
Terms for subject Economy containing capital | all forms | exact matches only
access to capital可利用的资本
accumulation of capital资本累积
acquisitive capital营利资本
acquisitive capital goods营利资本财
active capital有收益的资本
additional paid capital excess of stated value缴纳资本超过设定价格 的溢价
additional paid-in capital溢缴资本
advance from the working capital fund用周转资金垫付款项
advanced capital垫支资本
advanced capital value垫付资本价值
aggregate social capital社会总资本
aggregate turnover of advanced capital垫付资本的总周转
aggregation of capital资本积聚
agricultural capital农业资本
all capital earnings rate资产总额收益率
all capital earnings rate.总额收益率
All our right to our subscription for shares of the capital stock of the company will be sold to you我方的一切认购该公司总股本的股份权将出售给你方
American Council for Capital Formation美国投资理事会
amount due on subscribed capital应收认交资本的金额
amount of added capital追加资本金额
amount of capital immobilized不流通资本额
amount of capital invested投资额
amount of capital invested by the owner业主投资额
amount of capital investment投资金额
amount of capital recovered已收回的投资额
an uncollected balance of subscription for capital stock认缴股本未收余额
an unpaid-up capital account未付资本账目
an unsubscribed capital stock account未认购股本账户
an unsubscribed capital stock account未认股本账
analysis of techno-economic feasibility of a capital construction project基建项目技术经济论证分析
annual capital charge年度资本费用
annual capital expenditures survey年度资本支出调查
annual cost of capital资金的年成本
annual costs of capital recovery资本回收年度费用
annual shadow capital cost年影子资本成本
appreciated of capital资本增殖
appreciation of capital资本增值
appropriate a sum for capital construction拨出一笔款作基本建设用
arbitration in disputes between labour and capital调停劳资纠纷
assessable capital stock可催缴的股本
assign capital转让资本
authorization request for capital expenditure资本支出拨款授权申请书
authorized capital授权资本制
authorized capital授权资本额
autonomous capital movement自发的资本转移
availability of capital可用之资金数
availability of local capital本地筹资
average capital coefficient平均资本占用量
average capital intensity level of the technology技术的平均资本密集水准
average paid-in capital实缴资本平均数
average paid-up capital实缴资本平均数
average profit rate of the social production capital社会生产资本的平均利润率
average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital社会总生产资金的平均利润率
balance of capital movements资本流动差额
banking capital银行运营资本
beginning capital初期资本
book value of capital stock账面价值
book value of capital stock股本
budgetary appropriations for capital construction预算内基本建设拨款
calculation of return on capital goods资本财报酬的计算
calculation of working capital流动资金的计算
calculation of working capital周转资金的计算
call for share capital筹集股本
call-up capital已缴股本
capacity of capital formation资本形成能力
cash value of the capital资本现金价值
Citibank Capital Ventures花旗银行资本风险
clean share capital participation直接入股
Code of Liberalization of Capital Movements欧洲经济合作与发展组织的资本移动自由化法规
common capital stock普通股
confiscation of bureaucratic capital没收官僚资本
constant capital value不变资本价值
consumption capital消费财
contributed capital已投资本
contribution of capital附加资金
conversion of money into capital货币转换为资本
conversion of money into capital货币转化为资本
convert a protion of the surplus product into capital剩余产品转化为资本
convert capital into a product资本转化为产品
dead capital不生息的资金
dead capital不生产的资本
dead capital不生息的资本
debt capital债务资金
declared capital已公布资本
decrease capital减少资本
decrease of capital减资
delayed repayment of capital and interest延期还本还息
delayed repayment of capital and interest延期还本付息
destabilizing capital flow破坏稳定的资本流动
disruptive capital flows破坏性资本流动 (movement)
disruptive capital flows破坏性的资本流动
distribution of capital资金的分配
drain of capital资金外流
due share capital and dividends到期股金和股息
earning of capital资本收益
earning retained as capital寧存盈余作为资本
earnings of capital资本价值
earnings retained as capital留存盈余作为资本
economics of human capital人力资本经济学
effectiveness of capital construction investment基本建设投资效果
efficiency of capital资本效率
efficient paths of capital accumulation资本积累的有效途径
equilibrating long-term capital起均衡作用的长期投资
equilibrating movements of short term capital短期投资的均衡动态
excess of capital过剩资本
expansion capital-expenditure资本支出的扩大
expenditure of capital资本支出
expenditure of capital投资费用
expenditure on capital account资本账户支出
expenditures of constant variable capital变资本支出
external capital外部资本
external capital外部资本
floating capital经营资金
flow of capital资金流程
flow of capital资金流量
flow of capital资本流量
flow of capital资金流动
formation of saving capital储蓄资本的构成
free capital自由资本
free or uninvested capital自由的或尚未被投资的资本
fully paid capital stock缴足股份
gain from capital reduction减资收益
government subsidy for capital expenditure国库设备投资补助金
gross domestic capital formation国内资本形成毛额
gross domestic fixed capital formation国内固定资产投资总额
gross private capital私人资本总额
gross saving and capital formation account储蓄总值和资本形成账户
gross working capital总周转资本
guarantee capital obligations担保资本义务
guarantee capital obligations应缴担保资本
high-geared capital优先股比率高的资本
high-geared capital高速资本
incidental capital loss偶发性资本损失
