
Terms containing box | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a pile of cargo stacked, box by box, by harbor workers由码头工人一箱一箱地码起来的一堆货
avia.accessory drive gear box附件机匣
avia.accessory gear box engine附件齿轮箱发动机
avia.accessory gear box附件传动机匣
shipb.acidproof battery box耐酸电池箱
securit.active box保管箱
securit.active box保险箱存放经纪人贷款的抵押字据或客户保证金
securit.active box等待处理
securit.active box证券存放箱
avia.aft flight deck power distribution box后飞行甲板动力配给箱
securit.against the box以保险箱作保的股票交易
securit.against the box多头卖空交易
multimed.alert box报警器
refrig.all air induction box全空气诱导箱
nautic., tech.analog set-top box模拟机顶盒
avia.angle gear box角形齿轮箱
avia.angle of attack indicator box攻角、迎角指示器盒
nautic., tech.anti-explosion bulkhead stuffing box防爆填料函
avia.Apollo test box阿波罗飞船试验装置
avia.area distribution box〔客〕区域分发信箱
biol.asses'box tree枸杞 (Lycium chinensis Mill.)
biol.asses'box tree枸杞属 (Lycium L.,茄科)
avia.audio box声谱控制盒
avia.audio control box声频控制盒
avia.automatic call out box自动呼叫盒
shipb.automatic regulating box自动调节箱
avia.automatic switch box自动开关箱
avia.automatic wing box assembly自动化翼盒装配
shipb.baking box烘烤箱
gen.balaam box废稿箱
multimed.bass reflex box低音反射箱
avia.beep box遥控台
avia.beep box操纵台
avia., inf.beep box遥控装置
avia.belt box弹箱
multimed.Bernoulli box伯努利盒
gen.bias box偏压〔磁〕器
bridge.bidding box叫牌专用盒
nautic., tech.bilge mud box舱底水滤箱
nautic., tech.bilge sludge box舱底水滤箱
nautic., tech.black box飞行数据记录仪
avia.black box黑匣子
multimed.black box黑盒
avia.black box model黑盒模型
avia.black-box modeling黑箱建模
gen.black-box terminal specification技术规格卡片箱
avia.black box testing黑匣子测试
avia.black box testing approach黑箱测试法
refrig.blending box混合箱
biol.bodinier box雀舌黄杨 (Buxus bodinieri Lévl.,黄杨科)
bridge.box a card明着一张牌
nautic.box about使转向
comp.box and arrow notation方盒-箭头表示法
shipb.box and tank箱柜
gen.box-and-grid structure盒栅式结构
shipb.box annealing箱内退火
avia.box beam匣形梁
shipb.box chuck箱形卡盘
avia.box column箱柱
nautic., tech.box cross deck structure箱型横向结构
multimed.box diagram方框图
avia.box diffusion箱法扩散
gen.box driver套筒螺丝扳手
biol.box elder梣叶槭 (Acer negundo L.,槭树科)
biol.box-elder bug梣叶槭蛛缘 (Leptocorisa trivittatus Say.,蛛缘蝽科)
biol.box-elder leaf roller梣叶槭细蛾 (Gracilaria negundella Chamb.,细蛾科)
biol.box family黄杨科 (Buxaceae)
pack.box filling machine装箱机
avia.box fin盒形稳定尾翼
gen.box formation方形防守阵式
biol.box-leaved cotoneaster黄杨叶枸子 (Cotaneaster buxifolius Lindl.,蔷薇科)
avia.box level圆水准器
gen.box nailing roll train钉〔封〕箱滚道
gen.box of
gen.box off隔成小间
gen.box M on N把M扣在N上成箱形
securit.box pattern矩形技术图形
securit.box pattern箱形
securit.box position箱式头寸
securit.box size点数数量技术分析的点数图中
avia.box spanner套筒扳手 (wrench)
avia.box spar盒形翼梁
avia.box spar箱桁
securit.box spread箱式散布 (对冲多头和空头的组合策略)
securit.box spread箱式价差
gen.box step车梯
biol.box sucker黄杨木虱 (Psylla buxi Linnaeus,木虱科)
nautic.box the compass依次读出罗盘上的32方位点
securit.box theory of stock price股票价格箱形理论
biol.box-thora枸杞 (Lycium chinensis Mill.)
biol.box-thora枸杞属 (Lycium L.,茄科)
biol.box-thorn枸杞 (Lycium chinensis Mill.)
biol.box-thorn枸杞属 (Lycium L.,茄科)
avia.box tool组合刀具
biol.box tree黄杨 (Buxus microphylla Sieb. et Zucc.)
