
Terms for subject Finances containing capital | all forms | exact matches only
ability to allocate capital资金配置能力
absolute fixed capital纯粹固定资本
absolute fixed capital绝对固定资本
accommodating capital movement融通性资本移动
accounting capital资本
accounting capital会计上的资本
accumulated capital累计资本
accumulation of capital资本累积
active capital活跃资本
actual paid-in capital实际资本额
additional capital infusion额外注资
additional paid capital excess of stated value缴纳资本超过设定价格之溢价
additional paid-in capital溢缴资本 (contributed surplus)
additional paid-in capital实收超额资本 (contributed surplus)
advance capital垫本 (for business)
advance from working capital fund周转资金垫付款
advance to the working capital fund对周转基金预缴款项
advanced capital垫付资本
advanced capital预付资本
afflux of capital资本流人
aggregate indebtedness to capital ratio资本负债率
all capital earnings rate资本总额盈利率
all capital earnings rate总资产收益率
allow to return capital to shareholders允许将资本金返还股东
alternative tax on capital gains资本收益替换税
amortizing the capital lease资本租赁之摊销
amount of capital资本额
analysis of changes in working capital accounts流动资金帐户变动分析
appraisal capital估价资本
appraisal capital增值成本
appropriate price of capital合适的资本价格
assemble capital stock可催缴之股本
authorised capital公称资本
authorized capital额定资本法律准许发行之资本最高额.,法定资本 (authorized capital stock)
authorized capital注册资本 (authorized capital stock)
authorized capital法定股本
authorized capital认可资本
authorized capital stock法定股本
authorized capital stock认可股本
authorized capital stock account法定股本帐户
authorized, issued, subscribed, paid-up capital法定的、已发行的、认购的、实缴的资本
authorized minimum capital stock法定最低股本
authorized share capital法定股本
average capital平均资本
average capital ratio method平均资本比率法
average occupied amount of current capital平均占用的流动资金额
balance of capital account资本账户余额
balance-of-payments on capital account国际收支资本收户
bank capital银行资本
bank credit capital银行信贷资金
banking capital银行运用资本
Basel ID capital-adequacy ratios巴塞尔协议 III 资本充足率
blocked capital冻结资本
bolster capital reserves增加资本储备
book value of capital stock股本帐面价值
buffers of capital缓冲资金
call up share capital催缴股款
called up paid up capital实收资本
called up paid up capital催缴股本
called up share capital已催缴股本
call-up capital已催缴股本包括已收及催缴未收的股本
capital asset pricing资本资产订价
capital asset pricing model资本资产订价模式
capital consumption allowance资本消耗备抵
capital consumption allowances税务折旧准备
capital consumption allowances资本消耗扣除
capital consumption allowances折旧额
capital gains and losses资本盈余与亏损
capital gains and losses资本利得与损失
capital gains distribution资本利得分配
capital gains dividend资本利得分红
capital gains levy资本利得税
capital-saving technological advance资本节省型技术进步
certificate of capital verification验资证明
change in working capital and causes流动资金之变化及其原因
charge against capital资本支出
charge to capital资本支出 (capital expenditure)
charge to "capital in excess" account借记"超额资本"帐户
charges to "capital in excess" account借记"超额资本"帐户
China International Capital Corporation中国国际金融有限公司 (简称"中金公司")
China's capital markets中国资本市场
closely monitor and control cross-border capital flows密切监控跨境资本流动
concept of capital maintenance资本保全概念
concept of financial capital maintenance财务资本保全概念
contingent capital后备资金
contingent donated capital或有损赠资本
contributed capital缴入资本 (paid-in capital)
contributed capital捐赠资本 (paid-in capital)
contributed capital实收资本 (paid-in capital)
contributed capital已投资本 (paid-in capital)
contributed capital from retirement of stock股票收回实缴资本
contributed capital in excess of par value超面值缴人股本
contributed capital in excess of stated value超设定值缴人股本
core capital adequacy ratio核心资本充足率
core capital ratio第一级资本比率
core tier 1 capital核心一级资本
cross-border capital control跨境资本管制
cross-border capital flows跨境资本流动
