
Terms for subject Commerce containing capital | all forms | exact matches only
abundance of capital充足资本
accommodating capital movement调整资本流动
active capital活动资金
all capital earnings rate资产总额收益率 (企业税后净利与资产总额比率)
all-round contract for capital construction基建全部承包
an aggregate capital of £ stg. 1,000,000总计1,000,000英镑资金
authorized capital注册资本
authorized capital名义资本
By careful investment of his capital, he obtained a good income因其稳妥投资,他获得极好收入
callable capital通知即缴资本
called-up capital已催缴资本
capital accommodations上好设备
capital allowances资本限额
capital bonus红利
capital bonus股息
Capital Cities ABC Inc.大都会 ABC 公司
capital coefficient资本产值比率 (即指资本与总产值之比)
capital consumption资本消耗折旧
capital contributed in excess of par value股票溢价的实缴资本 (高于面值的部分)
capital cost投资值
capital cost资本成本 (股份公司每年为公司债券,优先股及普通股所支付的股息与利息等)
capital deficiency资本亏空
capital deficit资本亏空
capital expenditure budget资本预算
capital financing筹集资金
Capital flows out of the country资本外流
capital gains tax资本利润税
capital goods products资本货物产品 (指厂房、机械设备及运输工具等固定资产 (fixed assets) 或生产物资 (producer goods))
capital goods products生产资料产品
capital-intensive technique资本密集型技术
capital issue expenditures筹资费用
capital lease贷款性租赁
capital lease资本性租赁
capital levy根据资本额而非根据收入而课的资本税
capital loan资本借款
capital loss资本亏损
capital market长期资本市场
capital movement资本移动 (包括本国对外投资与贷款、外国对本国投资与贷款、短期资本的出入等)
capital outlay资本投资
capital output ratio资本产值比率 (即指资本与总产值之比)
capital participation参加投资 (技术转让)
capital participation入股
capital rate资本比率
capital rating资本估值
capital stock公司所发行的股票总额
capital stock outstanding已发行股本
capital stock preferred优先股
capital structure资本结构 (包括股本,长期贷款、短期贷款、债券等所占比例)
capital surplus缴入盈余
capital surplus即企业缴入资本部分而非列入股本
capital surplus资本过剩
capital surplus资本盈余 (指溢收资本 (capital contributed in excess of par value))
capital surplus资本剩余
capital transfer tax资本转让税
character, capacity and capital in credit rating资信调查中涉及的信誉、能力及资金
charge against capital法律对资本优先受偿权
circulating capital活动资金
circulating real capital流通实物资本
complex capital structure复式资本结构
constant capital不变资本 (与可变资本 (variable capital) 相对)
constant capital固定资本
contribute respective shares of capital交足认购资本
cost item to be financed from working capital从流动资金开支的各项费用
cost of capital投资值
cost of capital基建费
dead capital死资本
debenture capital债券资本 (属借贷资本 (loan capital))
debt capital借入资本 (包括:公司债券 (debenture)、短期贷款 (short-term loan) 等)
depletion of working capital流动资金耗尽
disruptive flow of capital资本破坏性流动
disruptive movement of capital资本破坏性流动
dividend on equity capital自由资本股息
division in capital ratio按资本比率分配
dormant capital闲散游资
earnings on invested capital投入资本收益
economics of capital construction基本建设经济学
efficiency of capital investment资本投资效率
efficient use of capital高效率使用资金
equity capital股本资金
equity capital股本资本 (与借贷资本 (loan capital) 相对)
equity capital投资于新企业的股本
Equity Capital for Industry英国工业股本
equity capital transaction股本转让交易
equity share capital股本资本 (与借贷资本 (loan capital) 相对)
equity share capital投资于新企业的股本
existing capital goods现存资本货物
export of capital资本岀口
firm capital account公司资本账户
firm capital turnover公司资本周转率
fixed capital固定资本 (与流动资本 (working capital) 相对)
fixed capital investment固定资产投资
fixed capital of enterprise企业固定资本
fixed capital replenishment固定资本更新
floating capital活动资金
functional capital职能资本
functioning capital职能资本
gather capital from great financiers for various schemes为实现各种计划向大金融家集资
general capital increase普通增加资本
given capital定额资本
guaranteed capital有保证的资本
have a large capital资金雄厚
He employed all his capital in adventures他把所有资本投入投机活动
idle capital闲散资本
immobilization of capital使资本不流动
immobilized capital使流通的资本变为不流通的资本
immovable capital固定资本
immovable capital不流通资本
impair ment of capital资本的减损
impaired capital减损的资本
imputed capital flow估计资本流量
increase in capital资本增加
increased capital增加的资本
increasing capital递增资本
increasing capital递增的资本
incremental capital递增资本
incremental capital output ratio资本-产岀增长比率
indigenous capital本地资本
initial capital investment初期资本投资
internationalized capital国际化资本 (比: international capital 国际资本)
introducing of foreign capital外资引进
introduction foreign capital引进外资
invest one's capital to the best advantage把资金作最有利的投资
invest much capital in an enterprise在一企业中大量投资
invested capital投入的资本
invested capital实缴资本
Jingdezhen is the porcelain capital of China景德镇是中国的瓷都
less capital-intensive technique资本密集度较低工艺
level of capital资本水平
loan capital信贷资本
loss on capital assets资本资产损失
make capital of advanced technology利用先进技术
manpower capital人才资本
migration of capital资本迁移
miscellaneous capital各种资本
movement of capital资本移动
narrow the scope of capital construction缩小基本建设范围
