
Terms for subject Business containing capital | all forms | exact matches only
absolute fixed capital纯固定资本
accommodating capital movement调整性资本移动
accounting of capital construction基建会计
accounting system for capital construction基建会计制度
accumulation of social capital社会资金积聚
acquisition through purchase of share capital通过购入股本而取得
active capital功能资本
additional capital新增加资本
additional constant capital追加不变资本
additional paid capital excess of stated value缴纳资本超过设定价值的溢价
additional paid-in capital溢缴股本
additional paid-in capital溢价缴入资本指企业按超面值价发行股票, 并将超面额溢价缴入股本,增大资本额,是由溢价形成的一种资本盈余
additional paid-in capital from pooling of interest联营附加股本
additional paid-in capital in excess of stated value超面值追加股本
additional variable capital追加可变资本
adjustment of advances to working capital预交周转基金款项调整数
advance capital垫本
advance capital for垫本
advance capital for a business预付营业资本
advance capital for a business企业垫付资本
advance from the working capital fund周转资金垫付款
advanced total capital垫付总资本
afflux of capital资本汇集
age composition of capital goods资本货物使用年限构成
aggregate indebtedness to capital ratio债务总额对资本比率
aggregate turnover of advanced capital垫付资本总周转额
all-capital earning rate全资本收益率
all-round contract for capital construction建筑工程统包
alternative tax on capital gains资本利得代用税
amount added capital追加资本额
amount due on subscribed capital应收认交资本额
amount of added capital追加资本额
amount of capital股本额
amount of capital investment投资额
amount of capital investment by the owner业主投资额
amount of investment capital投资额
analysis of changes in working capital account流动资本账户变动分析
analysis of techno-economic feasibility of a capital construction project基建项目技术—经济论证分析
annual capital charge年资本费用
annual capital cost年资本成本
annual capital recovery cost年资本收回成本
appropriate a sum for capital construction拨出—笔款作基建用
appropriate a sum for capital construction拨出一笔基建款
arbitration in disputes between labour and capital资纠纷仲裁
assess capital核定资本
assessable capital stock可催缴股本
assets acquired by given capital stock or bonds以公司一定股票或债券换得资产
authorization request for capital expenditure资本支出拨款授权申请
authorized capital认购资本
authorized capital account额定股本账
authorized capital stock认购公司的股本
authorized capital stock额定公司的股本
authorized capital system额定资本制
autonomous capital movement资本自发移动
availability of capital可用资金数
availability of local capital当地资本可用性
available money-capital可用货币资本
average capital intensity level of the technology技术的平均资本密集程度
average cost of capital平均资本成本
average paid-in capital平均实缴资本
average profit rate of the social production capital社会生产资本平均利润率
average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital社会生产资金平均利润率
average rate of profit on capital资本平均利润率
average rate of return on capital平均资本报酬率
average social profit rate on capital平均社会资本利润率
balance of capital account国际收支中资本账户余额
balance of payments capital account国际收支资本账户
balance of payments capital accounts国际收支资本账户
balance on capital account国际收支资本账户余额
balance on current account and long-term capital经常项目和长期资本往来差额
bank monopoly capital银行垄断资本
benefit both labor and capital劳资两利
borrowing in the international capital market国际资本市场借款
borrowing in the international capital market在国际资本市场借款
borrowing rate in capital budgeting资本预算中的借款利率
break down the national capital down into stocks国有资本折股化
budget for capital expenditure资本支出预算
budget norm for capital construction基建预算定额
budgetary appropriations for capital construction预算内基建拨款
calculation form in foreign capital enterprise外资企业计算方式
calculation of return on capital goods资本货物报酬计算
call capital催缴资本
call for capital筹集股份资本