indigenous capital本国资金
individual owner of capital资本的单独所有者
indivisibilities of capital equipment资本设备的不可分割性
inflation generation capital flow促使通货膨胀的资本流动
inflation generation capital flow促进通货膨胀的资本流动
influx capital资本流人
influx of capital资本的涌进汇集
instrumental capital工具资本
intensive capital出集资本
intensive capital集约资本
interest in issued share capital拥有发行股本
invest capital投入成本
invested capital投入资本 (指公司发行的债券和自有资本的总和)
invested capital capital structure投资资本资本结构
investment capital投资成本
investment capital投资资本
investment in a partnership by contribution to the firms capital对合伙企业投入资本之入伙
investment in capital出资金
investment in capital construction基本建设投资
investment in capital of affiliated concerns投资附属公司的资本
investment into human capital对人的资本投资 (指教育)
invisible capital无形资本
large capital stock巨额资本股份
large social overhead capital project大规模社会资本计划
latent form of capital资本的潜在形式
live off capital靠资本之外生活
live on capital靠资本生活
loan capital借入资本
locked-in capital搁死资本
locked-up capital搁死资本
lucrative capital厚利资本
medium capital中期资本
medium term capital中期资本一般在五年以内
mental capital精神资本
merchant capital商业资本
mobile capital流动资本
mobile international capital国际流动资本
mobility of capital资本的流动性
mobility of capital资本流动性
mobilize capital使资本流通
monetary capital货币资金
Morgan Stanley capital index摩根斯坦利资本指数
movement of international short term capital国际短期资本流动
national capital本国资本
negative capital亏损
negative capital亏损负债
net capital资本净额
net capital净资本
net capital纯资本
net capital employed运用的净资本
net capital export资本输出净值
net capital gain资本净收益
net capital loss资本净损
net fixed capital formation固定资本构成净值
net monetary working capital运用货币资本.净额
net productivity of capital资本净生产率
net profits on net working capital净利与流动资本净额
net sales to net working capital净销售额与流动资本净额
net stock of capital剩余基本资本
net stock of capital剩余基本资产
net value of capital invested投资净值
net working capital净周转金
net working capital短期营运资金
new capital issues新发行的资本股票
new capital issues新发行的资本股票
newly-started capital construction project新开工的基建项目 (item)
no capital budget无资产预算
no value capital stock无票面额股
Nobody can sell or pledge the share of capital stock of the corporation任何人不得出售或抵押公司总股本的股票
nom. cap nominal capital名义资本
nonassessable capital stock不加缴股本
nonmaterial capital非物质资本
normal capital常规资本
official capital官方资本
operation of capital资金的运用
opportunity cost of capital资本的机会成本
opportunity cost of capital资本机会成本
optimal capital structure最佳资金结构
optimum rate of capital formation资本形成的最适当的速率
optimum rate of capital formation最佳的资本形成率
original authorized capital原始法定资本
original capital原投资资本
original capital创办资本
outer of capital资本外流
output-capital ratio产量与资本资金的比例
output capital ratio资本产出率
.outside venture capital外部投入资本
outside venture capital外部投入资本
outstanding capital未付讫资本
outstanding capital stock流通在外股票
outstanding share capital现有资本〔股本〕
owned capital独资
paid-in capital from retirement of preferred stock收回股票所得资本
paid-in capital in excess of par value股本溢价
paid-up risk capital股息依盈利而定的实缴资本
payment of capital资本付款
penetration of foreign monopoly capital外国垄断资本的渗透
permanent capital永久资本
personification of capital资本的人格化
planning for capital investment规划资本投资
premium on capital stock股本盈利
priorities of capital construction基本建设重点
private short-term capital movement私人资本短期流动
private sources supplying investment capital提供投资的私人资本
producer capital生产资本
producer’s capital生产者资本
productivity of capital资本生产率 (stock)
productivity of capital goods资本财的生产力
productivity of capital resources固定资本利用效率
profit ratio of capital rate of return; return on investment, profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth权益利润率,负债与净值总额利润率
project selection in capital investment资本投资中工程项目的选择
project selection in capital investment servicing cost项目服务费
projects in capital construction基本建设
projects in capital construction基本建设项目 (计划)
proto-accumulation of capital资本原始积累
public and private capital公私资本
pure capital纯粹资本
quasi-rent on capital equipment资本设备的类似租
quasi-rent on capital equipment资本设备的准地租
railway operating current capital铁路运营流动或固定资金
railway operating fixed capital铁路运营流动或固定资金
rate of capital accumulation资本积累率
rate of return of capital投资报酬率
rate of return of capital投资收回率
rate of return on invested capital投入资本回收率
rate of return on invested capital投入资本收益率
rate of return on operating capital流动资本利润率
ration investment capital分配投资资本
recoup the capital outlay收回投资
recourse to the foreign capital信赖外国资本
redeemable share capital可偿还的股本
reflux of capital资金外流
reflux of capital资本回流
refundable share capital可偿还的股本
regulation of capital节制资本
release of capital抽出资本
release of capital动用资本
release of capital资本动用
requirement of capital所需的资本
requirements of capital所需的资本
reserve funds for capital construction基建储备资金
revolving funds capital周转基金资本
revolving funds capital循环帐户
risk capital险资本
risk capital投机资本 (为投机性商业投资提供的资金,投资者要冒企业破产的风险)
risk capital pool投资资本合营
risk capital pool投机资本合营
role of money capital investment decisions投资决策中货币资本占的地位.
