
Terms containing cancer | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A regular workout 3 times a week can lower your risk of breast cancer每周3次有规律的运动能减低患乳癌的概率
gen.Abdominal pain is one of the basic symptoms, generally the initial and most frequent symptom and it can be an indication for the initial stage of cancer腹痛一般是初步症状,也是最基本、最常见的症状,它可能是初期癌症的指征
pharm.anti-cancer immuno-ribonucleic acid抗肿瘤免疫核糖核酸 (抗肿瘤药)
pharm.anti mammary cancer iRNA抗乳腺癌免疫核糖核酸 (抗肿瘤药)
pharm.anti rectal cancer iRNA抗肠腺癌免疫核糖核酸 (抗肿瘤药)
agric.azo dye in cancer study癌研究的偶氮染料
med.bone marrow cancer多发性骨髓瘤
genet.Boveri theory of cancer癌的波维利学说
otorhinol.branchiogenic cancer鳃裂癌
otorhinol.branchiogenous cancer鳃裂癌
nurs.breast cancer乳癌
life.sc.breast cancer乳腺癌
genet.breast cancer gene乳腺癌基因
otorhinol.bronchiogenic cancer支气管肺癌
otorhinol.bronchiogenic cancer支气管癌
otorhinol.bronchiogenic cancer支气管原癌
tech.calm of Cancer北回归线无风带
desert.calm zone of Cancer北回归线无风带
tech.calms of Cancer北半球副热带无风带
tech.calms of Cancer北回归线无风带
tech.calms of Cancer副热带无风带
otorhinol.cancer aquaticus坏疽性口炎
otorhinol.cancer aquaticus走马疳
desert.cancer bush气球豆木
tech.cancer by radiation辐射致癌
ecol.cancer cell癌细胞
genet.cancer cell line癌细胞系
genet.cancer cell metastasis suppressor gene癌细胞转移抑制基因
agric.cancer chromosome癌染色体
tech.cancer due to occupation职业癌
dermat.cancer en cuirasse铠甲状癌
anim.husb.cancer eye眼癌
life.sc.cancer family癌家族
genet.cancer-field theory癌野学说一种癌发生学说
ecol.cancer gene癌基因
genet.cancer genetics癌遗传学
life.sc.cancer genomics癌基因组学
genet.cancer geographical map癌地理分布区
repr.biol.cancer in two配偶癌
genet.cancer-inducing virus致癌病毒
agric.cancer-inducing virus癌诱发病毒
dermat.cancer keratosis癌性角化病
agric.cancer metastasis癌转移
ecol.cancer mortality癌症死亡率
surg.cancer of anal canal肛管癌
surg.cancer of anal margin肛周癌
surg.cancer of anus肛门癌
nurs.cancer of bile ducts胆道癌
surg.cancer of biliary duct胆管癌
nurs.cancer of biliary tract胆管癌
surg.cancer of breast乳癌
surg.cancer of colon结肠癌
nurs.cancer of colon大肠癌
otorhinol.cancer of esophagus食管癌
nurs.cancer of larynx喉癌
surg.cancer of lung肺癌
agric.cancer of mice小鼠癌
nurs.cancer of middle ear中耳癌
nurs.cancer of nasopharynx鼻咽癌
nurs.cancer of pancreas胰腺癌
nurs.cancer of pharynx咽癌
nurs.cancer of prostate前列腺癌
nurs.cancer of rectum直肠癌
nurs.cancer of stomach胃癌
genet.cancer protein癌蛋白
ecol.cancer research癌症研究
environ.cancer risk The probability that exposure to some agent or substance will adversely transform cells to replicate and form a malignant tumor癌症风险 (接触某些药剂或者物质导致细胞复制并形成恶性肿瘤的可能性。)
life.sc.cancer stem cell肿瘤干细胞
agric.cancer suppressor gene抑癌基因
genet.cancer suppressor protein抑癌蛋白质
genet.cancer suppressor protein抑癌基因产物
agric.cancer suppressor protein抑癌蛋白[质]
genet.cancer susceptibility gene癌易感基因
genet.cancer theory癌学说
agric.cancer tissue culture癌组织培养
genet.cancer treatment癌治疗
agric.cancer tree癌月中树
agric.cancer virus癌病毒
surg.cavernous lung cancer空洞型肺癌
repr.biol.cellular cancer细胞性瘤
repr.biol.cerebriform cancer髓样癌
repr.biol.cerebriform cancer脑样癌
nurs.cervical cancer子宫颈癌
life.sc.cervical cancers子宫颈癌
dermat.chimney sweep cancer扫烟囱工人癌
repr.biol.chimney Sweep's cancer阴囊癌
agric.chloral hydrate in cancer癌研究的氯醛水合物
genet.chromosome theory of cancer癌的染色体理论
surg.clinicopathological staging of gastric cancer胃癌临床病理分期
agric.cutting of cancer tree癌肿木[的]采伐
genet.deleted in colorectal cancer gene结肠癌缺失的基因 (DCC 基因)
repr.biol.dendritic cancer乳头
surg.dermoid cancer皮肤癌
repr.biol.drug cancer-fighting抗癌药物
repr.biol.duct cancer管癌乳腺
surg.Dukes classification for colon cancer结肠癌杜克斯分类法
gen.ealm of Cancer北半球副热带无风带
gen.ealms of Cancer北半球副热带无风带
repr.biol.early cancer早期癌
nurs.early discovering method of cancer癌症早期发现法
repr.biol.endocrine-related cancer内分泌关联癌
ecol.environmental cancer环境性癌
tech.environmental cancer attack rate性癌发生率
