
Terms containing cargo transport | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
hydroel.st.additional expense of heavy cargo transport特大件运输增加费
shipb.bag cargo transport袋装货物运输
shipb.barrel cargo transport桶装货物运输
tech.bulk cargo transport散货运输
avia.cargo transport货物运输船
avia.cargo transport代表战斗机类
avia.cargo transport在法国飞机分类中
shipb.cargo transport货物运输
avia.cargo transport运输机
busin.cargo transport plane运输机
shipb.cargo transport-quality货运质量
shipb.cargo transport-quality, damage, short, claim and claims settlement货运质量、货损、货差和索赔理赔
tech.cargo-handling and transport system货物装卸机和运输系统
tech.cargo-transport plane运输机
shipb.contract for pallet-cargo transport托盘货物运输合同
shipb.dangerous cargo transport危险品运输
shipb.frozen cargo transport冷冻货物运输
auto.general cargo transport普通货物运输
econ.In pursuance of this agreement, we have to transport the cargo to your company by air为了履行本协议,我方必须将这批货物空运到你公司
hydroel.st.measure expense of heavy cargo transport特大件运输措施费
avia.military cargo-transport plane军用运输机
avia.outsized cargo transport特大货物运输
shipb.package cargo transport包装货物运输
textileriver transport cargo河运货物
textileroad transport cargo公路运输货物
textileroad transport cargo insurance公路运输货物保险
auto.special cargo transport特种货物运输
agric.transport by a high-speed cargo boat高速货船运输