
Terms for subject China containing claims | all forms | exact matches only
action of the principal claim主债权诉讼
additional claim增加诉讼请求
affect the enforcement of the claim影响债权实现
aggregate of all claim请求总额
be entitled to claim the insurance money享有保险金请求权
check the claims核查债权
civil claim民事权利请求
claim alimony追索赡养费
claim as useless报废
claim compensation from each other相互追偿
claim in personam债权
claim insurance money请求赔偿保险金
claim payments for support追索扶养费
claim preservation请求保全
claim rights主张权利
claim secured by the maximum amount of mortgage最高额抵押担保
claim the right of priority要求优先权
claim the right to enjoy maritime lien主张船舶优先权
claim to insurance compensation保险金请求权
claim with contribution in general average共同海损分摊的请求权
claims for arbitration仲裁请求
claims with salvage at sea海难救助的请求权
claims with sea towage海上拖航合同的请求权
collect on claims催收债权
complete list of claims债权清册
debt claim债的请求权
declare and register one's claims申报债权
declare claim afterwards补充申报
determine claims确认债权
enforcement of the claim债权实现
establishment of the claim确定债权
falsely claim冒领
falsely claim谎称
file a claim申报其债权
form of claims债权表
fulfillment of the maritime claim海事请求的实现
have one's claim honored实现其债权
joint-and-several claims连带债权
jointly enjoy the claims共同享有债权
limitation fund for maritime claims liability海事赔偿责任限制基金
limitation of liability for maritime claims海事赔偿责任限制
lodge a claim for offsetting the debts主张抵销
lose his or her right to claim the insurance benefits丧失受益权
maritime claim海事请求保全
maximum amount of the claims最高债权额
modify the claims变更诉讼请求
notice calling on the owner to claim the property财产认领公告
objection to claims对债权有异议
patent claim权利要求书
payment of the claims债权受偿
period of declaration of claims申报债权期间
principal claim主债权
principal claim-debt contract主债权债务合同
priority in having one's claim paid with the pledged movable就该动产优先受偿
procedure for making claims for compensation赔偿程序
proportion for repayment of the common claims清偿比例
publication of public notice for assertion of claims公示催告
relate to the maritime claim就该海事请求
reserve for future claim未到期责任准备金
right to claim compensation for loss要求赔偿损失的权利
right to claim indemnity请求赔偿的权利
right to claim state compensation要求国家赔偿的权利
right to insurance claims保险金请求权
same claim同一债权
scope of the claim请求范围
settle claims and debts清理债权债务
terminate the procedure for publicizing public notice for assertion of claims终结公示催告程序
the part exceed the amount of the claim, the balance超过债权数额的部分
unsecured claims无财产担保债权
unwarranted claims无担保债权
waiver of claim放弃诉讼请求