurea L.)
biol.common goldenrod一枝黄花属 (Solidago L.,菊科)
biol.common goutweed竹节菜 (Aegopodium podograria L.,伞形科)
biol.common goutweed竹节菜羊角芹,Aego podium podograria L.,伞形花科
gen.common grackle黑羽椋鸟
biol.common gram鹰嘴豆 (Cicer arietium L.)
biol.common gram鹰嘴豆属 (Cicer L.,豆科)
biol.common grapehyacinth麝香兰葡萄风信子,Muscari botryoides Mill.,百合科
biol.common green aphis玉米 (Aphis maidis Fitch,蚜科)
biol.common green capsid苹盲蝽 (Plesiocoris rugicollis Fallén,盲蝽科)
biol.common green capsid苹绿盲蝽 (Xygus pabulinus Linnaeus)
biol.common green lacewing普通草蛉 (Chrysopa carnea Stephens,草蛉科)
biol.common green mould of citrus柑橘绿霉病 (Penicillium digitatum Sacc.)
biol.common green stink bug稻绿蝽 (Nezara virituda L.,蝽科)
biol.common greenbrieor圆叶菝葜 (Smilax rotundifolia L.,菝葜科)
biol.common greenbrier圆叶菝葜 (Smilax rotundifolia L.,菝葜科)
biol.common greytwig香芙 (Schoepfia chinensis Gardn. et Champ.)
biol.common greytwig青皮木 (Schoepfia fasminodora Sieb. et Zuce.)
biol.common greytwig香芙木属青皮木属,Schoepfia Schreb.,铁青树科
biol.common gromwell药用紫草 (Lithospermum officinale L.,紫草科)
gen.common ground共同部分〔内容〕
biol.common groundsel欧洲狗舌草 (Senecio vulgaris L.,菊科)
biol.common groundsel'ommonragwort欧洲狗舌草 (Senecio vulgaris L.,菊科)
biol.common guava番石榴 (Psidium guajava L.)
biol.common guava番石榴鸡屎果,Psidium guayava L.,桃金娘科
biol.common hackberry美洲朴树 (Celtis occidentalis L.,榆科)
biol.common hairy caterpillar人纹灯蛾 (Spilarctia obliqua Walker,灯蛾科)
biol.common hairy rockcress密果野南芥 (Arabis hirsuta var. pycnocarpa,十字花科)
gen.common hamster原仓鼠 Cricetus cricetus
gen.common hare野兔 Lepus europaeus
biol.common hazel-nut欧洲榛 (Corylus avellana L.,榛科)
biol.common hemp大麻 (Cannabis sativa L.)
biol.common hemp-nettle黄鼠狼花 (Galeopsis tetrahit L.,唇形科)
biol.common henbane天仙子 (Hyoscyamus niger L.,茄科)
biol.common Heron's bill牻牛儿苗 (Erodium stephanianum Willd.)
biol.common Heron's bill牻牛儿苗属 (Erodium L'Her.,牻牛儿苗科)
biol.common hogfennel药用前胡 (Peucedanum officinale L.,伞形科)
biol.common honeylocust美洲皂荚 (Gleditschia triacanthos L.,豆科)
biol.common hoptree榆橘 (Ptelea trifoliata L.,芸香科)
biol.common horse bot fly大马胃蝇 (Gasterophilus intestinalis (De Geer),胃蝇科)
biol.common horse botfly大马胃蝇肠胃蝇,Gasterophilus intestinalis DeG.,胃蝇科
biol.common horse-chestnut欧洲七叶树 (Aescuius hippocastanum L.,七叶树科)
biol.common horsetail问荆 (Equisetum arvense L.,木贼科)
biol.common horsetail木贼属 (Eqisetum L.,木贼科,Eqisetum hiemate L.)
biol.common houndstongue药用琉璃草 (Cynoglossum officinale L.,紫草科)
biol.common house fly舍蝇东方家蝇,Musca domestica vicina Macq.,蝇科
biol.common house fly舍蝇东方家蝇,Musca domestica vicina Macquart,蝇科
biol.common household thysanuran家衣鱼 (Thermobia domestica (Packard),衣鱼科)
biol.common housetail木贼 (Equisetum hiemale L.)