cross-border capital transactions跨境资本交易
cross-border flow of capital跨境资本流动
cumulative capital stock累积股本指股利
cumulative preferred capital stock累积优先股
curb capital flows遏制资本流动
cut capital spending削减资本支出
declining marginal efficiency of capital资本边际效率递减
de-facto capital adequacy ratio实际资本充足率
deficit in long-term capital长期资本赤字
deficit on capital account资本账户赤字
departmental capital分部营业资本
detailed standard of current capital流动资金明细定额
development capital发展资本
direct financing of capital market资本市场直接融资
distortions in capital allocation资本配置不当
division in a capital ratio依资本比例分配 (at beginning or end of period)
divisions in a capital ratio依资本比例分配 (at beginning or end of period)
donation capital捐赠股本资本
donation of capital资本捐赠
donation of capital股本资本的捐赠
donations capital捐赠股本资本
donations of capital股本资本的捐赠
dormant capital闲资
dormant capital未利用的资本
dormant capital游资
due share capital and dividend到期股本和股利
ease capital flows of the renminbi为人民币资本流动提供便利
ease renminbi capital flows为人民币资本流动提供便利
efficient paths of capital accumulation资本积累有效途径
emerging capital partners新兴资本合作伙伴
encourage private capital flows鼓励私人资本流动
enlarged share capital已经扩大股本
equilibrating movement of short-term capital短期资本均衡移动
equity capital自有〔产权〕资本
equity capital股本金
equity capital to long-term debt ratio权益资本对长期债务比率
equity capital turnover权益资本周转率
equity capital turnover投资总额周转率销货总额与投资总额之比率
equity share capital权益股本
excess of capital资本过剩
expand greatly the size of capital markets大幅扩容资本市场
expenditure on capital account资金帐户支出
face sudden capital flight面临突然的资本外逃
fictitious capital虚构资本
fictitious capital虚伪资本
finance capital通融资本
fixed minimum capital requirement固定最低成本要求
fixed regular working capital固定正常运用资本
flight capital出逃资本
floating circulating capital流动资本
floating circulating capital经营资金
floating capital loan流动资本贷款
foreign capital inflow外资流人
free capital movements自由资本流动
free up the capital account开放资本账户
free working capital自由营运资本
fully diluted share capital全面摊薄股本
fully paid capital stock全额缴清股本
fully paid share capital全额缴清股本
fully paid-up capital全额实收资本
funds as working capital视营运流动资金为资金
gain from reduction capital stock减少股本收益
general standard of current capital流动资金总定额
global capital requirements全球资本要求
global movement of capital全球资本流动
gradual dismantling of capital controls逐步放开资本管制
gradually achieve the RMB's convertibility under capital accounts逐步实现人民币资本项目可兑换
gross capital formation资本构成总额
gross working capital流动资本总额
have sufficient capital and the ability具有足够资本和能力
highly leveraged capital structure高融资资本结构
Hong Kong Capital Markets Association香港资本市场公会
Hong Kong Venture Capital Association香港创业投资协会
huge capital flows大规模资本流人
human capital人力投资
hybrid capital bond混合资本债券
hybrid capital instrument混合资本工具
idle capital游资
immaterial capital非物质资本
importance of capital structure资本结构重要性
incoming overseas capital in place实际利用外资
incremental capital/output ratio增量资本产岀率
inflation and capital budgeting通货膨胀与资本预算
inflow of capital资本流人
influx of capital资本涌人
inject capital注资
interest on capital股本利息
interest on capital资本利息 (investment)
interest on capital投资利息 (investment)
interest on loan capital放款利息
interest-bearing capital借贷资本
intertemporal capital asset pricing model跨期资本资产定价模型
invested capital投人的资本
invested capital原有资本 (capital structure)
invested capital投入资本 (capital structure)
investment in capital投资人股
investment in capital a/c投资帐户
issued capital已发行股本 (stock)
issued equity share capital已发行权益股本
junior capital次级资本
junior capital pool次级资本池
less capital intensive资本较不密集
liabilities and capital item负债资本项目
liberalize domestic capital markets开放国内资本市场
liberalize the capital account开放资本账户
lift capital controls放开资本管制
loan capital借人资本
