
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing by | all forms | exact matches only
advance by overhead透支
approved by批准
by-pass air duct旁通风道
by-pass circuit breaker旁路断路器
by pass culvert旁通涵洞
by pass gate旁通闸门
by pass pipe旁通管
by pass tunnel旁通隧洞
checked by校核
close by local protection保护合闸
closure by end dumping立堵
combined erosion by sand and cavitation磨蚀
compaction by explosion爆炸加密
compaction by layers分层压实
compaction by rolling碾实
compaction by rolling碾压
compaction by tamping夯实
compaction by vibration振动压实
compaction by watering注水密实
compaction by watering加水压实
compaction by watering注水加密
condition of standing by准工作状态
consolidation by electrosmosis电流固结
cooling by circulating water通水冷却
corrosion by slightly mineralized water微矿化水型腐蚀
curing by sprinkling洒水养护
curing by sprinkling喷水养护
curing by steam蒸气养护
dam built by dumping soil into water水中倒土坝
dam by damping soil into ponded water水中填土坝
de-excitation by inversion逆变灭磁
densification by sand pile挤密砂桩
drainage by consolidation固结排水
drainage by desiccation疏干
drainage by desiccation排水
drainage by desiccation疏干排水
drainage by electroosmosis电渗排水
drainage by open channel明渠排水
drainage by pumping from deep well深井抽水
drainage by pumping from deep well深井排水
drainage by vertical well竖井排水
drainage by well point井点排水
drawn by制图
drying by forced hot air热空气吹干
dyke strengthening by warping放淤固堤
elutriation by water水力冲洗
erosion by current水流冲蚀
erosion by current水流冲刷
erosion caused by human activities人为侵蚀
examined by核定
excavation by well point method井点排水法开挖
excavation by well point method井点排水开挖法
failure by bulging膨胀破坏
failure by heaving隆起破坏
failure by piping管涌破坏
failure by plastic flow塑流破坏
glare by reflection反射眩光
infiltration recharge by rainfall降雨入渗补给
interception of precipitation by vegetation植物截雨
interception of precipitation by vegetation植物截留降水量
irrigation by gravity自流灌溉
irrigation by infiltration浸润灌溉
irrigation by surface flooding地面灌溉
joining by mortise and tenon榫槽接合
loss by lockage过闸水量损失
loss by percolation渗漏损失
management by objective目标管理
measuring by repetition复测法
non-stage river closure by cofferdam围堰一次拦断河床
payment guarantee by employer雇主支付保函
percentage by volume体积百分率
piping by heave隆起管涌
prospecting by boring钻探
prospecting by trial pits
recharge by ground water地下水侧向补给
recharge by groundwater地下水侧向补给
retaining water by cofferdam all around the year全年围堰挡水
retaining water by cofferdam in dry season枯水期围堰挡水
reviewed by审查
roughening by picking琢毛
roughening by picking拉毛
S by E南偏东 (south by east)
section controlled by compression受压力控制截面
section controlled by tension受拉力控制截面
sediment releasing by density current异重流排沙
sediment releasing by emptying reservoir水库泄空排沙
settlement by soa湿陷
sinking of pile by water jet水冲沉桩法
soft foundation reinforced by vacuum drainage preloading真空排水预压加固软基
sounding by echo回声测深
south west by south西南偏南
south west by west西南偏西
stabilization by cement grouting水泥灌浆加固
staged river closure by cofferdam围堰分期拦断河床
stand-by application备用б待用
stand-by application备用待用
stand-by duration备用时间
stand-by lighting备用照明
stand-by plant备用电厂
stand-by power备用动力
stand-by pump备用泵
stand-by station备用电站
stand-by unit备用机组
step-by-step approach逐步逼近法
stress relaxation caused by concrete creepage混凝土徐变引起的应力松弛
term-by-term differentiation逐项微分
term-by-term integration逐项积分
transport by water水运
trenching by cutting铳削成槽法
trenching by drilling and grabbing抓钻成槽法
trenching by grabbing抓取成槽法
trenching by percussion and splitting劈钻成槽法
ventilation by exhaust吸出式通风
ventilation by forced pressure压入式通风
washing salinity by irrigation灌水洗盐
water filling by gate opening in gap动水小开度提门充水
water filling by gate split节间充水
water filling by pass pipe旁通管充水
water spray created by flood discharge泄流水雾
water spray created by '.flood discharge泄流水雾
year by year每年
year by year年年