biol.common housetail木贼属 (Equisetum L.,木贼科)
multimed.common image formalCIF 图像格式
multimed.common indexing protocol公共索引协议
biol.common Indian muiberry羊角藤 (Morinda umbellata L.,茜草科)
biol.common Indian rice野稻茭 (Zizania palustris L.,禾本科)
multimed.common Internet file system公共因特网文件系统
biol.common ipil印茄 (bijuga M. Ktze.,豆科)
biol.common ivorypalm象牙椰子 (Phytelephas macrocarpa L.,棕榈科)
biol.common ivy常春藤洋常春藤,Hedera helix L.,五加科
biol.common jackbean洋刀豆 (Canavalia ensiformis DC.,豆科)
biol.common jackinthepulpit深红天南星 (Arisaema atrorubens Mart.,天南星科)
biol.common juniper璎珞柏欧洲刺柏,Juniperus communis L.,柏科
comp.common key公共键
biol.common knot-grass萹蓄 (Polygonum aviculare L.,蓼科)
gen.common knowledge人所共知的事
gen.common knowledge大家知道的常识
biol.common lamb's quarters (Chenopodium album L.,藜科)
biol.common lamb's-quarters (Chenopodium album L.)
biol.common lamb's-quarters藜属 (Chenopodium L.,藜科)
multimed.common language runtime公共语言运行环境
biol.common larch欧洲落叶松 (Larix decidua Mill.,松科)
biol.common leaf spot of alfalfa苜蓿黄斑病 (Pyrenopeziza medicagins (Lib.) Fckl.)
biol.common leaf weevil梨切叶象甲食叶象,梨叶象,Phyllobius pyri L.,象甲科
biol.common lespedeza鸡眼草长萼鸡眼草,朝鲜胡枝子,Kummerowia striata Schindl.; Lespedeza striata Hook et Arn.,禾本科
biol.common lespedeza鸡眼 (Lepedezas striata Hook. et Arn.,豆科)
biol.common licorice洋甘草 (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.,豆科)
biol.common lignumvitae疮愈木 (Guaiacum officinale L.,蒺藜科)
biol.common lilac西洋丁香欧丁香,Syringa vulgaris L.,木犀科
gen.common logarithm常用〔普通,十进〕对数
biol.common loosestrife黄莲花 (Lysimachia vulgaris L.,报春科)
biol.common ludwigiantha拟丁香蓼 (Ludwigiantha arcuata L.,柳叶菜科)
biol.common lupine羽扇豆 (Lupinus hirsutus L.)
biol.common lupine羽扇豆属 (Lupinus L.,豆科)
biol.common macrocarpium山茱萸 (Macrocarpium fficinalis Nakai; cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc.)
biol.common macrocarpium山茱萸属 (Macrocarpium (Spach) Nakai,山茱萸科)
biol.common maiden hair铁线蕨草过坛龙,Adianium pedatum L.,铁线蕨科
biol.common malaria mosquito四斑按蚊 (Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say)
multimed.common management information service element公共管理信息服务单元
biol.common mango杧果 (Mangifera indica L.,漆树科)
biol.common maple栓皮槭 (Acer campestre L.,槭科)
biol.common marjoram牛至 (Origanum vulgare L.,唇形科)
bridge.common market championship共同市场国家桥牌锦标赛
biol.common marshmarigold驴蹄草 (Caltha palustris L.,毛茛科)
gen.common measure
gen.common medical equipment常用医疗器械
biol.common mesquite牧豆树 (Prosopis chinensis L.,豆科)
biol.common mistletoe懈寄生 (Viscum album L.,桑寄生科)
gen.common-mode同模〔态,相〕 (的)