call for capital筹资
call for share capital招募股本
called capital催缴股本
called-up capital实收资本
called-up capital催缴资本
called-up capital已催缴资本包括已收及催缴未收资本
call-up capital已催缴股本
call-up capital催缴股本
Capacity, Capital, Character能力、资本、品性信用调查三要素
capacity of foreign capital repayment外资偿还能力
capacity to repay foreign capital外资偿还能力
carrying cost of capital资本附加费用
carrying cost of capital资本的附加费
cash capital现金股本
cash working capital活动现金资本
change in demand of capital goods资本货物需求变动
change in working capital运用资本变化
charge against capital冲抵资本
charge for the use of circulating capital流动资本占用费
charge to "capital in excess" account借记"超额资本"账户
circulating capital流动资本资金
circulating capital within their quota定额内流动资本
circulation of capital资本周转
clash bet ween capital and labor劳资冲突
Code of Liberalization of Capital Movements资本移动自由化法规
collectively-owned capital集体资本
commodity-dealer's capital商品经营资本
company capital公司资本
company with reduced capital减资企业
competition among the capitals of different sectors and industries部门间资本竞争
composite cost of capital综合资本成本
composition of capital flow资金流量构成
composition of capital stock资本存量构成
consumption capital消耗资本
consumption of capital资本消耗
consumption of fixed capital固定资本消耗量
contingent donated capital或有捐赠资本
contribute their respective share of capital缴足认购股本
conversion into capital债券转换为股本
conversion into capital stock债券转换为股本
convert a portion of the surplus products into capital剩余产品转化为资本
convert capital into product资本转化为产品
corporations owned by local capital本民族资本企业
dead capital不流动资本
dead capital不生息之资金
dead capital不生产资本
declared capital申报资本
declared capital已申报资本额
deficient in capital资本不足
deficit in long-term capital长期资本短细
deficit on long-term capital balance长期资金收支亏损
departmental capital部门资本
detailed statement of capital construction expenditure to be written off应核销基建支岀明细表
discounted cash-flow capital贴现现金流动资本
discounted value of the capital stock资本存量贴现值
disruptive capital flow破坏性资本流动
disruptive capital movement破坏性资本流动
doctrine of capital maintenance资本维持的原则
dormant capital闲置资本
drain of capital资本外流
dummy capital虚拟资本
effectiveness of capital construction investment基建投资效果
emigration of capital资本外流
enterprise run with Chinese and foreign capital中外合资经营企业
enterprise with foreign capital外资企业
equilibrating long-term capital均衡化长期资本
equilibrating short-term capital均衡化短期资本
equity capital自有资本即股东投入的资金
equity capital transaction产权资本转让
equity capital turnover产权资本周转率
equity capital turnover自有资本周转率
excessively small capital微薄资本
exodus of capital资金外流
exodus of capital资本外流
expenditure on capital account资金账户支出
expenditure on capital accounts资本账户支出
export and import of capital资本输出入
extended capital construction project扩建基建项目
external capital国外资本
external capital外来资本
external equity capital外部股本资本
factitious capital虚拟资本
fallow money-capital未加利用的货币资金
fertilize the country's economy with foreign capital利用外资以繁荣本国经济
fetishism of capital资本拜物教
fictitious capital虚拟资本
fictitious capital虚拟虚构资本
final account for completed capital construction基建项目竣工决算
financing from broker's own capital经纪人自提供资金
financing from broker's own capital经纪人自筹资金
flight of capital资金外流外逃
flow of capital资金流动流转
fluidity of capital资本流动性
foreign capital challenge外资挑战
foreign capital flows外资流量
foreign capital importation外资引进
foreign capital inflow外资流入
foreign capital inflows外资流入
foreign capital introduction外资引进
foreign capital offensive外资攻势
foreign capital participation外资入股
formation of capital资本构成
formation of capital资本形成
formation of private capital民间资本构成
formation of savings capital储备资本构成
fractional capital零星资本
