
Terms containing cargo carrier | all forms | in specified order only
spaceaft cargo carrier后货盘托架
avia.all cargo carrier货运航空公司
auto.amphibious cargo carrier水陆两用货车
auto.armored cargo carrier载货型装甲运输车
auto.break bulk cargo carrier厢式零担运输车
interntl.trade.bulk-cargo carrier散装货 〔油〕船
interntl.trade.bulk cargo carrier散装货船
avia.cargo carrier运货机
avia.cargo carrier货机
avia.cargo carrier货运机
avia.cargo carrier货运航空公司
tech.cargo carrier货船
oilcargo carrier货轮
transp.cargo carrier运输机
tech.cargo carrier运货工具
tech.cargo carrier运输机具
busin.cargo carrier货物承运人
tech.cargo carrier货运工具
avia.cargo carrier货物托架
nautic., tech.cargo space construction of liquefied gas carrier液化气船货舱结构
shipb.cargo-mass ascertained by carrier承运人确定的货物质量
shipb.cargo-weight ascertained by carrier承运人确定的货物重量
tech.carrier's liability to cargo承运人对货物的责任
tech.combined cargo carrier两用货轮
shipb.container bulk-cargo carrier集装箱散货运输船
shipb.container bulk cargo carrier集装箱散货运输船
shipb.container bulk cargo carrier集装箱和散货运输船
tech.cross-country cargo carrier越野载重
interntl.trade.dry cargo carrier干货船
commer.general cargo carrier普通货物船舶
tech.general cargo carrier普通货轮
commer.general dry cargo carrier干杂货船
tech.heavy cargo carrier重件运输船
shipb.heavy cargo carrier重货物运输船
tech.heavy cargo carrier重货船
shipb.heavy cargo carrier重货运输船
spaceintegrated cargo carrier组合货架
tech.light cargo carrier轻型运货车
nautic., tech.liquid bulk cargo carrier液体散货船
tech.multipurpose cargo carrier通用货轮
interntl.trade.ocean-going bulk cargo carrier远洋散装货轮
shipb.oil and bulk-cargo carrier石油和散装货运输船
shipb.passenger-cargo carrier客货船
tech.reefer cargo carrier冷藏船
nautic., tech.refer cargo carrier冷藏货物运输船
nautic., tech.solid bulk cargo carrier固体散货船
econ.The cargo will be shipped in bulk on board a bulk carrier此货散装,用散装货轮发运
econ.The expenditure thus incurred will be payable by the shipowner, carrier, and cargo owner in proportion to their respective value由此而产生的费用将由船主、承运人和货主三方按价比例分摊
busin.ultra large cargo carrier超巨型货轮
oil, transp.ultra-large cargo carrier超大型货船指40万吨级以上的散装货船或油轮
gen.underwater liquid cargo carrier液体货物水下运输工具