biol.box tree黄杨属 (Buxus L.,黄杨科)
biol.box-tree pyralid黄杨螟 (Margaronia perspectalis Walker,螟蛾科)
avia.box-type bomb fin盒形炸弹尾翼
avia.box type filer press厢式压滤机
shipb.box type rudder箱型舵
shipb.box-type rudder箱型舵
multimed.breakout box分线盒
multimed.breakout box分接盒
biol.bribane-box tristania红胶木 (Tristania conferta R. Br.)
biol.bribane-box tristania红胶木属 (Tristania R. Br.,桃金娘科)
nautic., tech.bulkhead stuffing box舱壁隔填料函
gen.cable box光缆箱
securit.call box证券交易所内公用电话亭
shipb.cargo box货箱
securit.cash box现金柜
securit.cash box手提保险箱
shipb.cement box水泥箱
nautic., tech.cement box堵漏盒
avia.center wing box中央翼盒
avia.central gear box中央齿轮箱
avia.central gear box中央减速器
steel.charging box料斗平炉用
steel.charging box装料箱
steel.charging box料箱
cast.iron.charging box car上料箱车
multimed.check box复选框
biol.China box jasmin orange九里香 (Murraya paniculata Jacks.)
biol.Chinese box黄杨 (Buxus sinica (Rehd. et wils) Cheng,黄杨科)
biol.Chinese box-orange酒饼籁蠔壳刺,Atalantia buxifolia (Poir.)Oliv.,芸香科
biol.Chinese littleleaf box华黄杨 (Buxus microphylla var. sinica Rehd. et wils.,黄杨科)
nautic., tech.chlorinity titration box氯度滴定箱
nautic.coil-in-box cooler箱内旋管式冷却器
gen.coin box硬币制公用电话
avia.coin-box paystation投币式公用电话
gen.coin box telephone硬币式公用电话
refrig.cold box冷箱
multimed.color box颜色框
multimed.combo box组合框
biol.common box欧洲黄杨锦熟黄杨,Buxus sempervirens L.,黄杨科
shipb.communication distribution box通信配电箱
avia.completed inspection record box完工检验记录箱
avia.composite wing box复合材料机翼盒
shipb.condenser box冷凝器水箱
avia.constant temperature box恒温箱
gen.core box型〔泥〕芯盒
gen.Could you use plastic boxes instead? I'm afraid paper boxes are not strong enough, as the injections are fragile goods你们是否可以改用塑料盒装?纸盒恐怕不够结实。针剂属于易脆物品
shipb.coupling box接线盒
gen.crossbar of the moulding box箱挡
gen.crossbar of the moulding box箱筋
avia.data loading routing box数据装载器接线盒
securit.deposit box保险箱
shipb.differential reduction gear-box差动减速齿轮箱
avia.digital seat electronic box〔客〕数字式座位电子盒
multimed.Directory List box目录列表框
ecol.dissolving box溶解槽
avia.distributing/distributor box分线盒
avia.distributing/distributor box配电盒
avia.distribution/distributor box分线盒
avia.distribution/distributor box配电盒
refrig.double duct mixing box双风道混合箱
refrig.double offset box wrenches双偏头梅花扳手
shipb.double tandem reduction gear-box二级串联式减速齿轮箱
biol.downy mildew of box-thorn枸杞霜霉病 (Peronospora lycii Ling et M. C. Tai)
gen.drag a box over the floor在地板上拖动箱子
gen.driving box主机轴箱
gen.drop box钥匙箱
gen.drop-gear box减速器〔箱〕
avia.echo box回波谐振器
avia.echo box回波谐振盒
avia.echo box actuator回波箱激励器
avia.echo box performance monitor雷达空腔监控器
avia.electrical power distribution box电动力分配箱
avia.electronic control box APU电子控制盒辅助动力装置
avia.electronic unit protection box电子装置保护盒 (用于动力装置和辅助动力装置)
avia.electronic unit protection box〔客〕电子装置保护盒
avia.electronics box电子设备盒
avia.emergency box应急箱
gen.empty the box of its contents把盒子里的东西腾空
avia.enhanced area distribution box增强型区域分配盒
avia.error box偏位框
avia.experiment power distribution box试验动力分配箱
avia.eye motion box视场
avia.eye motion box视野
refrig.fan power box风机动力箱
refrig.fan-powered VAV box带风机的 VAV 箱
ecol.filter box滤池
avia.fin box炸弹的尾翼撑杆
nautic., tech.fire box烟箱
nautic., tech.fire box frame烟箱架