free movement of capital资本自由移动
fully paid capital缴足股本
fully paid capital share缴足股本
functional capital职能资本包括产业资本和商业资本
general capital increase普遍增资
gestation period of capital资本酝酿期间
giant-capital stock大额股票
gross capital formation资本形成总额
gross capital formation总资本形成
gross domestic fixed capital formation国内固定资产总额
gross fixed capital formation固定资本累积总额
gross national product per capital国民平均生产总值
gross private capital私人资本形成总额
gross private fixed capital investment私人固定投资总额
gross working capital流动资金总额
high geared capital高速资本
highly capital大量投入资本的
hostility between capital and labour劳资敌视
idle money-capital闲置货币资本
immobilized capital闲置资本
impaired capital缩减资本
impaired capital亏损资本
importation of foreign capital外资引进
imported foreign capital引进外资
imports of capital资本输入额
imports of foreign capital外资引进额
incremental capital output ratio资本—产出增长比率
incremental capital-output ratio增量资本—产量比率
incremental cost of capital增量资本成本
individual capital私人资本
individual owner of capital独资所有者
.inflow of foreign capital外资流入
influx of capital资本涌进
influx of foreign capital外资流入
intensity of capital use资本利用集约度
inter-dependence of capital and labour劳资相互依赖
interest on loan capital借贷利息
intermediate capital中间资本
internationalized capital国际化资本
inventory to net working capital存货对流动资本比率
inverted capital转化资本
invested capital投资资本即自有资本与债券的总和
investment capital资本
investment capital投资资金
investment in capital资本投资
investment in capital account投资账户
investment in capital construction of enterprise企业基本建设投资
investment in capital construction within the budget预算内基本建设投资
investment in capital of affiliated concerns附属公司资本投资
irrecoverable capital不能收回的资本
issuance of capital stock for non-cash assets为实物投资而发行的股票
issued capital已发行股本
issued capital stock已发行股本
issued share capital已发行股本
joint capital investment联合投资
labor and capital劳资关系
labor-capital ratio劳动资本比率
labor-capital relation劳资关系
large-capital stock巨额股份
large capital stock巨额股本
large social overhead capital project大规模社会间接资本计划
large-scale capital investment大规模投资
large-scale capital investment project大规模投资项目
large-scale social overhead capital projects大规模社会间接资本计划
lendable capital可供借贷资本
lending rate in capital budgeting投资预算贷款利率
level of capital stock资本存量水平
liberalization of capital transaction资本交易自由化
liberated capital自由的资本
living capital活资本
loan capital借入资本如发行公司债券和短期借款
loan capital-debenture借入资本—公司债
loaned capital借贷资本
local capital地方资本
local capital construction plan地方基建计划
locked in capital已占用资本
locked-in capital固定资金
long-term capital balance长期资本余额
long-term capital gain长期资本收益
long-term capital gain长期资本利得
long-term capital loss长期资本损失
long-term capital movement长期资本流动
long-term capital transaction长期资本交易
long-term debt to net working capital ratio长期债务对净运用资本比率
lose one's capital亏本
lose one's capital亏本
loss from capital reduction减资损失
loss from reduction of capital stock减资损失
loss on redemption of capital stock偿还股本损失
lower composition of an individual capital单项资本低位构成
lower composition of group capital集体资本低位构成
lucrative capital盈利资本
malleable capital可延展资本
market for international capital国际资本市场
medium capital流通资本
mobilization of domestic and foreign capital国内外资金筹措
mobilize capital流动资本
mobilize capital移动资本
mobilize domestic and foreign capital国内外资金流动
national capital国民资本
national capital account国民资本账户
national capital region首都区域
negative capital负债
negative capital亏本
net balance of capital movement资产移动净差额
net capital employed运用净资本
net capital formation净资本构成
net current capital流动资本净额
net exports of capital资本输出净额
net financial capital outflow金融性资本纯外流