net capital净值资本
net working capital流动资本净额
New York is the financial capital of the world纽约是世界的金融中心
nominal capital注册资本
nominal capital法定资本
original capital原始资本 (组建公司投入的资本)
outstanding capital未偿还资本
outstanding capital stock已发行股票
owner capital业主资本
ownership capital法定资本
paid in capital已收资本
paid up capital已付资本
paid up capital已缴资本
paid-in capital投入的资本
Paris is the world's fashion capital巴黎是世界时装中心
participate in capital ownership投资入股
participating capital参加资本
pay back the capital plus interest还本付息
paying capital实缴资本
period of capital circulation资本周转期
permanent capital长期资本 (包括:股本 (equity),中长期负债 (long and medium-term liabilities) ,准备金(reserves))
physical capital goods实物资本货物
positive capital确实资本
prepaid capital预付资本
preproduction capital costs投产前资本支出 (包括:开办费和资本筹集费 (preliminary and capital issue expenditures)、建厂前调研费 (expenditures for preparatory studies), 建厂前费用 (pre-production expenditures)、试运转及交工投产费用 (trial runs))
preproduction capital expenditures投产前资本支出 (包括:开办费和资本筹集费 (preliminary and capital issue expenditures)、建厂前调研费 (expenditures for preparatory studies), 建厂前费用 (pre-production expenditures)、试运转及交工投产费用 (trial runs))
primitive accumulation of capital资本的原始积累
primitive accumulation of capital资本原始积累
private short-term capital movement私有短期资本流动
productive capital再生产性资本
productive capital生产性资本
profitability of the equity capital股本资本盈利率
projected working capital预计所需流动资金
provision of capital资本提供
quantum of capital goods资本货物总量
rate of capital employed资金占用率
rate of capital turnover资金周转率
ratio of fixed assets to capital liabilities固定资产对资本负债的比率
ratio of net profit to capital净利润对资本的比率
ratio of owned capital to borrowed capital自有资本对借入资本的比率
receipt and expenditure on capital account资本收支账户
redeem a capital invested收回投资
registered capital注册资本 (指法定资本 (authorized capital),名义资本 (nominal capital))
registered capital法定资本
regulated capital受节制的资本
regulation of capital资本节制
relations between labour and capital劳资关系
remaining capital剩余资本
repatriation of capital资本调回
reserve capital analysis储备资金分析
return in invested capital投资收益率
return of capital investment投资收益率
return on capital employed会计已用资本利润
revolving capital循环使用资本
risk capital company风险资本公司
rolling capital滚动积累资本
self-owned capital自有资本
share capital股份资本 (与借贷资本 (loan capital) 相对)
short-term capital短期资本 (与长期资本 (long-term capital) 相对)
short-term capital balance短期资本收支平衡
sink a capital in a business投资于实业
social capital社会资本 (指社会公用资本(social overhead capital))
social overhead capital社会公用资本
socialized capital社会化资本
spare capital闲置资本
spare capital闲散资本
special capital专有资本
specific capital专门资本
State Capital Construction Commission中国国家基本建设委员会
statement of capital surplus资本结余计算书
statement of partner's capitals合伙人资本表
statement of sources and use of working capital流通资金来源与用途表
statement of working capital运营资本表
statistics on capital input资本投入统计
stock of capital资本存量 (缩为 CS)
subscribed capital认购的资本
subscriber capital认购资本
subsidies for capital expenditure投资补贴
sunk capital沉入资本
surplus capital公积资本
surplus from capital reduction减资差益
surplus of appreciation of capital assets资本资产增值盈余
Technology flourishes on accumulated scientific capital工业技术的发展在于科学的进步
term of foreign capital repayment外资偿还期限
the antagonism between labour and capital劳资对抗
The capital circulates briskly资本周转迅速
The capital contribution of an investor may take the form of cash, machinery or intangible assets such as patents, goodwill, know-how and technical service投资者可以现金、机械,或以专利权、商誉、专有技术和技术服务等无形资产投资
The company has a capital of US $1,000,000该公司拥有1,000,000美元资金
The foreign investors are allowed to repatriate their own invested capital and any capital gain外国投资人可调回他们的投资及其资本收益
The stockholder's equity includes the invested capital and the retained earnings股东产权资产净值包括已投资本加留存盈余
The stockholder's equity net assets includes the invested capital and the retained earnings股东产权资产净值包括已投资本加留存盈余
total capital turnover总资本周转额
total quota of current capital流动资本总定额
turnover of capital资金周转
turnover of variable capital可变资产周转
turnover of working capital流动资本周转
undesired capital inflow不受欢迎的资本流入
use capital营业使用资本
use of capital资本用途运用
user cost of capital资本的使用者成本
usurious capital高利贷资本
utilizable capital可用资本
utilization and control of foreign capital外资利用与管制
variable capital可变资本 (与不变资本 (constant capital) 相对)
variable capital profit可变资本利润
variable working capital可变流动资本
vested capital投入的资本
working capital流动周转资本
working capital活动资金
working capital and reserve周转资本和准备金
working capital at full capacity全部能力生产时期的流动资金
working capital requirements流动资本需要量
working capital reserve流动资本准备