nautic., tech.fire hose box消防水带箱
nautic., tech.fire sand box灭火沙箱
nautic., tech.fish box鱼箱
avia.flap switch box襟翼开关盒
shipb.flash light control box闪光灯控制箱
nautic., tech.flash light control box闪光通信灯控制箱
shipb.flash light controlled box闪光灯控制箱
shipb.flashlight controlled box闪光灯控制箱
avia.flight control box飞行控制盒
avia.floor disconnect box〔客〕地板拆卸盒
refrig.flush box冲洗水箱
nautic., tech.four way joint box四路联箱
securit.free box保险柜
securit.free box储蓄信托公司证券市场上存放已付款的证券之处
securit.free box保险箱
skateboard.fun box乐趣台
avia.gas box煤气柜
nautic., tech.gear box齿轮箱体
avia.gear box变速箱/齿轮箱
radio.amat.gear box齿轮箱
shipb.gear box, shaft coupling and clutch齿轮箱、联轴器和离合器
avia.gun control box航炮控制箱
avia.gun control box直升机的航炮控制箱
biol.Harland box匙叶黄杨 (Buxus harlandii Hance,黄杨科)
avia.headrest box头靠伞箱
avia.heating box/protection box保温箱/保护箱
shipb.high water-box高位水箱
refrig.ice cube box冰盒
gen.I'll bring you a box of British chocolates during next trip下次去的话我给你带一盒英国的巧克力吧
gen.in a bad box处于窘境中
gen.in a tight box处于窘境中
securit.in the penalty box处于被罚处境 (因违规或操作失误,股票处于下跌处境)
gen.in the same box处于同一地位
gen.in the same box处于同样的困境
gen.in the wrong box处于窘境
gen.in the wrong box搞错地方
gen.in the wrong box不得其所
avia.indicator control box指示器控制盒
avia.indicator light control box指示器灯控制盒
avia.inertial data box惯性数据箱
refrig.inlet box人口箱
avia.inlet gear box输人齿轮箱
avia.inlet gear box进口齿轮箱
shipb.input shaft of gear-box齿轮箱输人轴
shipb.input shaft of gear-box齿轮箱输入轴
shipb.inspecting installation of shaft generator and gear box轴带发电机和齿轮箱安装检査
shipb.inspecting installation of shaft generator and gear box轴带发电机和齿轮箱安装检查
avia.integrated video and audio seat electronic box〔客〕座位综合视频和音频电子箱
avia.jack box配电箱
biol.jack-in the box莲叶桐属 (Hernandia L.,莲叶桐科)
biol.Jack-in the box莲叶桐 (Hemandia peltata Meisn.)
biol.Japanese box八丈黄杨 (Buxus microphylla var. suffruticosa forma major Mikino.,黄杨科)
multimed.jewel box光碟盒
multimed.juice boxjuice box 播放器
gen.juke box投币式自动唱机
gen.juke box投币式自动点唱机
avia.junction box接线盒/箱
avia.junction box连接箱
avia.junction box电缆接线箱
nautic., tech.laboratory signal socket box实验室信号插座箱
nautic., tech.labyrinth stuffing box曲径填料箱
nautic., tech.land based power box岸电箱
gen.large box girder bridge大型箱梁桥
avia.launch control box发射控制盒
biol.leaf spot of box-thorn枸杞叶斑病 (Cercospora chengtuensis Tai)
avia.light distribution box照明网路配电箱
multimed.list box列表框
biol.little-leaf box小叶黄杨 (Buxus sinica var. parvifolia M. Cheng,黄杨科)
comp.lunch box饭盒型
gen.magic box"幻箱"
gen.mail box邮箱
avia.main electronics box主电子箱
avia.main junction box主接线盒
avia.main power distribution box主电源分配盒
gen.make a box out of plywood用胶合板做个盒子
refrig.meat box肉盒
avia.missile control box导弹控制盒
avia.mixing box混合箱
avia.mixing box飞机操纵系统的差动机构
refrig.mixing VAV box变风量混合箱
avia.modular boxes航空电子设备系统的模块匣
securit.money box钱柜 (till)
pack.nailed box钉制的盒子
multimed.net-top box网盒
avia.nozzle box喷嘴室
refrig.offset box wrench偏头梅花扳手
nautic., tech.oil distributing box配油箱
securit.open box抵押保险箱券商用证券抵押贷款的现场
gen.outlet box接线〔线头,岀线〕匣
gen.outlet box引出〔分线〕盒〔箱〕
gen.out-side axle box轴颈箱
shipb.packed in box用盒装
shipb.packed in box用盒包装
shipb.packed in paper-box用纸盒装
shipb.packed in paper-box用纸盒包装
shipb.packed in plastic box用塑料盒装