rolling capital经营营运资本
rotation of capital资本的循环
saving capital储蓄资本
savings capital储蓄资本
scarcity of capital资本不足
schedule of net working capital changes应用净额变动明细表
self-expansion of capital资本增值
semi-capital goods半资本货物
semi-fixed capital半固定资本
services of capital goods资本货物的使用
shake off the control of foreign capital摆脱外国资本的控制
shortage of capital资金短缺 (money)
short-term capital gain or loss短期资本收支益损
short-term capital movement短期资本运动
short-term capital movements短期资本流动
single capital conversion cycle单纯资本变换循环
single capital conversion cycle单纯的资本变换循环
sink a large capital in furniture making投入大量资本于家具制造业
social capital社会资本
social capital goods社会资本财
social industrial and commercial capital社会工商资本
social overhead capital社会间接资本
social overhead capital社会分权资本
social overhead capital社会资本社会间接资本,即基础设施
specialized capital goods专用资本财物
specialized capital goods专门化资本财
standard of current capital流动奖金定额
statutory capital法定资
strategy of social capital operation社会资本运营策略
superabundance of capital资本过剩
tangible capital有形资本
tangible capital有形货物
tangible capital有形资产
tangible capital assets有形固定资产
tax on capital profit资本利润税
tax on capital profit资本利得税
technical composition of capital资本的技术构成
technical design of a capital construction project基建项目技术设计
the abundance of capital资金充足
the abundant capital充足的资本
the accommodating capital movement调整性资本移动
the accretion to the capital资本增加
the accretion to the capital资本值增加
the accumulating capital累积资本
the acquisitive capital营利资本
the advance capital垫本
the advanced capital预付资本
the afflux capital资本流入
the aggregation of capital资本积累
the all-capital earnings rate全资本收益率
the appraisal capital估价资本
the arbitration in disputes between labour and capital劳资纠纷方面的仲裁
the average capital intensity level of the technology技术的平均资本密集程度
the borrowing in the international capital market国际资本市场上的借款
the capital for trading purpose商业资本
the capital recovery cost资本还原成本
the capital reserve资本储备
the capital spending投资
the capital stock adjustment principle资本存量调整原理
the capital turnover资金周转
the commission and expenses on capital shares股票发行费用
the constituent of capital资本的组成部分
the expenditure of capital资本支出
The factors of production are land, labour and capital生产的要素是土地、劳力和资本
the final account for completed capital construction基本建筑项目竣工结算
the flow of capital资本流动
the formation of capital资本形式
the gestation period of capital资本酝酿期间
the going rate of interest in the capital market资本市场的现行利率
the government capital国有资本
The joint venture has a capital of $2000.000.000这家合资企业拥有200万美元的资本
the loss from capital reduction缩减资本损失
the migration of capital资本移动
the mobility of capital资本流动性
the non-physical capital非实质性资本
the occupied rate of current capital流动资金占用率
the oligarchy of finance capital财政资本寡头
The open policy attracts inflows of foreign capital into the country开放政策吸引一笔笔外资流入这个国家
the orientation of capital construction基建投资方向
the outflow of capital资本外流
the overaccumulation of capital资本积累过剩
the paid-in capital缴入股本
the paid-in capital缴入资本
the paid-in capital已缴资本
the paid-up capital实收股本
the paid-up capital已缴清资本
the penetration of foreign monopoly capital外国垄断资本渗透
the permanent capital永久资本
the personal capital个人资本
the portfolio capital证券投资资本
the preproduction capital expenditure生产前资本支出
The ratio between the loan capital and the proprietary capital is 2 to 1借贷资本与业主资本之比为 2 : 1
the reevaluation of capital资金重估
the reflow of capital资本回流
the reflux of capital资金回流
the reflux of capital资本回流
the refugee capital外逃资本
the refugee capital逃避资本
the registered capital登记资本额
the registered capital注册资本
the rejuvenation of capital资本更新
the remuneration of capital资本酬劳
the repatriation of capital资本汇交原主
