
Terms containing capes | all forms
textileabbe cape修道院院长披风披肩
textileabbot cape修道院院长假长发
textileabbot cape修道院院长型假发
agric.African Cape非洲好望角
textileangora cape安哥拉披肩
textileanti-gas cape防毒斗篷
textileartificial fur cape人造毛皮披肩
textilebaby cape婴儿短斗篷
textilebaby cape婴儿披肩
textileback shoulder cape衣服的后披肩
textilebath cape浴衣
textilebeach cape沙滩披风
textilebeach cape海滩披肩
textilebed cape无袖睡衣
textilebig cape大披肩
textilebolero cape波蕾若披风
textilebolero cape鲍莱罗披巾
textilebox cape箱形披肩
expl.cape abutment矩形矿柱的应力集中区
desert.cape aloe好望角芦荟 (索诺拉沙漠,常绿肉质植物)
desert.cape aloe多产芦荟
tech.cape asbestos南非石棉
tech.cape asbestos兰石棉
tech.cape asbestos青石棉
desert.cape barren goose澳洲灰雁
textilecape basuto南非粗马海毛
desert.cape batis海角蓬背鹟 (非洲南部沙漠)
biol.Cape bee好望角蜂 (Apis mellifera capensis,蜜蜂科)
tech.cape blue asbestos青石棉
tech.cape blue asbestos南非石棉
tech.cape bolt固定螺栓
tech.cape bolt圆头螺栓
ichtyol.cape bonnetmouth谐鱼 Emmelichthys nitidus
met.Cape-Brassert process凯普-布拉塞特直接炼铁法
gen.Cape Breton University布列塔尼角大学
desert.cape bugloss非洲勿忘我草
anim.husb.Cape bugloss好望角牛舌草 (Anchusa capensis)
biol.Cape bugloss好望角牛舌草 (Anchusa capensis Thunb.,紫草科)
agric.Cape bulb海角球根好望角产球根花卉
desert.cape bulbul南非鹎
desert.cape canary黄顶丝雀
geogr.Cape Canaveral卡纳维拉尔角美国导弹试验中心.
spaceCape Canaveral Auxiliary Air Force Base卡纳维拉尔角附属空军基地 (美国导弹发射场)
bot.Cape chestnut好望角美树 Calodendrum capensis
desert.cape chestnut好望角美树
biol.Cape chestnut好望角栗树好望角美树,Calodendrum capense Thunb.
biol.Cape chinkerichee好望角虎眼万年青 (Ornithogalum thyrsoides,百合科)
el.mach.cape chisel扁尖锉
tech.cape chisel岬錾
tech.cape chisel削凿 (刀)
tech.cape chisel扁尖凿
tech.cape chisel拐角凿子
met.cape chisel削扁岬扁尖凿
archit.cape chisel岬堑
auto.cape chisel削凿
gen.cape chisel削〔扁尖〕凿
desert.cape clapper lark卡拉哈里百灵
desert.cape clapper lark振翅歌百灵
tech.cape cloud山顶白云
textilecape coat披肩男大衣
textilecape coat披风大衣有披肩缝在大衣上和可取下的两种
textilecape coat有披肩的男大衣
anim.husb.Cape cod waterlily红香睡莲 (Nymphaea odora var. rubra)
biol.Cape cod waterlily红香睡莲 (Nymphaea odora var. rubra,睡莲科)
textilecape collar斗篷领
textilecape collar披风领
textilecape collar披肩领
desert.cape cormorant南非鸬鹚
textilecape cover-up沙滩披巾
textilecape cover-up披肩
desert.cape cowslip白筒立金花
desert.cape cowslip立金花
desert.cape crombec棕长嘴森莺
anim.husb.Cape crotalaria好望角猪屎豆 (Crotalaria capensis)
biol.Cape crotalaria好望角猪屎豆 (Crotalaria capensis Jacq.,豆科)
desert.cape crow北美乌鸦
tech.cape diamond南非金刚石
tech.cape diamond淡黄色金刚石
tech.cape diamond黄金刚石
tech.cape doctor道格特角风 (指南非沿海一种强东南风)
textilecape dress披肩装
textilecape dress披肩礼服
