
Terms for subject Securities containing capital | all forms | exact matches only
access to capital market参与资本市场
access to capital market资本市场准人
access to capital market进人资本市场
accumulator of capital资本积累者
acquisition capital收购资本
ad valorem capital duty资本从价印花税
additional liquid capital额外流动资金/资本
additional liquid capital追加流动资金
additional liquid capital buffer额外流动资金缓冲
additional liquid capital buffer额外流动资金备用
additional liquid capital buffer追加流动资金缓冲
additional paid-in capital特别缴纳资本项目
additional paid-in capital额外投人资本
additional paid-in capital追加股本
additional paid-in capital from pooling of interest联营追加股权、利息
adjusted regulatory capital经调整的法定资本
advance capital垫资
aid-in capital缴人资本
all capital earning rate总资产收益率
alteration of capital资本变更
alteration of share capital股本的变更
amount of capital contribution出资金额
amount of capital invested by the owner股东投资金额
amount of share capital股本金额
amount of subjunctive capital证券资本量如股票、企业债券和国家公债等
annual capital charge年度资本支出
assessment of capital资本核定
assets and capital verification清产核资
audit of loan for capital stock股本借款审计
authorized capital stock account核定股本账
authorized capital system授权资本制
authorized share capital核定股本
authorized stock capital核定股本
average cost of capital资本平均成本
average occupied amount of current capital平均占用的经常性资金额
balance of capital account资本账目余额
balance of payments on capital account资本账户收支余额
bilateral commitments of capital双方投资
bilateral commitments of capital双边投资
break the national capital down into stocks国有资本折成股份
bridge capital短期贷款
bridge capital桥式资本
centralization or decentralization of capital资本集中或分散
China Capital Markets中国资金市场
China Capital Markets中国资本市场
China International Capital Corporation中国国际金融公司简称"中金公司"
China International Capital Corporation中国国际金融有限公司简称"中金公司"
collectively-owned capital集体所有的资金/资产
committed capital injection承诺投人资金
common capital stock普通资本股
complete capital market完全竞争资本市场
complex capital structure复合资本结构除普通股及债券外,还包括认股权证、可转换公司债、可转换特别股等形成的公司资本结构
contingent capital或有资本
contributed capital from retirement of capital stock股份注销缴人资本
contributed capital in excess of par value超面值缴人资本
conversion into capital stock债券转换为股票
conversion into capital stock债转股
convert the capital into products资本转化为产品
corporation with foreign capital外资企业
creating capital out of capital从资本中创造出的资本
cross hauling of capital资本交流
cross-border capital raising跨境融资
cumulative capital stock累积股份
current and capital accounts经常性和资本性账户
dead capital/money死资本
dead capital/money呆滞资本
debt capital market债务资本市场
debt capital market service债券资本市场服务部
debt capital provision债务资本条款
declining-marginal-efficiency-of-capital theory资本边际效益递减理论
dedicated capital贡献资本股票发行的总面值
dedicated capital投人的资本
deepening of capital集约资本
deferred capital cost延期资本成本
diluted share capital股本稀释
diluted share capital摊薄股本
disbursement of foreign capital实际利用外资
disposal capital可支配的资本
distinction between capital gains and ordinary income股本收益和普通收人之间的区别
draw dividends in proportion to their capital contribution按出资比率分红
driven-by venture capital由风险投资驱动的
earned capital已获得的资本
earned capital已赚得的资本
earning of capital资本收人
earning retained as capital资本性留存盈利
earning retained as capital留作资本的收益
efficient capital market高效资本市场
efficient capital market有效资本市场
efficient place for capital allocation资本配置的有效场所
Egypt Capital Market Authority埃及资本市场管理局
employed capital已使用的资本
employed capital已投人的资本
employment of capital资本的运用
encroachment upon capitals of listed companies by major shareholders大股东侵占上市公司资本
enlarged share capital扩股
enlarged share capital扩大的股本
enlarged voting share capital增加有表决权的股本
Euro-capital market欧洲资本市场
Europe, Australia, and Far East Index from Morgan Stanley Capital International摩根士丹利国际资本指数
Europe, Australia, and Far East Index from Morgan Stanley Capital International依菲指数
excess capital过剩资本
excess of capital超额资金
expanding capital增资扩股
expansion capital资本扩张
export capital资本输出
external capital借人资本
external venture capital外部投资资本
fictitious capital不实资本
fictitious capital虚假资产
finance capital财政资本
flow of capital资金流
forms of capital资本形式
forms of capital contribution出资方式
forms of capital contribution出资形式
free capital游离资本
fully diluted share capital完全稀释后股本
fully diluted share capital全面摊薄后股本