comp.common mode current共模电流
biol.common monkey-flower多斑沟酸浆 (Mimulus guttatus DC.,玄参科)
biol.common monk's cowl舟形乌头 (Aconitum napellus L.,毛茛科)
biol.common monkshood舟形乌头 (Aconitum napellus L.,毛茛科)
biol.common moonflower月光花 (Calonyction aculeatum House,旋花科)
biol.common morel羊肚菌 (Morchella esculenta L.,马鞍菌科)
biol.common mosaic of cucumber黄瓜花叶病 (Cucumis virus 1)
biol.common mosaic of pea豌豆花叶病 (Pisum virus 1)
biol.common mosaic of tobacco烟草花叶病 (Nicotiana virus 1)
gen.common mouse小鼠 Mus musculus
gen.common mouse小家鼠 Mus musculus
biol.common mullein毒鱼草 (Verbascum thapsus L.,玄参科)
biol.common mullein熊耳毛蕊花 (Verbascum thapsus L.,玄参科)
biol.common myoporum苦槛蓝 (Myoporum bontioides A. Gray,苦槛蓝科)
biol.common myrrhtree没药密儿拉,Commiphora myrrha Engl.,橄榄科
biol.common nasturtium金莲花旱金莲,Tropaeolum majus L.,金莲花科
biol.common nasturtium旱金莲金莲花,Tropaeolum ma jus L.,金莲花科
biol.common nasturtium旱金莲
biol.common nepenthes猪笼草 (Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Drucc.,猪笼草科)
biol.common nightblooming cereus量天尺 (Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) Britt. et Rose,仙人掌科)
biol.common ninebark美洲风箱果 (Physocarpus opulifolius Maxim.; Spiraea opulifolia L.,蔷薇科)
biol.common nipple wort欧洲稻茬菜 (Lapsana communis L.,菊科)
multimed.common object file format通用对象文件格式
multimed.common object model公共对象模型
gen.common or garden平常的
gen.common or garden老一套的
gen.common or garden普通的
gen.common or garden平凡的
biol.common or plumed thistle小蓟 (Cirsium japonicum DC.,菊科)
biol.common orache平俯滨藜 (Atruplex patula L.,藜科)
biol.common orange柑橘,Citrus sinensis (L.) Os beck.,芸香科
biol.common orange daylily萱草 (Hemerocallis fulva L.,百合科)
biol.common orange daylily萱草= 金针菜,黄花菜,Hemerocallis fulva L.,百合科
biol.common origanum牛至 (Origanum vulgare L.,唇形科)
biol.common osier青刚柳筐柳,Salix viminalis L.,杨柳科
biol.common otter水獭 (Lutralutra chinensis)
biol.common peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.,蔷薇科)
biol.common pear洋梨 (Pyrus communis L.,蔷薇科)
biol.common pearlbush白鹃梅 (Exochorda racemosa Rehd.,蔷薇科)
biol.common penstemon钓钟柳 (Penstemon campanulatus Willd.,玄参科)
biol.common peony芍药药用牡丹,Paeonia officinalis L.,毛茛科
gen.common people百姓
gen.common people普通人
gen.common people世人
gen.common people老百姓
biol.common perilla白苏 (Perilla frutescens Britt.,唇形科)
biol.common pimpernel海绿 (Anagallis arvensis L.,报春科)
biol.common pipsissewa伞形梅笠草 (Chimaphila umbellata Nutt.,鹿蹄草科)
biol.common pistache阿月浑子 (Pistacia vera L.,漆树科)
biol.common plant louse豇豆蚜 (Aphis craccivora Koch,蚜科)