desert.cape dune mole rat南非滨鼠 (非洲南部沙漠)
desert.cape eagle-owl海角雕鸮 (非洲南部沙漠)
textilecape echarpe卷领长披肩
ichtyol.cape elephantfish南非叶吻银鲛 Callorhinchus capensis
textilecape first南美洲一级马海毛
tech.cape foot南非尺
desert.cape forget-me-not非洲勿忘我草
biol.Cape fox北极狐白狐,Alopex lagopus sp.,犬科
desert.cape francolin南非鹧鸪
desert.cape fritillary姬牛角 (非洲沙漠)
desert.cape fritillary普通牛尾花
biol.Cape fuchsia Cape fuchsia phygelius南非吊金钟南非金钟花,Phygeliuscapensis E. Mey.,玄参科
gen.Cape fur seal非澳海狮 Arctocephalus pusillus
tech.cape gage扁尖量规
ichtyol.cape galaxias非洲南乳鱼 Galaxias zebratus
desert.cape gannet南非鲣鸟 (非洲南部沙漠)
desert.cape gannet南非鰹鸟
tech.cape gauge扁尖量规
desert.cape genet大斑撲 (纳米布沙漠)
desert.cape genet虎纹撲
desert.cape glossy-starling红肩辉椋鸟 (非洲南部沙漠)
desert.cape glossy-starling红肩辉掠鸟
textilecape gloves羊皮手套
desert.cape golden mole金毛鼹
bot.Cape gooseberry灯笼果 Physalis peruviana
bot.Cape gooseberry小果酸浆 Physalis peruviana
perf.cape gooseberry灯笼果
biol.Cape-gooseberry灯笼果 (Physalis peruviana L.,茄科)
desert.cape grassbird草莺
ichtyol.cape grenadier南非尖尾无须鳕 Macruronus capensis
desert.cape grey mongoose蓬灰貂獴
desert.cape grysbok黑耳石羚
anim.husb.Cape gum tree非洲金合欢 (Acacia horrida)
biol.Cape gum tree非洲金合欢 (Acacia horrida,豆科)
ichtyol.cape gurnard南非绿鳍鱼 Chelidonichthys capensis
ichtyol.cape hakes南非无须鳕 Merluccius capensis, M. paradox
desert.cape hare蒙古兔
anim.husb.Cape hare野兔
desert.cape hare草兔
anim.husb.Cape hartebeest南狷羚
textilecape hat披市帽
gen.Cape Hom合恩角
desert.cape honeysuckle硬骨凌霄
biol.Cape honey-suckle硬骨凌霄铁角凌霄,Tecomaria capensis (Thunb.) Spach.
biol.Cape honey-suckle硬骨凌霄属 (Tecomaria Spech.,紫葳科)
auto.cape hood敞篷车折叠式车顶
tech.cape hood顶盖
ichtyol.Cape Hope squid南非枪乌贼 Loligo reynaudi
ichtyol.cape horse mackerel南非竹筴鱼 Trachurus capensis
desert.cape hyrax开普蹄兔
desert.cape hyrax南非蹄兔
textilecape jacket披肩夹克
bot.Cape jasmine栀子 Gardenia jasminoides
life.sc.cape jasmine栀子
tech., brit.cape-jasmine梔子花
biol.Cape jasmine梔子黄梔,山梔,黄枝,Gardenia jasminoides Ellis,茜草科
biol.Cape jasmine pyralid梔子三纹螟 (Archernis tropicalis Walker,螟蛾科)
biol.Cape jasmine spiny whitefly栀子刺粉虱 (Aleurocanthus spinosus Kuwana,粉虱科)
biol.Cape jasmine whitefly梔子粉虱 (Aleurodes kuchinasii Sasaki,粉虱科)
ichtyol.cape lobster南非螯龙虾 Homarus capensis
desert.cape long长嘴歌百灵
desert.cape long-billed lark长嘴歌百灵 (非洲南部沙漠)
desert.cape mallow糙木槿
desert.cape mallow南非葵
desert.cape mallow玲珑木槿 (南非,半灌木或灌木)
desert.cape mallow背叶红木槿
desert.cape mallow小木槿
desert.cape marigold异果菊
desert.cape marigold赛金盏
biol.Cape marigold异果菊 (Dimorphotheca sinuata DC.)