the repatriation of capital资本收回本国
the reproduction and circulation of aggregate social capital社会总资本的再生产和流通
the reserved capital保留资本
the residual value in capital investment投资残值
the retail capital小贩资本
the revolving capital循环使用的资本
the revulsion of capital资本抽回
the rotation of capital资本的循环
the security capital安全资本
the seed capital原始资本
the seed capital种子资本
the selective capital increase有选择的资本增长
the self-expansion of capital资本增值
the semi-capital goods半资本货物
the separate capital method金额个别计算法
the share capital股金
the short-term capital balance短期资本收支差额
the stabilizing short-term capital movement稳定性的短期资本流动
the stated capital法定资本
the stated capital额定资本
the subscriber capital指定的资本
the subscriber capital标准资本
the superabundance of capital资本过剩
the tangible capital有形资本
the terminal capital最终资本
the transfer of one's party's share in the registered capital转让注册资本
the uncalled capital未催缴的股本
the uncalled capital未缴资本
the uncalled capital未收资本
the uncalled-up capital未收资本
the uncalled-up capital未缴股本
the uncentralized capital非集中性资金
the undesired capital inflow不欢迎的资本流入
the unemployed capital闲置资本
the unemployed capital闲资
the unemployed capital游资
the unequalized profit rate of capital资本未平均化的利润率
the unimpaired capital未动用资本
the unissued capital stock未发行股票
the unpaid-up capital未付资本
the unpaid-up capital未缴股本
the unproductive capital非生产性资本
the unrealized capital未实现资本
the unsubscribed capital stock未认股本
the usurer's capital高利贷资本
the usurer's capital高利资本
the utilization and control of foreign capital外资的利用与管制
the value-composition of capital资本的价值构成
the volitional freedom of capital资本意志自由
the watered capital掺水股本
the watered capital掺水资本
the watering of capital掺假股本
the widening of capital扩大资本
They need a large amount of capital to build new containers and cranes他们需要大量资金来建造新的集装箱和起重设备
tie up capital呆滞资本资金
tied-up capital搁死资本
trade capital movement贸易资本流动
trading capital商业资本
trust capital信托资金
uncalled capital未收资本
underpricing of capital资本定价偏低
undesired capital inflow不需要的资本流入
unexpended portion of capital costs未花资金成本
unpaid capital未收资本
unpaid capital未付资本
unrecovered capital未收回的投资
unrecovered capital占用的投资额
usurer's capital高利资本
usurer's capital高利贷资本
utilizing foreign capital利用外资
value of a capital lease资本租赁价值
value of human capital人力资本的价值
value-composition of capital资本的价值构成
venture capital冒险资本
venture capital投机资本
venture capital industry风险投资业
vested capital投入资本
virtual money-capital潜在的货币资本
volatile capital流浪资金 (或短期资本)
volatile capital可变资本
volatile capital flow可变资本流动
volatile capital flows游资流动
volatile capital flows反复无常的资本流动
wage capital用于支付工资的资本
watered capital搀水的股份资本
We cannot explore new items because we lack capital我们因缺乏资金而无法开发新项目
We shall issue fully paid-up shares in the capital stock of the company to make payment我们应发行占公司股本的完全的实收股份来进行支付
weighted average cost of capital加权平均资金成本
widening of capital资本的广化
working capital运营资本
working capital营运【流动】资本
working capital流动〔周转〕资金〔资本〕
working capital运转〔周转〕资本
working capital营运资金
working capital周转资本
working capital and reserve fund运用流动资本及准备金
working capital cycle运用流动资本 循环
working capital cycle营运资本循环
working capital cycle流动资本循环
working capital deficit运用流动资本短绌数
working capital deficit运用流动资本短绌数
working capital fund营运资金
working capital fund运用流动 资金
working capital ratio运用流动资金比率
working capital ratio流动比率
working capital relief周转基金
working capital reserve运用流动资金准备
working capital stock周转资金存货
working capital suspense未定流动资本 (金)
working capital to merchandise ratio流动资本与商品盘存比率
working capital turnover流动资本周转率
working capital turnover流动资本周转系数
working capital turnover流动资金周转率
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