biol.common " plant louse"豆蚜槐蚜,Aphis laburni Kaltenbach; Aphis rumicis Maki.,蚜科
biol.common plant louse豆蚜槐蚜,Aphis laburni Kaltenbach; Aphis rumicis Maki,蚜科
biol.common plant louse豆蚜槐蚜,Aphis laburni Kaltenbach,蚜科
biol.common plum洋李 (Prunus domestica L.,蔷薇科)
biol.common plum洋李欧洲李,西洋李,Prunus domestica L.,蔷薇科
biol.common plumbago欧洲蓝茉莉 (Plumbago europaea L.,白花丹科)
biol.common poinsettia一品红 (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.; Poinsettia pulcherrima Graham,大戟科)
biol.common poinsettia一品红猩猩木,Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.; Poinsettia pulcherrima Graham,大戟科
biol.common poisonivy气根毒藤 。 (Rhus radicans,漆树科)
biol.common pomegranate石榴 (Punica granatum L.,安石榴科)
biol.common poolmat角果藻 (Zannichellia palustris L.,角果藻科)
biol.common prickly-ash美洲花椒 (Zanthoxylum americanum Mill.,芸香科)
biol.common pricklypear仙人掌 (Opuntia vulgaris Mill.,仙人掌科)
biol.common prickly-thrift刺花丹彩花,Acantholimon alatavicum Bunge,蓝雪科
biol.common privet女贞 (Ligustrum vulgare L.,木犀科)
biol.common privet欧女贞 (Ligustrum vulgare L.,木犀科)
multimed.common programming interface for communications公共编程通信接口
gen.common programming language公用程序设计语言
biol.common quince榅悖 (Cydonia oblonga Mill.,蔷薇科)
biol.common ragweed美洲豚草 (Ambrosia artemisiaefolia L.,菊科)
biol.Common ragwort草甸千里光 (Senecio jacobaea L.,菊科)
biol.common rambai木奶果黄果树,竺背果,Saccaurea motleyana Muell Arg.
biol.common rat褐鼠 (Rattus novegicus; Epimys novegicus)
gen.common red-backed mouse仓鼠 Clethrionomys glareolus
biol.common rosemallow草芙蓉 (Hibiscus palustris L.,锦葵科)
biol.common royal waterplatter普通王莲 (Victoria regia var. randi Sturt.,睡莲科)
gen.common run一般的 (of)
gen.common run普通的 (of)
biol.common sage荔枝草 (Salvia plebeia R. Br.,唇形科)
biol.common sainfoin驴喜豆 (Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop.,豆科)
biol.common sallow黄花柳山毛柳,Salix caprea L.,杨柳科
biol.common saltwort钾猪毛菜 (Salsola kali L.,菊科)
biol.common sassafras檫木檫树,Sassafras tsumu (Hemsl.) Hemsl.,樟科
biol.common scab of potato马铃薯疮痂病 (Streptomyces sca(Thaxter) Bergey. et al.; Actinomyces scabies (Thaxter) Güssow)
biol.common screwpine扇叶露兜树 (Pandanus atilia Bory,露兜树科)
gen.common seal港海豹 Phoca vitulina
biol.common sedge欧苔 (Carex vulgare L.; carex goodenonghii Gay.)
biol.common selfheal夏枯草 (Prunella vulgaris L.,唇形科)
gen.common sense常情
gen.common sense经验常识
gen.common sense常识
bridge.common-sense system简易叫牌法
biol.common sesbania田菁 (Sesbania cannbina (Rotz) Pers.,豆科)
biol.common silvery moth银星夜蛾 (plusia gamma Linnaeus,夜蛾科)
biol.common sinningia大岩桐 (Sinningia speciosa Beath. et Hoot.)
