
Terms for subject Economy containing by this | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
All the other agreements between the two branches will be superseded by this general agreement after it is put in force总协议生效后将替代两分公司之间的一切其他协议
As this is our first dealing with you, we have decided to comply with your requirements to lower the price by 2%鉴于你方首次进行交易,我方决定满足你方要求,降价2%
By mutual consent, the agency contract with Hailing Co., New York, will cease to exist at the end of this month与纽约赫林公司所签代理合同,经双方同意,将于本月底失效
Delayed payment by Party B will not vitiate this agreement乙方推迟交款不会使本协议失效
Disputes arising by virtue of this contract shall be settled by negotiation between two parties由本合同引起的纠纷应由双方协商解决
Disputes arising in virtue of this contract shall be settled by negotiation between two parties由本合同引起的纠纷应由双方协商解决
Due to delayed arrival of the goods from the factory, they failed to ship the goods by this steamer由于工厂交货推迟,他们未能把这批货物装上这艘轮船运走
Following shipments under this agreement will not be invalidated by such interruption of the initial one本协议项下以后几次发货不因首次发货中断而失效
If a mate default is made by one party, the other party may terminate this agreement at once协议一方如果发生重大违约行为,另一方可立即终止本协议
In case of any violation of any term of this agreement by either party, the other party may declare the agreement invalid双方中的任何一方如违反本协议的任何条款,另一方可宣布该协议无效
In pursuance of this agreement, we have to transport the cargo to your company by air为了履行本协议,我方必须将这批货物空运到你公司
In spite of involuntary breach committed by them this agreement terminated automatically尽管他们违约不是故意的,此协议仍自动终止
In this case, they took measures to remedy such damage by earthquake在此情况下,他们采取措施补救由地震造成的损失
Party B shall yield up unto Party A all the machinery, tools and other articles owned by Party B by the end of this year在本年底,乙方须将本方拥有的一切机械设备、工具和其他物品让与甲方
Performance of this agreement is hindered by unexpected disturbance from outside本协议的履行由于来自外部的意外干扰而受到阻碍
Please send any notice permitted under this contract by prepaid registered mail请将本合同认可的任何通知用邮资预付的挂号邮件寄发
The cost-of-living index has increased by 10.5% this year今年的生活消费指数增长了10.5%
The dealer should pay for the damage sustained by a breach of this agreement by himself零售商应支付由于他自己违反本协议所造成的损失的费用
The lessor hereby leases to the lessee and the lessee hereby hires and takes by lease from the lessor the house described herein under the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement出租人与承租人兹同意遵照合同所规定的条件,由出租人出租并由承租人承租本合同中所述的房屋
The non-performance by either party may terminate this contract双方中的任何一方不履行合同,均可终止该合同
The output of the factory has increased by 15% since this machinery was installed自从安装了这种机器以来,工厂的产量增加了 15%
The rights and obligations of the remaining parties will not be affected by the withdrawal of a certain party from this agreement其余各方的权利和义务并不因某一方撤回本协议而受到影响
They do not think the prices will be affected by this tendency他们认为价格不会受这种倾向的影响
This agreement shall be cancelled by mutual consent本协议经双方同意可以取消
This agreement shall be govern-ed by the laws of the Peopled Republic of China本协议应受中华人民共和国法律的管辖
This Agreement shall commence upon signature by both sides and may be terminated on July 1st next year本协议经双方签字即开始生效,至次年7 月1日终止
This budget will be investigated promptly by the owner业主将迅速调査这项预算
This can be proven by the corresponding shipping documents这一点可由相应的装船单据证实
This counter offer remains open for your acceptance by telex on or before April 20你方 4 月 20 日或以前来电接受此还盘为有效
This country gains invisible imports mostly by tourism该国主要通过旅游业获得无形输入
This document shall be issued by the consul of your country本文件应由贵国领事签发
This happening has been caused by force majeure这次发生的事情是由于人力不可抗的原因造成的
This line of transaction should be conducted in China only when authorized by the statute of People's Republic of China只有在中华人民共和国的法规授予此种权利的时候才能在中国做这一行业的生意
We can't imagine that this question is raised by your representative again during the negotiation我们难以想像在这次谈判中你方代表竟再次提出这个问题
We have been approach-ed by two companies for the supply of this commodity已有两家公司向我们联系购买这种商品
We have today transferred £ 3500 by mail on Frank Bank in London in favour of your house through Mercantile Bank of this city我们今天通过本市商业银行给伦敦弗兰克银行寄去以你公司为收款人的 3500 英镑汇款单
We shall consider accepting payment by D/P during this sales-pushing stage在这次促销阶段,我们可以考虑接受付款交单方式
We would request you to take up this matter with the issuing bank at once so that we may effect shipment by the direct steamer scheduled to arrive here about...我方要求你方立即向开证行交涉此事,以便我方能装上约于…日到达此地的直达班轮
Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内
Your rights will not be affected by any devolution of the right in this adjustment of the organizational structure在这次机构调整中你的各项权利将不受任何权利转移的影响