net monetary working capital运用货币资本净额
net profit on net working capital ratio净流动资本净利润比率
net profit to net working capital ratio净流动资本净利润比率
net working capital净运用资本
net working capital菅运资本净额
net working capital ratio净运用资本率
net working capital turnover净运用资本周转率
net worth to fixed capital ratio净值与固定资本比率
new capital issues新发行股本
New capital issues新发行股票
newly-added productive capacity from capital construction基本建设新增生产能力
newly-started capital construction project新开工基建项目
no capital budget无资本预算
no par value capital stock无面值股票
no value capital stock无面值股
nominal capital认定股
nominal capital account名义股本账户
non-operating capital非营业资本
nonproductive capital非生产资本
non-recurring unusual gains and losses of a non-capital nature非资本性质临时损益
no-par value capital stock无票面额股票
normal capital正常资本
number of turnover of current capital流动资金周转次数
occupied rate of current capital流动资金占有率
operating capital运用资本
operating capital运转资本
operation of capital资金的运转
ordinary capital普通资本
ordinary capital resources普通资本来源
other capital其他资本
other capital construction investment其他基本建设投资
output capital ratio资本产出率指产量与资本的比率
outstanding capital未付清资本
outstanding capital stock未偿股本
owner's capital自有资本
paid-in capital已缴股本
paid-in capital付讫股本
paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock由优先股折换的缴讫资本
paid-in capital from redemption of preferred stock收回优先股所得资本
paid-in capital from treasury stock出售政府公债所得资本
paid-in capital from treasury stock transaction由政府公债交易获得的缴入资本
paid-in capital in excess of par value超过面值的缴入资本
paid-in capital in excess of par value超过面值的实缴资本
paid-in capital in excess of stated value超过设定价值的缴入资本
paid-up capital已缴资本
paid-up risk capital已缴风险资本
payment of capital缴付资本
payment of the capital缴付资本
penetration of foreign monopoly capital外国垄断资本渗透
permanent capital永久性资本
personification of capital资本人格化
planned times of turnover of current capital流动资金周转次数
planning for capital investment设备投资计划
planning for capital investment规化资本投资
pool capital合资
pool capital合股
pool of capital资本联合
pool of capital合资
pooling of capital集中资本资金
positive capital实存资本
premium on capital stocks股票盈利
premium on capital stocks股本溢价
producers' capital生产者资本
productive capital生产资本指生产中所用工具,原料和劳务
productivity of capital stock股本生产率
profit and loss bn capital and interest本利的损益盈亏
profit and loss on capital and interest本利盈亏
profit from capital reduction减资差异
profit ration of capital资本利润率
profit to capital资本利润率
project in capital construction基建工程
project selection in capital investment资本投资工程项目选择
promotion of risk capital financial investment鼓励风险资本投资
public and private capital公私资本资金
quick capital速动资本
quota capital定额资金
railway capital construction铁路基本建设
raise fresh capital筹集新资本
rate of capital return投资报酬率
rate of return of capital资本收益率
rate of return on equity capital自有资本收益率
rate of return on invested capital投资收益率
ratio of capital to current liabilities资本与流动负债比率
ratio of capital to fixed liabilities资本与固定负债比率
ratio of fixed assets to capital固定资产与资本比率
ratio of inventories to net working capital存货与营运资本的比率
ratio of net profit to capital净利润与资本之比
ratio of net worth to fixed capital净值与固定资本比率
ratio of net worth to total capital净值与总资本比率
ratio of profit to capital资本利润比率
ratio of vested capital to total liabilities and net worth法定资本对负债总额及净值之比
rationing problem in capital investment投资方案合理性排列问题
recourse to foreign capital借助外资
refugee capital国内动乱外逃资本
release of capital资本解冻
release of capital资本节余
remitted remaining balance of capital construction fund上缴基建结余资金
remuneration of capital资本酬劳回报
repatriation of funds and capital汇返资金与资本