biol.common smart-weed (Polygonum hydropiper L.,蓼科)
biol.common sneezeweed堆心菊 (Helenium autumnale L.,菊科)
biol.common sorrel酸模 (Rumex acetosa L.,蓼科)
biol.common sowthistle苦苣菜 (Sonchus oleraceus L.,菊科)
biol.common spatterdock圆叶萍蓬草 (Nuphar advena Ait. f.,睡莲科)
biol.common speedwell药用婆婆纳 (Veronica officinalis L.,玄参科)
biol.common spider-flower白花菜 (Clemoe gynandra L.,白花菜科)
biol.common spiderwort紫露草紫鸭跖草,Tradescantia virginiana L.,鸭跖草科
biol.common spring vetch巢菜苕子,野豌豆,Vicia satiua L.,豆科
biol.common squill绵枣儿 (Scilla scilloides (Lindl.) Druce,百合科)
biol.common staghorn-fen蝙蝠蕨鹿角蕨,Platycerium bifurcatum C.Chr.,水龙骨科
biol.common stalk borer普通蛀茎夜蛾 (Papaipema nebris (Guenee),夜蛾科)
biol.common sterculia蘋婆 (Sterculia nobilis Smith,梧桐科)
biol.common stiletto fly普通剑虻 (Thereva plebeia (Linnaeus),剑虻科)
biol.common stinging nettle大荨麻 (Urtica dioica L.,荨麻科)
biol.common stinkdragon龙木芋 (Dracunculus -vulgaris Schott.,天南星科)
comp.common storage土窖
comp.common storage土窖贮藏[法]
biol.common storksbill芹叶太阳花和蓝牻牛儿苗,Erodium cicutarium(L.) Herit.; Geranium cicutarium L.,牻牛儿苗科
biol.common succory (Cichorium intybus L.,菊科)
biol.common swallow (Hirundo rustica)
biol.common sweet clover白花草木犀白香草木犀,Melilotus alba Desr.,豆科
biol.common sweet-shrub洋腊梅 (Calycanthus floridus L.,腊梅科)
biol.common tansy艾菊 (Tanacetum vulgare L.,菊科)
comp.common target machine通用目标机
biol.common teak柚木 (Tectona grandis L. f.,马鞭草科)
biol.common thrips普通蓟马 (Frankliniella intonsa Trybom,蓟马科)
biol.common throat wort疗喉草 (Trachelium caeruleum L.,桔梗科)
biol.common thyme百里香麝香草,Thymus vulgaris L.,唇形科
biol.common thyme百里香
biol.common tiger-flower虎皮花老虎百合,Tigridia pavonia Ker.-Cawl.,鸢尾科
biol.common toad flax柳穿鱼 (Linaria vulgaris Mill.,玄参科)
biol.common tobacco烟草 (Nicotiana tabacum L.,茄科)
biol.common tobacco mosaic烟草花叶病 (TMV, Nicotiana virus 1)
biol.common tobacco plant烟草 (Nicotiana tabacum L.,茄科)
biol.common torchlily剑叶兰火把兰,火炬花,Kniphofia uvaria Hook.; Kniphofia alooides Moench.,百合科
biol.common tormentil直立委陵菜 (Potentilla erecta Neck.; Potentilla silvestris Neck.; Potentilla tormentilla Neck.,蔷薇科)
biol.common tritonia鸢尾兰 (Tritonia crocosmaeflora Lemoine,鸢尾科)
biol.common tritonia鸢尾兰观音兰,Tritonia crocosmaeflora Benth.,鸢尾科
biol.common trumpetcreeper美国凌霄花 (Campsis radicans seem.; Tecoma radicans Juss. Bignonia radicans L.,紫蔵科)
biol.common turmeric郁金 (Curcuma longa L.,姜科)
multimed.common type system公共类型系统
biol.common unicorn flower角胡麻 (Proboscidea Louisiana Woot et Stand.)
biol.common unicorn flower角胡麻属 (Proboscidea Schmid.,角胡麻科)
gen.Common Valentine's Day gifts are flowers, chocolates, candy, lingerie and champagne or sparkling wine情人节礼物通常是花、巧克力、糖果、女性内衣、香槟或者汽酒
biol.common vanilla香子兰哗呢拉,Vanilla planifolia Andr.,兰科
biol.common velvetgrass绒毛草 (Holcus lanatus L.; Nothocus lanatus Nash.,禾本科)
biol.common viper's bugloss蓝蓟 (Echium vulgare L.,紫草科)
biol.common vole田鼠 (Microtus arvalis Pall.,仓鼠科)
gen.common vole普通田鼠 Microtus arvalis
biol.common wallflower桂竹香 (Cheiranthus cheiri Linn.,十字花科)
multimed.common warehouse metamodel公共仓库元模型
biol.common wasp普通黄蜂 (Vespula vulgaris(Linnaeus),胡蜂科)
biol.common water hyacinth凤眼莲凤眼蓝、大水萍,Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms
biol.common water hyacinth凤眼蓝水葫芦,大水萍,Eichhornia crassipes Solms-Laub.