fully paid capital全部缴清股本
fully paid capital已缴足股本
fully paid capital share已缴足股本
fully paid capital stock已付清的股本
fully paid capital stock全部缴清的股本
general capital formula总股本公式
general capital formula资本的总公式
general capital increase普通增资
general capital increase一般性增资
get less than the capital invested赚少亏多
Greece Capital Market Commission希腊资本市场管理委员会
gross capital总资本
gross capital formation资本总额构成
gross domestic fixed capital formation国内固定资本形成的总值
gross domestic price capital formation国内价格资本形成总额
gross working capital总流动资本
guarantee capital担保资本
guaranteed capital担保资本
hard capital rationing强制资本定量分配
having a large capital资力雄厚 (be financially powerful)
high geared capital高借贷比资本
high geared capital高负债率资本
highly leveraged capital structure高杠杆资本结构
impaired capital已损失的资本
impaired capital资本不足
incidental capital loss资本非常损失
institutional capital机构资本
insurance capital保险资本
insurance capital保险资金
intellectual capital智力资本
intellectual capital market智力资本市场
intensive capital密集资本
interest bearing capital生息资本
interest bearing capital借贷资本
interest in issued share capital发行股本的权益
interest on equity capital股本利息
interest on equity capital股东资本的利息
inverted capital逆向成本
inverted capital反向资本
invested capital已投资本
investment in capital account资本账户上的投人
investment in capital goods基本设备投资
investment in capital of affiliated concerns投人到附属公司的资本
investment of foreign capital国外资本投资
investment of foreign capital外资投人
invisibility of capital occupation method占用资金的手法隐蔽化大股东占用上市公司资金的手法
issuance of capital stock for noncash assets为实物投资而发行的股票
issue shares to raise capital发行股票融资
issued capital实发股本
issued capital stock已认购股份
issued capital stock已认购的股份资本金额
issued capital stock实发股本
joint stock capital股份资本
junior capital pool初级资金池
knowledge capital知识资本
listed companies' non-operational capital occupied by major shareholders大股东占用的上市公司的非经营性资本
loan capital-debenture信贷资本债券
loan capital-debenture借人资本一公司债券
locked-in capital固定成本
locked-in capital锁定持有
locked-in capital冻结资本
lose one's capital资本亏损
loss on redemption of capital偿还资金损失
loss on redemption of capital偿还股本损失
make quick returns on capital资金快速回收
market access channel for capital资本进人市场的途径
massive capital movements巨额资本流动
maximum capital gains mutual fund资本收益最大化共同基金
measurement of capital formation资本组成的计量
medium capital中等市值
mezzanine capital中间资金
mezzanine capital次级资本
minimum capital requirement最低资本额规定
minimum paid-up share capital requirement for sponsors保荐人缴足最低股本规定
mobile international capital活跃的国际资本
mobile private capital私人游资
monetary working capital货币流动资本
monitor of capital risk资本风险监控
multi-layer capital market多层次资本市场
multiple capital structure company多元资本结构公司
National Science and Technology Venture Capital Development Center国家科技风险资本开发中心
natural capital天然资本
natural capital自然资本指土地等资源
natural capital天生资本
negative working capital负营运资本
net balance of capital movement流动资金净余额
net capital inflow/outflow资本净流人/流出
net capital requirement最低资本金要求
net capital requirement净资金规定
net capital requirements for brokers or dealers对经纪商净资本的规定
net capital rule净资本金规定
net profits on net working capital净经营资本的纯利润率
net realized capital gains per share每股实现的资本纯收益
net working capital净营运资本
net working capital流动资产净值
new round of capital influx新一轮资金注人
no par value capital stock无面值股本
nominal capital票面资本
occupied capital占用的资金
occupying a prominent place in China capital market在中国资本市场中占有显著地位
online capital subscription线上股本认购
online capital subscription网上股本认购
operating capital运作资本
operationalized non-operational capital非营业资金营业化大股东占用上市公司资金的手段
opportunity cost of capital资金的机会成本
optimal capital structure最优资本结构
optimize capital structure优化资本结构
optimum rate of capital formation资本积累的最佳速度
organization capital组织资本
original capital原有资本
other capital其他资金
other contributed capital其他缴纳的资本
output-capital ratio产出与资本的比率
outside capital借人资本
outside venture capital外部投人资本
outside venture capital外部风险资本
outstanding capital stock已发行股票、流通股票
outstanding issued share capital已发行的股本总额
outstanding issued share capital在外流通的股本总额
outstanding share capital现有股资金
outstanding share capital流通股资金
overseas capital海外资本
own capital股权资本
own capital自有资金
owned to borrowed capital ratio自有资本对借人资本比率
paid-in capital实际投人资本
paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock优先股转换而来的实收资本