loan capital-debenture借入资本一公司债
lock up capital搁置资本
long capital flow长期资本流动
long-term capital flow长期资本流动
long-term capital gains deduction长期资本收益扣除
long-term capital lease liabilities长期资本租赁负债
long-term capital market长期资本市场
long-term debt to net working capital ratio长期债务对净营运资本比率
loss from capital reduction缩减资本损失
loss from reduction of capital stock减资差损
loss of capital devalue资本贬值损耗
manage capital flow volatility应对资本流动的波动
management of capital flows管理资本流动
marginal cost of capital资本边际成本
marginal factor cost of capital资本边际生产要素费用
marginal product of capital资本边际产量
marginal utility of capital资本边际效用
massive capital inflows大量资本流人
massive unregulated cross-border flow of capital跨境资本大规模无序流动
material capital物质资本
mezzanine capital夹层资本
micro-capital grant小额补助金
micro-capital grant小额赠款
minimum capital requirements最低资本要求
misallocated capital资本配置不当
modern capital market theory现代资本市场理论
monetary working capital adjustment货币性营运资金调整
Morgan Stanley Capital International摩根士丹利资本国际
move toward capital account liberalization推进资本账户自由化
multilevel capital market多层次资本市场
NASDAQ Capital Market - Small Cap<美〉纳斯达克资本市场一小盘股
negative capital负资本亏损
net capital employed企业运用的净资本
net capital gain净资本收益
net capital inflow净资本流人
net capital outflow净资本流出
net financial capital outflow金融性资本的净流出
net long-term capital gains长期资本净收益
net long-term capital losses长期资本净损失
net monetary working capital货币营运资本净额
net realized capital gains per share每股已实现净资本收益
net short-term capital gain短期资本净收益
net short-term capital loss短期资本净损失
net transfer of capital资本转移净额
net working capital净运用资本 (net current assets)
net working capital净营运资金 (net current assets)
net working capital ratio净运用营运资本率
nominal capital account名义股本帐户
nominal share capital名义股本
non-distributable capital reserves非分派资本储备
non-equity share capital非权益股本
non-money capital非货币资本
no-value capital stock无面值股票
number of ordinary shares issued as a result of conversion of debt to capital因债务转资本而发行的普通股股数
offshore renminbi capital market离岸人民币资本市场
open capital account开放的资本账户
open capital flows自由资金流
open the capital account开放资本账户
open up domestic capital markets to foreign inflows向海外资金开放国内资本市场
open up the country's capital account放开本国资本账户
opening of the capital account资本账户开放
operating capital经营资本
operation with borrowed capital举责经营
optimum capital最佳资本
ordinary capital普通股本
ordinary share capital普通股本
original capital原始股本 (initial capital)
original capital原投资本 (initial capital)
output-capital ratio产量与资本比例
outstanding capital stock发行在外股份
own-account fixed capital formation自立帐户固定资本形式
owner's capital业主资本
ownership of capital资本所有权
Pacific-Basin Capital Markets Research Center太平洋区资本市场研究中心
paid-in capital缴人资本
paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock优先股转换所得缴人资本
paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock优先股转换所得实收资本
paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock由优先股折换的缴纳资本
paid-in capital from redemption of preferred stock优先股赎回所得实收资本
paid-in capital from redemption of preferred stock优先股赎回所得缴人资本
paid-in capital from redemption of preferred stock买回优先股之缴纳资本
paid-in capital from retirement of stock股份注销所得实收资本
paid-in capital from retirement of stock收回股票所得资本
paid-in capital from treasury stock transactions出售政府公债所得资本
paid-in capital in excess of par value超面值缴人资本
paid-in capital in excess of par value超面值实收资本
paid-in capital in excess of par value股票溢价超过面值的缴入资本
paid-in capital in excess of stated value超设定值实收资本
paid-in capital in excess of stated value超设定值缴人资本
paid-in capital in excess of stated value超过设定价值的缴纳资本
paid-up capital缴人资本
partial easing of capital controls局部放松资本管制
partly paid share capital已缴部分股款的股本