biol.common water hyacinth凤眼莲属凤眼蓝属,Eichhornia Nakai,雨父花科
biol.common water moss瑞典水藓 (Fontinalis dalecarlica,水藓科)
biol.common water starkwort沼泽马齿苋 (Callitriche palustris,水马齿苋科)
biol.common winter cress山芥 (Barbarea vulgaris R.Br.,十字花科)
biol.common winter-cressper enonymus扶芳藤 (Evonymus radicans Sieb.,卫矛科)
biol.common witchgrass毛线稷 (Panicum capillare,禾本科)
gen.common wood mice木鼠 Apodemus sylvaticus
biol.common wood mouse林鼹鼠 (Apodemus silvaticus L.)
biol.common wood mouse林鼷鼠 (Apodemus syluaticus L.)
biol.common yellow daylily黄花菜 (Hemerocallis flava L.,百合科)
biol.common yellow swallow-tail butterfly黄凤蝶 (Papilio machaon Linnaeus,凤蝶科)
biol.downy mildew of common vetch巢菜霜霉病 (Peronospora viciae de Bary)
multimed.fast common gateway interface快速通用网关接口
gen.Food poisoning is the most common clinical manifestation食物中毒是最常见的临床表现
gen.have much in common有许多共同之处
gen.have much in common有许多〔毫无〕共同之处
gen.have nothing in common有许多〔毫无〕共同之处
gen.in a common effort共同努力
gen.in common公有
gen.in common共〔公〕用
gen.in common共同
gen.in common use常用
gen.in common use通用
gen.in common with与…有共同之处
gen.in common with和…样〔相同〕
gen.In the old days, people preferred classy and high value movies, whereas today, the common person prefers a movie with violence, nudity, or other things of that nature过去,人们喜欢高品位的电影,但在今天,民众却对充斥着暴力、裸露镜头以及其他类似情节的电影情有独钟
gen.it is a matter of common observation that...众所周知…
gen.It is common in China for an applicant to have relatives in other countries or a petition to immigrate on file. These factors by themselves will not necessarily prevent approval of your application中国申请人有亲戚在国外或者正申请移民是很常见的。这类情况不会妨碍你获得批准
gen.make common cause with...和…一致
gen.make common cause with...同…协力
gen.Melanoma is the least common form of skin cancer, but the most lethal黑素瘤是皮肤癌中最为罕见的一种,也是最为致命的
gen.military common area control军事飞行区域集中共同指挥
biol.narrowleaf common tobacco窄叶烟草 (Nicotiana tabacum var. angustifolia,茄科)
gen.out of the common不平常〔凡〕
gen.out of the common road of逸出…的常规
gen.out of the common road of远离
gen.out of the common run不同凡响的
multimed.radio common carrier无线电公用载波
gen.Silhouettes are a common feature of backlit scenes背光场景中剪影效果很常见
multimed.simple common gateway interface简单通用网关接口
biol.spineless common jujube无刺枣 (Zizyphus jujuba var. inermis Rehd.,鼠李科)
gen.Store up more bottles of aspirin and other common over-the-counter drugs that we all tend to use from time to time throughout the year多备几瓶阿司匹林和其他成药,这样就够我们用一年的了。 (小贴士: Drug 和 medicine 都是药的意思,但我们说 take the medicine, 不说 take the drug。drug 一词,特别是当用作复数形式即 drugs 时,可以当“毒品”讲,而 medicine 则没有这个含义。“药店”不是 drugstore, 而应该是 pharmacy。)
gen.the common foe of the people人民的公敌
gen.the common scale of notation十进记数法
comp.the least common multiple最小公倍数
gen.The most common Valentine's Day symbols are the heart, particularly in reds and pinks, and pictures or models of Cupid情人节最常见的标志是一颗红色或粉色的爱心桃,以及印有爱神丘比特的图画或模型
gen.They are made of a common plastic resin它们由一种普通塑料合成树脂做成
gen.Though cups and plates remain the primary field of ceramic use, these common utensils can be very artistic虽然杯子与碟子仍然是陶瓷的主要用途,但这些日常用品能够做得十分艺术
gen.What is the most common reason for refusals?拒签最常见的理由是什么?
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