paid-in capital from retirement of stock股票收回所得资本
paid-in capital from treasury stock transaction交易库存股票所得实收资本
paid-in capital in excess of par or stated value超出面值或申报价值的实缴资本
paid-in capital in excess of stated value超设定值实付资本
paid-up capital实缴股本
paid-up capital缴足股本
paid-up capital contribution实缴出资额
paid-up share capital实缴股本总额
partly-paid share capital部分付款股本
pecking order view of capital structure公司资本结构的次序等级理论该理论认为,企业在拥有自有资金情况下,通常先使用自有资金,而后才会使用低风险的债务融资,最后才选择发行股票融资
permanent capital长期资本
permanent current capital永久性周转资金
permanent working capital不变的周转资金
permanent working capital不变流动资本
permissible capital payment核准的资本付款额
pie model of capital structure资本结构分割模式
plethora of capital资本过多
portfolio capital资本组合
potential capital funds资金潜力
potential capital gain可能获得的资本增值
potential capital gain潜在的资金收益
preferred capital优先资本
premium on capital stock股票升值
premium on capital stock超面值实收股本
prescribed capital adequacy requirements资本充足程度规定
preserve capital保留资本
preserve capital保存本金
preserve capital保留本金
prevent capital embezzlement防止侵吞资金
prevent major shareholders' capital occupation防止大股东占用资金
previous capital以前投人的资本
previous capital增资前注册资本
primary capital原始资本
primary capital最初资本
primary capital一级资本
private capital market私人资本市场
private short term capital movement私人短期资本活动
pro forma capital structure analysis预计资本结构分析
pro forma capital structure analysis有重点的资本结构分析
profit on capital资本利润
profit ratio of paid up capital实缴资本利润率
profitable capital获利资本
project capital system项目资本金制度
quantitative capital management定量资本管理
quantitative constraints generated by regulatory capital由调控资本所产生的量化约束
quantity of capital资本数量
quasi-capital goods准资本物品
quasi rent on capital equipment资本设备的准地租
quick capital生利资本
raise capital by floating shares招股集资
raise capital funds筹措资本
raise capital funds集资
raise capital funds筹集资本
raise fresh capital筹集新资金
rate of recovery of capital construction基本建设投资回收率
rate of return on invested capital投人资本回报率
rate of return on invested capital投人资本收益率
rating-based capital norms资本限额
ratio of capital turnover资本流通比率
ratio of fixed assets to capital liability固定资产对资本负债比率
ratio of investor's stock against his total volume of capital仓位比率投资人持有的股票资金占据其资金总量的比率
ratio of owned capital to borrowed capital自有资本与借人资本的比率
realized capital已实现的资本
realized capital gain/loss实际资本收益/亏损
reconstruction of capital资本重组
recourse to the capital market依赖资本市场
recourse to the foreign capital依赖外国资金
recovery of capital资本回收
redemption capital and interest of bonds债券的还本付息
reform and innovation of the capital market资本市场的改革与创新
refugee capital逃避资本充斥世界各地,无特定用途的流动资金
registered capital已注册资本金
regulation of capital资本监管
regulatory capital规定资本
regulatory capital管理性资本
released capital游离资本
reorganization of capital资本重组
reorganization of share capital股本重组
required capital level要求拥有的资金水平
required capital level规定的资金拥有量
required liquid capital规定的流动资金金额
reserve borrowing capital保留借人资金
reserve share capital储备股本
reserve share capital后备股本
reserve share capital预留股本
residual value in capital investment投资剩余价值
retail capital零售资金
retail capital散户资金
returned capital回流资本
revaluation of capital资本重估
reverse capital deepening反向资本深化
reverse of capital flow资本倒流
revitalize the capital盘活资金
risk adjusted return of capital风险调整后的资本回报
risk adjusted return of capital风险调整后资本收益率
risk based capital创业基金
risk based capital风险资金
risk based capital风险资本
risk based capital ratio资本风险比率
risk based capital requirement风险资本规定
risk capital创业基金
risk capital风险资金
risk capital pool风险资金池
risk capital pool风险资本集合
risk disrupting the capital markets扰乱资本市场的风险
risk of loss of capital资本损失风险
risk-based capital factor风险资本因素
risk-bearing capital承担风险的资本
risk/venture capital风险资本
rolling capital滚动资本
second-tier capital二类资金
security capital有抵押的证券
seed capital创业资本
self-owned capital ratio自有资本比率
shareholder capital股东资本
shareholder capital股东资金
short-term capital gain&loss短期资本损益
short-term capital movement短期资本变化
sidestep capital requirements绕过资本监管规定
single capital structure company单一资本结构的公司
siphoning capital吸收资本
size of capital资本规模
social allocation of capital资本社会化分配
social capital社会间接资本
social capital reproduction社会资本再生产
social opportunity cost of capital资本的社会机会成本