partner’s loan and capital accounts sufficient or insufficient to absorb realization losses合伙人贷款及资本均足以或无力负担变现损失
payback period method for capital investment资本投资回收期法
payback period of capital资本回收期
personal capital asset个人资本性资产
planned times of turnover of current capital流动资金计划周转次数
pooling of capital资本联合
portfolio capital投资组合资本
positive capital纯粹资本
preference capital stock优先股股本
preferred capital stock优先股股本
preferred capital stock优先股
premium on capital share股本溢价
premium on capital stock股本盈利溢价
prepaid operating capital预付营业基金
preserve capital保存资本
press ahead with making the RMB convertible under capital accounts推进人民币资本项下可兑换工作
prevent unwanted capital from entering防止不受欢迎的资金流人中国
producer's capital or goods生产资本或货品的
profit and loss on capital and interest本利之盈亏
profit on sale of capital assets资本资产销售利润
profit to capital ratio资本利润率
project evaluation for capital budget资本预算项目评估
project selection in capital investment资本投资的项目选择
promote steady and healthy development of the capital market促进资本市场稳定健康发展
proportion of constant to variable capital不变资本与可变资本之比
pure return to capital资本纯报酬率
quick capital生利的资本
railway income capital铁路进款资金
railway operating current capital铁路运营流动资金
railway operating fixed capital铁路运营固定资金
raise fresh capital筹募新资本金
raise high-quality capital from markets从市场筹集优质资本
raise new capital筹集新资本金
rate of capital return资本回收率
rate of capital return资本报酬率
rate of capital utilization资本利用率
rate of earnings on total capital资本总额收益率
rate of earnings on total capital employed总资本利益率
rate of return on capital资本收益率
rate of working capital流动资金占用系数
ratio of capital stock to net worth股本对净值比率
ratio of capital to fixed liabilities资本对固定负债比率
ratio of capital turnover资本周转率
ratio of fixed assets to capital固定资产对资本之比率
ratio of fixed assets to capital liabilities固定资产与资本负债比率
recapitalization capital资产重组资本
receivable on account of subscribed capital认缴资本帐户项下应收款项
receivables on account of subscribed capital认购资本账户应收款
recovery of capital资本收回
reduction of capital资本减少
refugee capital抽逃资本
registered capital股份总额
regulatory capital arbitrage监管资本套利
regulatory capital arbitrage法定资本套利
reorganization of the share capital股本重组
required liquid capital规定速动资金
required liquid capital deficit规定速动资金短欠数额
reserved capital保留资金
restrict capital inflows限制资本流人
retained capital留存资金
reverse flow of capital资本倒流
revolving capital循环资金
risk-adjusted return on capital资本风险调整收益率
risk-based capital风险资本
risk-based capital requirement风险资本要求
risk-based capital standard风险资本标准
risk-weighted capital风险加权资本
risk-weighted capital ratio风险加权资本比率
RMB's convertibility under capital accounts人民币资本项目可兑换
rolling capital经营资牢
schedule of capital资本明细表
schedule of net working capital changes运用资本净额度变动明细表
separate capital method金额个别计算法
separation between capital and administration资本与经营管理分离
share capital subscribed认缴股本
short capital短期资本
short capital flow短期资本流动
shortage of capital资本短缺
short-term capital flow短期资本流动
short-term capital flow management短期资本流动管理
short-term capital gain短期资本利得
short-term capital loss短期资本损失
short-term capital transaction balance短期资本交易余额
single capital company单一资本公司
small capital小额资本
small capital market小额资本市场
sound capital base良好的资本基础
Source and uses of working capital流动资金的来源与用途
source of capital资本来源
source of current capital流动资金来源
Sources and uses of working capital流动资金的来源与用途
split capital分拆资本
split capital investment分拆资本投资
split-capital trust分拆资本信托
standardizing the required amount of current capital流动资金需要量的定额查定
stated capital设定资本指发行无票面股份的公司,由股份规定价格计算而得的发行额
stated capital申报资本
sterilization of capital资金封存
sterilization, of capital资本封存
stock of capital资本存量
stock of capital股本
strengthen the capital of financial institutions增强金融机构的资本
