
Terms for subject Securities containing close | all forms | exact matches only
at the close按最后价格
at the close收盘随市定价市场收盘时以尽可能最优的价格进行交易的客户指令
at the close按收盘价
at the close order按最后订单
book close停止登记
book close停止过户
book close date结账日期
book close date停止过户日期
book-close reminder过户截止/日期备忘
book-close reminder结账日备忘录
buy on close收盘价买进
buy to close买进平仓
buy to close买人冲销
close an account撤销账户
close an account关闭账户
close at your price按贵方价格成交
close buyer买廉价货的人
close company/corporation股份不公开公司股票全部或大部分为少数人控制的一般不公开上市的公司
close door关张歇业
close down公司,工厂关闭
close fund封闭式基金同 closed-end mutual fund
close high收盘时价格上涨
close high收盘时最高价
close higher收盘时价位较高
close low收盘下跌
close low收盘时最低价
close lower收盘时价位较低
close market密集市场买卖差价小的证券市场
close market股份不流通的市场
close mixed收盘时有跌有涨
close mixed收盘时价位高低不等
close money价格接近
close money货币接近
close of business with date停业附日期
close of exchange交易所停盘
close of financial year财政年度结束
close on the terms根据已定条款成交
close out终止
close out摘牌
close out斩仓
close out对冲
close out冲销
close out清仓
close out a long position平长仓
close out a short position平短仓
close out a short position平淡仓
close out of contract合约终止
close out one's shares出售股份 (of the business)
close-out sale清盘
close-out sale抛售
close-out sale出清
close period封闭期公司完成财务报告到正式公布之间的期间
close position平仓
close prices微小价差 (卖买价之间的微小差别)
close prices价格接近
close securities investment fund封闭式投资基金
close steady收市时价格平稳
close the books停牌
close the books结清账目
close the books结转
close the ledger结算分类账
close the ledger结算总账
close the title交接不动产权
close the title终止拥有不动产产权
close to a meltdown接近崩盘的边缘
close to the money接近市场价买人或卖出期权合同中,履约价接近基础股的现行市价
close to the money接近市场价期权
close unchanged收盘时股价平稳
close up the gap弥合分歧
close up the gap弥补差额
close up the gap弥补差距
deal close交易完成
ex unadjusted close未调整的收盘价
limit on close收盘限价
limit on close order结算订单限制
limit on close order收盘订单限制
limit or market on the close order限价或市价收盘委托
limit or market on the close order限价或市价收盘订单
manipulation approaching the close of market尾市交易操纵
market at open or close开市和收市指令
market at open or close开盘或收盘市场
market close收盘
market close收市
market close date市场关闭日期
market close strong收盘强劲
market close weak收盘疲软
market on close按已收市价成交
market on close收盘市场交易
market on close收盘买卖
marking the close做尾盘收盘前交易某一股票,以影响其股票的收盘价
marking the close确定收市价
on the close market order按收盘市价指令
on the close order收市委托
on the close order收盘价报价
on the close order按收盘指令
people close to inside information接近内情的人
previous day's close前一天收盘/收市
sell at the close以收盘价卖出
sell on close收盘卖出
sell or buy on close收盘卖出或收盘买进
sell on close收盘出货
sell to close卖出冲销
sell to close出售平仓
split close收盘价差异
split close分列收盘价
stocks opened higher, dived into the close股市高开低走