required capital coefficient需要资本系数
requirements of capital资本要求
reserve capital非投入资本
reserve capital准备资本
retail capital小额资本
risk capital风险资本指明显有很大损失风险的投资资本
risk capital pool风险资本合营
savings for capital subscription出资预约储蓄
scarcity of capital资本短缺
schedule of net working capital change运用资本净额变动明细表
schedule of the marginal efficiency of capital资本边际效用表
security capital无风险资本
seed capital种子资本
separation between capital and administration资本与管理的分离
share capital payable应付股款
short-term capital短期资本如短期票据等
short-term capital balance短期资本差额
short-term capital gain or loss短期资本损益
short-term capital gains短期资本利得
single capital structure company单一资本结构公司
sink a large capital in投入大量资本
small capital stock小本股
social capital社会间接资本
sources and uses of working capital运用资本来源与使用
sources of working capital营运资本来源
special kind of capital-gains tax特种利得税
special limitation on the tax credit for capital gains and losses资本损益税收抵免特别限额
split capital分割资本指投资基金公司将资本分为资本股票和收益股票的一种资本结构形式
stabilizing short-term capital movement稳定短期资本流动
stated capital申报股本公司规定的股本数额
stated capital设定股本指购股者所缴数额
sterility of capital资本不增殖
stock capital股本
stock capital股份资本
stock of capital goods资本货物存量
stock of real capital实存资本
subscriber capital正式股本
subscriber capital认购人股本
subscribing capital stock认购股本
subscription to capital stock认缴股本
subscription to common capital认缴普通股本
subscription to common capital stock认缴普通股本
subscription to preferred capital认缴优先股本
subscription to preferred capital stock认缴优先股本
subscription to the capital岀资
suspense receipts on capital subscription认购股本暂收款
table of capital expenditure资本开支表
take away one's capital夺走某人资金
tax on capital资本税
tax on income from movable capital动产收入税
temporary capital account暂记资本账户
tie up capital呆滞资本
tied up working capital呆滞流动资本
trade with a concentration of capital资本密集型行业
trades with concentration of capital资本密集型'行业
trades with concentration of capital资本密集型行业
translation of exchange capital funds外币资本金折算
trust capital信托资本资金
turnover of all capital总资本周转率
turnover of total capital总资本周转率
turnover of total capital总资本周转额
turnover of working capital运用资本周转数
turnover rate of capital资本周转率
turnover rate of current capital流动资本周转率
turnover ratio of working capital营运资本周转率
turns of capital资本周转次数
uncalled capital未缴资本
uncentralized capital非集中性资金
uncollected balance of subscription for capital stock认缴股本未收余额
uncollected balance of the subscriptions for capital stock认缴股本未收余额
underconsumption of capital资本消费不足
undistributed capital gain dividends未分配资本利得股息
unimpaired capital未减少的资本
unissued capital stock未发行的股票
unpaid capital未缴股本
unpaid capital未缴资本股本
unpaid share capital未缴股本
unpaid up capital account未付资本账目
unrealized capital未实现资本
unrecovered capital未收回资本
unused capital未利用资本
usury capital高利贷资本
validation of registered capital验证注册资本
value of capital in use使用资本量
venture capital风险资本指发行股票筹集的股本和投资于风险大的企业的资本等
volatile capital可交资本
watered capital掺水资本指企业发行股票金额超过实际投入资本额,资本家往往以高估资产夸大资本总额,发行股票,此种夸大的资本称为掺水资本
watering capital掺水资本
watering of capital掺水股本
We plan to import rubber bellows from China, but we are short of working capital我们公司想从中国进口一批橡胶波纹管,但我们缺少流动资金
weighted average cost of capital加权平均资本成本
weighted average cost of capital加权平均的资本成本
working capital cycle运用资本循环
working capital deficit运用资本短绌数
working capital from operation营业所得运用资金
working capital fund流动资金
working capital provided by operation营业所得运用资金
working capital ratio营运资本比率
working capital suspense未定运用资金
working capital turnover rate流动资本周转率
working fund capital construction基本建设周转金
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