
Terms for subject Surgery containing chemical | all forms | exact matches only
acute chemical peritonitis急性化学性腹膜炎
antisepsis by application of chemical antimicrobial agents化学药物抗菌法
chemical burns of esophagus食管化学灼伤
chemical castration化学性阉割
chemical castration化学睾丸切除
chemical cystitis化学性膀胱炎
chemical face peel化学物质面部皮肤剥脱术
chemical immunosuppression化学免疫抑制
chemical inhalation injury化学性吸人损伤
chemical inhibition of metabolism化学代谢抑制
chemical injury化学性损
chemical injury of stomach and duodenum胃十二指肠化学性损伤
chemical pneumonia化学性肺炎
chemical splanchnicotomy化学性内脏神经切除术
intoxication after chemical burn化学烧伤全身中毒