biol.Cape marigold异果菊属 (Dimorphotheca DC.,菊科)
desert.cape may warbler栗颊林莺
textilecape mixed南非洲中级马海毛
textilecape mohair南非洲马海毛
desert.cape mole rat岬鼠
ichtyol.cape monk南非鮟鱇 Lophius upsicephalus
desert.cape myrtle铁仔
textilecape net坚硬棉织网
biol.Cape night-phlox好望角夜福禄考 (Zaluzlanskya capensis Walp.,花荵科)
earth.sc.cape of good hope好望角南非
tech.cape of Good Hope好望角
tech.cape of Good Hope deviation additional好望角绕航附加费
nautic., tech.cape of good hope route好望角航线
nautic., tech.cape of good hope-type bulk carrier好望角型散货船
textilecape overcoat披肩大衣
tech.cape overcoat斗篷
biol.Cape oxalis多变酢浆草 (Oxalis variabilis Jacq.,酢浆草科)
bot.Cape periwinkle山矾花 Viola rosea
bot.Cape periwinkle日日草 Viola rosea
bot.Cape periwinkle长春花 Viola rosea
desert.cape petrel花斑鹱
textilecape piping披风宽贴边
desert.cape pittosporum绿花海桐
desert.cape plumbago蓝花矶松
desert.cape plumbago蓝花丹
biol.Cape plumbago蓝茉莉蓝矶松,Plumbago capensis Thunb.,白花丹科
desert.cape pondweed长柄水雍
desert.cape pondweed长柄水蕹
biol.Cape pond-weed水蕹 (Aponogeton natans (L.) Engl. et Krause)
biol.Cape pond-weed水蕹属 (Aponogeton L. f.,水蕹科)
anim.husb.Cape-primrose好望角苣苔属 (Streptocarpus)
biol.Cape-primrose好望角苣苔属 (Streptocarpus Lindl.,苦苣苔科)
ichtyol.cape razor clam南非竹蛏 Solen capensis
ichtyol.cape redfish南非平鲉 Sebastes capensis
desert.cape robin-chat黄喉歌鵖 (非洲南部沙漠)
ichtyol.cape rock lobster南非岩龙虾 Jasus lalandii
desert.cape rock thrush南非矶鸫
desert.cape rock-jumper棕岩鸫
tech.cape ruby南非红宝石
tech.cape ruby红榴石
textilecape ruby开普红宝石
desert.cape sengi埃氏象鼩
biol.Cape shamrock大花酢浆草 (Oxalis bowicana Lodd.,酢浆草科)
textilecape sheath披肩罩
desert.cape shelduck灰头麻鸭
desert.cape short-eared gerbil非洲龈鼠
desert.cape short-eared gerbil短耳龈鼠
desert.cape short-eared gerbil短耳沙鼠
textilecape shoulder冒肩袖
desert.cape shoveler褐顶琵嘴鸭 (非洲南部沙漠)
anim.husb.Cape silvergrass好望角芒 (Miscanthus capensis)
biol.Cape silvergrass好望角芒 (Miscanthus capensis,禾本科)
nautic., tech.cape size ship好望角型船舶
nautic., tech.cape size type carriers好望角型船
textilecape sleeve盖袖
textilecape sleeve披肩袖
textilecape sleeve连肩盖袖
textilecape sleeve喇叭袖
textilecape sleeve短喇叭袖童装
textilecape sleeve连肩袖
ichtyol.cape slipper lobster伊丽莎白拟蝉虾 Scyllarides elisabethae
desert.cape smilax拟天冬草
textilecape snow-white wool南非洲雪白美利奴毛
desert.cape sparrow南非麻雀
desert.cape speckled aloe不夜城锦
desert.cape speckled aloe星光锦
desert.cape spiny mouse索马里刺毛鼠 (非洲南部沙漠)
desert.cape stock -rose非洲椴树
desert.cape stock -rose垂蕾树
desert.cape stock-rose非洲椴树
desert.cape stock-rose垂蕾树
textilecape stole披巾式披风
textilecape stole披巾式披肩
textilecape stole披肩长围巾
desert.cape sugarbird南非食蜜鸟