ecol.environmental cancer attack rate环境致癌发生率
otorhinol.epithelial cancer上皮癌
life.sc.esophageal cancer食管癌
org.name.European Institute of Ecology and Cancer欧洲生态与癌症研究所
genet.familial nonpolyposis type 1 colon cancer家族性非息肉病 1 型结肠癌
spacefirst point of Cancer夏至点
surg.gastric cancer胃癌
genet.genetic cancer syndrom遗传性肿瘤综合征
life.sc.glandular cancer腺癌
plast.surg.head and neck cancer头颈癌
genet.hereditary cancer syndrome癌遗传综合征
genet.heredity of cancer癌的遗传性
plast.surg.in situ cancer原位癌
gen.In some cases, these tests can even prevent cancer from developing in the first place在有些情况下,这些检查项目甚至可以预防癌症从原位蔓延恶化
plast.surg.inflammatory breast cancer炎'性乳癌
mol.gen.Institute for Cancer Research种瘤研究所 (分生)
ecol.Institute of Cancer Research癌症研究所
org.name.International Agency for Research on Cancer国际癌症研究所
org.name.International Agency for Research on Cancer国际癌症研究机构
tech.International Agency for Research on Cancer际癌症研究所
dermat.Kangri cancer坎格里癌
plast.surg.laryngeal cancer喉癌
anim.husb.liver cancer肝癌
life.sc.lung cancer肺癌
med.M. D. Anderson Cancer Center安德森癌症中心
nurs.mammary cancer乳房癌
surg.mammary cancer乳腺
life.sc.mammary cancer乳癌
gen.Melanoma is the least common form of skin cancer, but the most lethal黑素瘤是皮肤癌中最为罕见的一种,也是最为致命的
repr.biol.melanotic cancer黑色 [素]癌
repr.biol.melanotic cancer恶性黑瘤
life.sc.metastatic cancer cell转移性癌细胞
otorhinol.metastatic cancer of the neck转移性恶性肿瘤
nurs.metastatic cancers of lung肺部转移癌
surg.minimum cancer微小癌
nurs.mouth cancer口腔癌
dermat.mule spinner cancer纺棉工癌
genet.mutated colorectal cancer gene突性结肠癌基因 MCC 基因
life.sc.non-small cell lung cancer非小细胞肺癌
nurs.nursing care of nasopharyngeal cancer鼻咽癌护理
tech.occupational cancer职业
tech.occupational cancer risk职业致癌危险性
plast.surg.oropharyngeal cancer口咽部癌
dermat.palmoplantar keratoderma with cancer of the esophagus掌跖皮肤角化病伴食道癌
dermat.palmoplantar keratodermia with cancer of the esophagus掌跖皮肤角化病伴食道癌
surg.pancreatic cancer胰腺癌
dermat.papillary cancer乳头状癌
plast.surg.paranasal sinus cancer鼻窦癌
plast.surg.paranasal sinus cancer鼻旁窦癌
nurs.pathologic grading of cancer肿瘤病理分级
surg.perianal cancer肛周癌
surg.peripheral lung cancer周围型肺癌
polym.polymeric anti-cancer agent高分子抗癌剂
anim.husb.primary cancer原发癌
tech.professional cancer职业癌
life.sc.prostate cancer前列腺癌
plast.surg.radiation cancer放射性癌变
dermat.radiation cancer放射性癌
gen.radiation cancer射线癌
el.radiation induced cancer辐射致癌【核】
plast.surg.radiation induced cancer放射性癌变
nurs.radical mammary cancer operation乳癌根治术
nurs.rectal cancer直肠癌
genet.regression of cancer自然消退
genet.rodent cancer侵蚀性癌
genet.rodent cancer基底细胞癌
biol.root cancer根癌 (Bacterium tumefaciens Smith et Townseed)
agric.serum requirement for cancer cells月中瘤所需要血清
ecol.skin cancer皮肤癌
genet.small cell bronchial carcinoma/colorectal cancer小细胞性气管癌/结肠直肠癌
tech.soot cancer煤烟癌
nurs.stages of breast cancer乳癌分期
nurs.stages of cervical cancer子宫颈癌分期
nurs.stages of colon and rectal cancer结肠、直肠癌分期
nurs.stages of endometrial cancer子宫内膜癌分期
nurs.stages of lung cancer肺癌分期
nurs.stages of prostate cancer前列腺癌分期
agric.steroid in cancer study癌研究用类固醇化合物
surg.subclinical cancer亚临床癌
agric.suspension culture for cancer cell癌细胞的悬[浮]液培养
tech.tar cancer焦油致癌
plast.surg.testicular cancer睾丸癌
tech.the Tropic of Cancer夏至线
gen.the Tropic of Cancer北回归线
tech.the Tropical of Cancer夏至线
genet.theory of cancer癌学说
surg.thyroid cancer甲状腺癌
expl.TIME published as a serial this doctor's contributions about cancer research in four issues《时代》分四期连载了这位医生关于癌症研究的文稿
otorhinol.transglottic cancer贯通声门癌
hydroel.st.Tropic of Cancer夏至线
hydroel.st.Tropic of Cancer北回归线
tech.Tropic of Cancer tide回归潮
tech.Tropical of Cancer北回归线
tech.Tropical of Cancer tide回归潮
repr.biol.villous duct cancer绒毛管癌
agric.virus and cancer病毒与肿瘤
genet.virus theory of cancer癌的病毒理论
agric.X-ray cancer放射性癌
agric.X-ray cancerX-射线癌