
Terms for subject Surgery containing branch | all forms | exact matches only
accessory meningeal branch脑膜副支
acetabular branch髋臼支
acromial branch肩峰支
anterior ascending branch前升支
anterior basal branch前底支
anterior cutaneous branch前皮支
anterior descending branch前降支
anterior descending branch of coronary artery冠状动脉前降支
anterior gastric branches胃前支
anterior glandular branch腺前支
anterior intercostal branches肋间前支
anterior interventricular branch前室间支
anterior labial branches阴唇前支
anterior meningeal branch脑膜前支
anterior scrotal branches阴囊前支
anterior superior alveolar branches上牙槽前支
anteromedial frontal branch额叶前内侧支
apicoposterior branch尖后支
ascending branch升支
atrial anastomotic branch心房吻合支
atrial branches心房支
atrioventricular branches房室支
avulsion of ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve三叉神经眼枝撕脱术
branch of arterial conus动脉圆锥支
branch of atrioventricular node房室结支
branch of cavernous sinus海绵窦支
branch of middle lobe中叶支
branch of oculomotor nerve动眼神经支
branch of trigeminal ganglion三叉神经节支
branches of amygdaloid body杏仁体支
branches of anterior perforated substance前穿质支
branches of globus pallidus苍白球支
branches of hypothalamic nuclei下丘脑核支
branches of internal capsule内囊支
branches of interventricular septum室间隔支
branches of lateral geniculate body外侧膝状体支
branches of optic tract视束支
branches of substantia nigra黑质支
branches of tail of caudate nucleus尾状核尾支
branches of tuber cinereum灰结节支
bronchial branches支气管支
calcaneal branches跟支
calcarine branch距状沟支
caudate branches尾状叶支
celiac branches腹腔支
chiasmatic branch视交叉支
choroidal branches of fourth ventricle第四脑室脉络丛支
cingular branch扣带支
circumflex branch of coronary artery冠状动脉回旋支
circumflex fibular branch旋腓骨支
colic branch结肠支
communicating branch of peroneal nerve腓神经交通支
communicating branch with meningealbranch 脑膜支交通支
communicating branch with ulnar nerve尺神经交通支
deep branch深支
deep palmar branch深支
deltoid branch三角肌支
dental branches牙支
diagonal branch of coronary artery冠状动脉对角支
dorsal branch of callosal body胼胝体背侧支
dorsal branch of ulnar nerve尺神经手背支
dorsal carpal branch腕背支
duodenal branches十二指肠支
epididymal branches附睾支
epiploic branches网膜支
femoral branch股支
gastric branches胃支
genital branch生殖支
gingival branches牙龈支
hepatic branches肝支
hypoplasia of smaller interlobular branches of portal vein门静脉系微支发育不全
hypothalamic branch下丘脑支
ileal branch回肠支
iliac branch髂支
inferior branch下支
inferior dental branches下牙支
inferior lingular branch下舌支
inferior lobar branches下叶支
infrapatellar branch髌下支
inguinal branches腹股沟支
intermediate branch of atrium心房中间支
lateral anterior nasal branches鼻前外侧支
lateral branch外侧支
lateral costal branch肋外侧支
lateral mammary branches乳房外侧支
lateral sacral branches骶外侧支
left bundle branch block左束支传导阻滞
lingular branch舌支
lumbar branch腰支
marginal branch of coronary artery冠状动脉边缘支
marginal mandibular branch下颌缘支
mastoid branch乳突支
maxillary sinus branches上颌窦支
medial calcanean branches跟内侧支
medial crural cutaneous branches小腿内侧皮支
medial cutaneous branch内侧皮支
medial malleolar branches内踝支
medial mammary branches乳房内侧支
medial nasal branches鼻内侧支
medial oblongatal branches延髓内侧支
medial orbitofrontal branch眶额内侧支
medial orbitofrontal branch额叶底内侧动脉
medial posterior superior nasal branches鼻后上内侧支
medial temporal branches颞叶内侧支
medial temporal branches颞叶中间支
mediastinal branches纵隔支
mediomedial frontal branch额叶中内侧支
meningeal branch棘孔神经
meningeal branch小脑幕支
meningeal branch脑膜支
mental branches颏支
middle lobar branches中叶支
middle superior alveolar branch上牙槽中支
muscular branches肌支
mylohyoid branch下颌舌骨肌支
nasal septum branches鼻中隔支
occipital branch枕支
omental branches网膜支
orbital branch眶支
ovarian branch卵巢支
palmar branch of median nerve正中神经掌支
palmar branch of ulnar nerve尺神经掌支
palmar carpal branch腕掌支
palpebral branches睑支
pancreatic branches胰支
parietal branch
pectoral branches胸肌支
peduncular branches大脑脚支
perforating branch穿孔支
pericardiac branch心包支
pericardial branches心包支
peridental branches牙周支
perineal branches会阴支
petrosus branch岩支
postcentral branch中央后支
posterior basal branch后底支
posterior descending branch后降支
posterior glandular branch后腺支
posterior interventricular branch后室间支
posterior labial branches阴唇后支
posterior lateral choroidal branches脉络丛后外侧支
posterior medial choroidal branches脉络丛后内侧支
posterior scrotal branches阴囊后支
prelaminar branch板前支
prostate branches前列腺支
pterygoid branches翼肌支
pubic branch副闭孔静脉
pubic branch耻骨支
pulmonary branches肺支
radicular branches根支
radicular branches脊支
renal branch肾支
spinal branch根支
spinal branch脊支
spiral branches螺旋支
splenic branches脾支
sternal branches胸骨支
sternocleidomastoid branch胸锁乳突肌支
subendocardial branches心内膜下支
subscapular branches肩胛下支
superficial palmar branch掌浅支
superior branch上支
superior branch of inferior lobe下叶上支
superior cervical cardiac branches颈上心支
superior dental branches上牙支
superior gingival branches上牙龈支
tentorial branch小脑幕支
tentorial marginal branch小脑幕缘支
thalamic branches丘脑支
thoracic cardiac branches胸心支
thoracic pulmonary branches胸肺支
transverse branch横支
tubal branch咽鼓管支
tubal branch输卵管支
ureteric branches输尿管支
vaginal branches阴道奇动脉
vaginal branches阴道支
zygomatic branches颧支
zygomaticofacial branch颧面支
zygomaticotemporal branch颧颞支