
Terms for subject Finances containing capital flow | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
closely monitor and control cross-border capital flows密切监控跨境资本流动
control borrowing and capital flow back into China管控借贷和资金向中国的回流
cross-border capital flows跨境资本流动
curb capital flows遏制资本流动
dangers of volatility of capital flows资本流动剧烈波动的危险
ease capital flows of the renminbi为人民币资本流动提供便利
ease renminbi capital flows为人民币资本流动提供便利
encourage private capital flows鼓励私人资本流动
exacerbate the contraction of capital flows加深资本流动性紧缩
huge capital flows大规模资本流人
instability of international capital flows国际资本流动的不稳定
international capital flows国际资本流动
long capital flow长期资本流动
long-term capital flow长期资本流动
manage capital flow volatility应对资本流动的波动
management of capital flows管理资本流动
open capital flows自由资金流
short capital flow短期资本流动
short-term capital flow短期资本流动
short-term capital flow management短期资本流动管理
statement of working capital flow营运资本流转表
statement of working capital flow运用资本流量表
strengthen the monitoring and early warning of capital flows加强资本流动监测预警
uphill capital flows资金逆流
volatile capital flows资本流动波动