textilecape suit披肩式上衣套装
desert.cape sweet pea类扁豆
desert.cape teal绿翅灰斑鸭 (非洲沙漠、阿拉伯半岛)
auto.cape top折叠式车篷篷顶
archit.cape top软车顶
auto.cape top篷〔软〕车顶
tech.cape top篷车顶
UNCape Town Declaration on an African Process for the Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa关于特别是在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区发展和保护沿海和海洋环境的非洲进程的开普敦宣言
shipb.Cape Town Harbor, South Africa南非开普敦港
geogr.Cape Town, South Africa开普敦:南非
textileCape Town Wool Buyers' Association开普敦羊毛买主协会南非
desert.cape tulip好望角郁金香 (Homeria breyniana)
desert.cape tulip大花肖鸢尾 (Moraea grandiflora)
textilecape ulster披肩式厄尔斯特大衣
desert.cape vulture南非兀鹜
desert.cape wagtail海角鹡鸰
tech.cape walnut臭木
perf.cape water lily南非睡莲
anim.husb.Cape waterhawthorn田干草 (Aponogeton distachyus)
biol.Cape waterhawthorn田干草 (Aponogeton distachyus Thunb.,水蕹科)
anim.husb.Cape waterlily南非睡莲 (Nymphaea capensis)
biol.Cape waterlily南非睡莲 (Nymphaea capensis,睡莲科)
desert.cape weaver南非织雀
desert.cape weed赛金盏
desert.cape white eye silvereye苍色绣眼鸟 (非洲南部沙漠)
desert.cape white-eye silvereye苍色绣眼鸟
bot.Cape willow黄花柳 Salix capensis
textilecape wool南非洲羊毛
anim.husb.Cape wool羊毛南非毛
avia.Cape York Space Agency〔澳〕约克角航天局
textilecarrying cape带袢斗篷
textilecawdor cape扁平折叠布帽
danc.chasse cape披风追步
textileChinese shoulder cape中式短披肩
textilecircle cape圆斗篷
textilecircular cape圆形披风
textilecircular cape波浪形披风
textilecircular cape圆斗篷
textilecircular cape sleeve披肩袖
textilecircular cape sleeve披风袖
textilecircular cape sleeve圆披肩袖
textilecircular cape sleeve波浪褶披肩短袖
textilecircular cape sleeve波浪褶披肩短袖
textileclerical cape牧师披肩
textileclerical cape牧师披风
textilecyclist's cape摩托车驾驶员斗篷
textilecyclist's cape自行车斗篷
textilecyclist's cape防雨斗篷
textilecyclist's cape骑摩托车、自行车用防雨斗篷
ichtyol.deep-water Cape hake深水无须鳕 Merluccius paradoxus
textiledress cape礼服斗篷
textiledress cape礼服披风
textiledress with cape带披肩的连衣裙
textiledress with cape披肩连衣裙
textiledressing cape梳妆用披肩
textiledressing cape梳妆披巾
textiledriving cape驭马斗篷
textiledriving cape马夫披肩
textileevening cape晚礼服披肩
textileevening cape晚礼服斗篷
textilefake fur cape人造毛皮披肩
textilefeather cape羽毛披肩
textilefitted cape合身斗篷
biol.Fortune's cape jasmine重瓣梔子 (Gardenia jasminoides var. fortuniana Lindl.,茜草科)
textileFrench policeman's cape法式警察披风
textilefront and back shoulder cape前后披肩
textilefront or back shoulder cape前后披肩
textilefront shoulder cape前披肩
textilefront shoulder cape衣服的前披肩
textilefull cape圆形披风
textilefull cape全圆形披风
textilefur cape裘皮披肩
textilefur skin cape毛皮披肩
textilegather cape抽褶斗篷
textilegathered cape带褶披肩
