
Terms for subject Business containing budgetary | all forms | exact matches only
additional allocated to the budgetary investment预算内投资追加拨款
administrative and budgetary committee行政预算委员会
annual budgetary surplus or deficit年度决算余缺
balancing budgetary revenue and expenditure财政收支平衡
budgetary allocation of circulating funds for增拨流动资金
budgetary allotment预算分配数
budgetary allowance预算费
budgetary and fiscal data processing system预算财政数据处理系统
budgetary and fiscal operation预算财政业务
budgetary appropriation for wages工资预算拨款
budgetary appropriations for capital construction预算内基建拨款
budgetary authorization预算批准额
budgetary centre预算中心
budgetary classification预算分类
budgetary committee预算委员会
budgetary control accounting预算控制会计
budgetary control policy预算控制政策
budgetary control system预算控制制度
budgetary cycle预算周期
budgetary estimate and budget of a project工程概算和预算
budgetary estimate of a project工程概算书
budgetary forecast预算预测数
budgetary forecast预算预报
budgetary management accounting预算管理会计
budgetary planning and control预算编制与控制
budgetary procedure预算程序
budgetary ration system预算供给制
budgetary reserves预算准备金
budgetary restraint预算限制
budgetary scrutiny预算审查
budgetary support预算支援
budgetary technique预算编制方法
budgetary transfer预算转拨预算支出项目中经费用途的改变
budgetary turnover fund预算周转金
budgetary value预算价值
capital budgetary techniques资本预算技术
cost for budgetary control预算控制成本
deposit of budgetary capital construction fund预算基建基金存款
existing amount of budgetary expenditure岁出预算现额
extra budgetary fund预算外基金资金
extra-budgetary investment预算外投资
extra-budgetary plan预算外计划
financed from extra-budgetary sources预算外资金融通
flexible budgetary control弹性预算控制
fund provided from extra-budgetary account预算外账户拨款
identity of organizational, budgetary and accounting unit组织、预算、会计三个单位的同一性
intra-budgetary transactions预算内部往来
main guidelines for budgetary revenue预算收支安排主要原则
management of budgetary funds预算资金管理
management of extra-budgetary funds预算外资金管理
manual of budgetary control预算管理指南
normed deposit account of budgetary expenditures预算经费限额存款账户
other budgetary其他预算上的
overall budgetary operation总预算合同
support to extra-budgetary administrative structure预算外行政结构支助费