strengthen the monitoring and early warning of capital flows加强资本流动监测预警
strict capital controls严格的资本管制
strict controls on capital account transactions对资本账户交易的严格控制
stringency of capital资金缺乏
subscriber capital指定的资本
subscriber capital核算资本
subscription to capital stock认缴股款
subscription to common capital stock认缴普通股股款
subscription to common capital stock认缴普通股款
subscription to preferred capital stock认缴优先股股款
subscription to preferred capital stock认缴优先股款
support flows of productive capital into financial markets支持生产性的资本流人金融市场
surplus capital过剩资本
surplus from deduction in capital stock股本减少盈余
surplus from reduction of capital stock股本减少盈余
surplus from reduction of capital stock减资差益
surplus on appreciation of capital assets资本资产增值盈余
suspense receipts on capital subscription认购股本暂记收款
system of current capital target checking流动资金指标核对制度
system of multilevel capital markets多层次资本市场体系
tax on capital profit资本收益税
temporary capital account虚帐 (nominal account)
the cost of capital资金的成本
tighten banks' capital requirements收紧银行存款准备金要求
traditional theory of capital structure传统资本结构理论
transfer capital转让资本
transnational venture capital跨国风险投资
Treasury International capital system财政部国际资本系统
trust of raising capital集资信托
tsunami of financial capital金融资本"海啸"
turnover of all capital资本总额周转率
turnover rate of capital资本周转率
turnover of capital资本周转
turnover of current capital流动资本周转率
turnover of total capital资本总额周转率
turnover of working capital运用资本周转率
turnover rate of current capital流动资金周转率
turnover ratio of working capital运用资本周转率
turnover total capital资本总额周转率
unappropriated capital expenditures待核销基建支出
uncalled capital未催缴资本
uncalled share capital未催缴股本
uncalled up capital未缴股本
uncalled up capital未缴资本
uncalled up capital未收资本
uncollected balances of subscriptions for capital Stock已认股本的未收现股款余额
undistributed capital gain dividend未分配资本利得股息
undistributed capital gains未分派资本收益
unimpaired capital未动用资本
unissued capital未发行资本
unissued capital stock未发行股本
unissued share capital未发行股本
unpaid capital未缴资本
unpaid up capital未付股本
unpaid up capital未付资本
unpaid up capital account未付资本帐目
unrealized capital未实现增值
unsubscribed capital stock account未认购股本帐
unused capital未用资本
uphill capital flows资金逆流
value composition of capital资本的价值构成
value of equity capital股本值
venture capital风险投资 (一种以私募方式募集资金,以公司等组织形式设立,以股份投资的方式投资于未上市的新兴中小型企业(尤其是新兴高科技企业)的一种承担高风险、谋求高回报的资本形态)
venture capital firm风投公司
venture capital firm风险投资公司
venture capital fund创业基金
venture capital fund风险投资基金
venture capital institutions风险投资机构
venture capital investment创业投资
venture capital pools创业资本库 (是加拿大政府为了解决中小企业起步期的资金需求而设立的创业资本库 (venture capital pools),是风险资本融资的一种形式)
venture capital provider风险投资者
venture capital trust风险投资信托 (是指把以高科技、互联网等为代表的高风险企业作为投资对象的信托,也是一种基金的形式)
virtual money-capital虚拟的货币资本
volatile capital flows资本流动波动
voting capital有否决权资本
voting equity share capital有否决权股本
watering of capital资本掺水
weighted average cost of capital加权平均资本成本 (一种按资本类别的比例计算公司资本成本的方法)
withdrawal of equity capital股权退出
working capital acceptance营运资金承兑汇票
working capital concept营运资金概念
working capital cycle营运资金循环
working capital deficit营运资金短缺数
working capital deficit运用资本短缺数
working capital fund营运基金
working capital fund业务周转金
working capital fund运转基金
working capital fund流转资金
working capital fund营运资本
working capital loan营运资金贷款
working capital loan流转资金放款
working capital management营运资金管理
working capital reserve营运资金准备
working capital reserve运用资本准备
working capital statement营运资金表
working capital suspense未定流动资本
working capital turnover营运资金周转率 (指年销货净额与营运资金之比,反映营运资金在一年内的周转次数)
working capital turnover营运资本周转数
yield of real capital实际资本收益率
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