textilegathered cape碎褶披肩
textilegathered cape抽褶斗篷
textilegendarme cape法国警察穿的长至膝部的圆披肩
textilegendarme cape警察用及膝圆披肩
biol.golden cape chinkerichee金边虎眼万年青 (Ornithogalum minatum Jacq.,百合科)
textilehalf circular cape半圆形短披肩
textilehalf-circle cape半圆斗篷
textilehighland cape高地披肩
textilehighland cape高地斗篷
textilehood cape with liripipe stump有长飘带的学位服披肩
gen.Hout Bay is a beautiful place, 50 miles outside of Cape Town豪特湾是个美丽的地方,位于开普敦50英里开外
textileinverness cape紧身圆领披肩
textileIrish cape爱尔兰披肩
textilejacket cape外套型披风
textilejacket cape夹克式披肩
textilejacquette cape外套型披风
textilejacquette cape夹克式披肩
textileknitted cape针织披肩
textilelivery cape仆人披肩
textilelong cape长斗篷
textilelow cape微黄色级钻石
textilemake-up cape化妆用罩衣
textilemark-up cape化妆用披风
textilemaxi cape特长披风
textilemaxi cape及踝披风
textilemidi cape迷地式披风长及小腿的中长披风
textilemonk's cape修道士披肩
textilemonk's cape僧侣披肩
textilemuleta cape西班牙中长披肩
textilemuleta cape西班牙迷蒂披肩
textilenurse's cape护士披风
textileofficer's cape军官外套
textileofficer's cape卫兵大衣
textileofficer's cape军官披风
textileofficer's cape官职外套
textileofficer's cape海军蓝交领中长披风美国海军军官制服
textileopera cape观剧披风
textileopera cape披肩
textileopera cape男子中长披风
textileopera cape观剧披肩
textileopera cape短斗篷
textileopera cape晚礼服斗篷
biol.pale cape waterlily南非蓝睡莲 (Nymphaea capensis var. azurea Casp.,睡莲科)
textilepalm-bark rain cape蓑衣
textilepixie cape夹兜帽斗篷
textilepixie cape连帽斗篷
textileplastic rain cape塑料雨披
textileponcho cape披巾雨披
textileponcho cape有穗饰的斗篷
geogr.Praia, Cape Verde普拉亚:弗得角
textileraglan cape连肩袖披肩
textileraglan cape连肩型披风
textilerain cape斗篷雨衣
textilerain cape雨披
textilerain cape雨衣
tech.reef cape礁帽
textileremovable cape可脱卸披肩
textileremovable cape可拆卸披风
biol.Rex cape-primrose赖氏好望角苣苔 (Streptocarpus rexii Lindl.,苦苣苔科)
plast.rotor cape or squirrel cage impeller mixer旋风叶轮式混合器
textilescarf cape围巾式披肩
ichtyol.shallow-water Cape hake南非无须鳕 Merluccius capensis
textileshort cape短斗篷
textileshort cape短披肩
textileshoulder cape覆肩短披风
textileshoulder cape短披肩
textilesling cape吊腕式披风
textileSpanish cape西班牙披风
org.name.Standard for Cape Gooseberry灯笼果标准
hydroel.st.steel cape钢丝索
textilestrain cape紧身斗篷
textilestraw rain cape蓑衣
gen.the Cape好望角 (of Good Hope)
textilethree-piece cape三片裁披风
textilethree-quarter cape三夸特披肩
textilethree-quarter cape七分圆披风
textiletie-on cape披肩罩
tech.tombolo cape沙颈岬
textiletriangle cape形披风
gen.University College of Cape Breton布雷顿角大学
biol.variable cape-primrose扭果花 (Streptocarpus X hybridus)
biol.variable cape-primrose扭果花属 (Streptocarpus spp.,苦苣苔科)
textilevinyl rain cape聚氯乙烯塑胶雨披