social overhead capital社会一般资金
socializing capital使资本社会化
soft capital rationing软资金配给
spare capital闲置资金
special limitations on the tax credit for capital gains and losses资本损益税收抵免特别限额
split capital investment分割式资本投资
split capital trust分割式资本信托
split capital trust分股信托
start-up capital起步资金
start-up capital创业资本
stated capital拟定资本
statutory capital verification institution合法验资机构
statutory capital verification institution法定验资机构
statutory minimum amount of capital法定资本最低限额
strong pipeline of companies in search of capital公司强大融资管理
subscriber capital认股者资金
subscriber capital认购者资金
subscription capital实缴认购款
subscription capital认购资金
subscription to capital stock交付购股款
subscription to capital stock缴纳股款
subscription to common capital in advance预先认缴普通股股款
subscription to common capital in advance预先认缴股款
subscription to preferred capital stock in advance预先缴纳优先股股款
subscription with insufficient capital欠款认购
sunk capital沉淀资本
sunk capital沉积资本
system of pooling of capital expenditure资本支出集合制度
take advantage of the huge capital market in China利用中国庞大资本市场
taxation of capital资本赋税
technology appraised as capital stock技术人股
the world's preeminent financial capital全球首要金融之都
tie up capital冻结资金
tie up capital呆滞资金
tie up of capital冻结资本
tie up of capital留住资本
transfer of capital资金转移
transfer of capital资金过户
turn of capital资金周转次数
turn the national capital into fund国有资本基金化
turnover capital周转资本
turnover of all capital总资本周转
turnover of capital资本周转额
turnover of variable capital可变资本周转
turnover of working capital经营资本周转额
turnover of working capital营运资本周转额
turnover velocity of capital资本周转速度
tying up capital锁定资本
tying up capital把资本固定下来
UBS Capital瑞银投资瑞士联合银行
uncalled capital未交纳资本
uncalled capital待收资本
uncollected balance of subscriptions for capital stock已认股本未收股款数
undesired capital inflow不受欢迎的资本流人
undesired capital inflow非所愿的资本流人
undistributed capital gain and dividend未分配的资本利得和股息
unissued capital未发行的股本
unissued shares capital未发行的股本
unpaid capital未付款的股本
unpaid capital未付股本
unpaid share capital未缴纳的股款
unrecovered capital未收回的投资额
unrestricted flow of capital资本不受限制流动
unsecured capital settlement account未担保的资金结算账户
unsubscribed capital stock account未认购的股本账户
unsuitability for working capital lending不适于流动资金放贷
user cost of capital资本使用者成本
usures's capital高利贷资本
validation of registered capital登记资本验证
value of capital in use使用资本额
value of equity capital股本价值
variable capital非固定资本
variable required liquid capital按要求可变的流动资金
venture capital fund风险资本基金
venture capital fund投机资本金
venture capital fund创业投资基金
venture capital investment风险资本投资
venture capital limited partnership风险投资有限合伙企业
venture capital market创业资金市场
venture capital markups风险投资加价
venture capital operating company风险投资运营公司
venture capital/private equity investment风险投资/私募权益投资
verification of monetary capital货币出资验证
vested capital既得资本
virtual money-capital有效货币资本
virtual money-capital虚拟货币资本
visible capital有形资本
volatile capital短期资本
volatile capital flows不稳定资金流
volatile capital flows波动资金流
voting capital有投票权的资本
watered capital减耗资产
watered capital损耗资产
weighted average cost of capital资本加权平均成本
weighted capital ratio风险资本比率
weighted capital ratio<-> 风险加权资本比例
West Course Capital西方投资顾问公司
widening of capital资本扩大
widening of capital增加资本
widening of capital扩充资本
withdraw capital撤资
withdraw capital抽走资本
withdraw capital contribution surreptitiously秘密抽逃资金
working capital经营资本
working capital acceptance流动资本承兑
working-capital account流动资金账户
working capital and reserve fund周转资金与准备金
working capital cycle经营资金周期
working capital cycle营运资本资金循环
working capital debt周转资金债务
working capital deficit流动资金赤字
working capital deficit运转资本赤字
working capital fund经营基金
working capital generated by operations生产经营所产生的流动资金
working capital loan经常性费用贷款
working capital loan营运资金放款
working capital loan流动资金贷款
working capital management流动资金管理
working capital ratio运作资本比率
working capital ratio经营资本比率
working capital replenishment bond经营资金补充保证
working capital reserve经营资本准备金
working capital statement经营资金表
working capital statement流动资金报表
working capital suspense未定经营资本
working capital turnover流动资本周转数
working capital turnover经营资本周转率
yield of real capital实际资本收益
yield sensitive capital收益率敏感资本
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