
Terms for subject Dancing containing change, changes | all forms
backward change后退换步
ball change脚掌交换步
change of direction换向步
change of hand behind back背后换手步
change of place left to right换位步左换右
change of place R to L with double spin右换左步双旋转
change of place right to left换位步右换左
change of weight重心转移
change step换步
closed change闭位换步
closed change闭式换步
foot change脚步变换
forward change前进换步
hesitation change犹豫换步
LF closed change reverse to natural左脚并换步左转步至右转步
overturned change of place L to R左换右步过额转
RF closed change natural to reverse右脚并换步右转步至左转步
weight change重心转换