shipb.packed in plastic box用塑料盒包装
refrig.pallet box箱式托盘
comp.Pandorra box潘道拉箱指使程序产生许多麻烦的软件
avia.parachute box降落伞箱
refrig.parallel fan power box terminal并联式风机动力性变风量末端
refrig.parallel fan-powered box并联风机驱动箱
refrig.pass box传递窗
avia.PBE stowage box assembly〔支〕防护呼吸设备存储盒
gen.penalty box受罚席
gen.120 pieces to the box每箱 120 件
gen.Please drop your money into the box and take seats inside请将钱投入这个箱子,到车上坐好
refrig.plenum box静压箱
geol.pointed box尖底箱
shipb.port-engine reduction gear-box左机减速齿轮箱
gen.post office box〔邮政〕信箱
avia.power control box动力控制盒
avia.power distribution box配电盒
nautic., tech.power distribution gear box功率分支轴并列减速齿轮箱
avia.power supply box供电盘
gen.press box新闻记者席
refrig.pressure box muffler消声静压箱
refrig.pressure variation at the mixing box混合静压箱压力变化
refrig.pressure-dependent VAV box压力式变风量箱
refrig.pressure-independent VAV box压力无关型变风量箱
biol.prickly box枸杞 (Lycium chinensis Mill.)
biol.prickly box枸杞属 (Lycium L.,茄科)
avia.propulsion control box推进控制盒
biol.purple ground box polygala大花草叶远志 (Polygala chamaebuxus var. grandiflora Gaud.,远志科)
gen.put the hammer into the tool box把锤子放人工具箱
avia.quick release box快速发放箱
avia.quick release box快卸锁
avia.quick-release box脱离锁
avia.radio control box无线电控制盒
avia.radio junction box无线电接线盒
biol.rattle-box猪屎豆 (Crotalaria mucronata Desv.)
biol.rattle-box野百合狗铃草,貍豆,Crotalaria sessiliflora L.
biol.rattle-box猪屎豆属野百合属,Crotalaria Dill.,豆科
avia.receptacle box for miscellaneous power supplies多种电源插销箱
biol.red-box澳洲黄杨桉 (Eucalyptus polyanthema Schauer,桃金娘科)
ecol.refuse box垃圾箱
ecol.refuse box废物箱
refrig.reheating VAV box再热变风量箱
gen.rheostat box变阻箱
biol.rose box枸子 (Cotoneaster multiflorus Bge.)
nautic., tech.rose box舱底水滤箱
biol.rose box枸子属 (Cotoneaster (B. Ehrh.)Medik,蔷薇科)
securit.safety-deposit box银行保险箱
securit.safety-deposit box保险箱
securit.sale short against the box保险柜抵押一种融券方式,以存放在柜中的证券为抵押
securit.sale short against the box卖空持有股
ecol.sand box沉砂坑
nautic., tech.screen box银幕匣
avia.seat electronic box座椅电子盒
avia.seat electronics box座位电子盒
avia.seat electronics box with self test具有自检功能的座椅电子盒
avia.secondary power distribution box辅助动力配置盒
avia.secondary power distribution box〔客〕辅助配电盒
avia.selector control box选择器控制盒
securit.sell against the box抛空实仓
securit.sell against the box按现有存量买卖证券
securit.sell short against the box卖空/抛空持有的股票
refrig.series fan box terminal串联式风机动力性变风量末端
refrig.series fan-powered box串联风机驱动箱
avia.set-top box置顶盒
gen.shear box剪力匣
securit.short against the box全部抛空
securit.short against the box实物卖空
securit.short sale against the box实仓抛空
securit.short sale against the box实仓销售一空
securit.short selling against the box实仓抛空
securit.short selling against the box实仓销售一空
avia.side view of box箱侧视图
avia.silicon controlled rectifier box panel可控硅整流箱屏
shipb.single-reduction gear-box单级减速齿轮箱
multimed.size box缩放框
avia.slat switch box缝翼转换盒
multimed.slider box滑动框
pack.slotted box开槽
avia.smoke box烟室
nautic., tech.smoke box door烟箱门
avia.smoke goggles box防烟眼镜盒
soil.soil moisture box土壤水分箱
refrig.sound-absorbing box消声箱
gen.Speak to anyone in the film industry in Los Angeles and they will tell you that the growth in global box office is bringing about fundamental change in Hollywood如果你跟洛杉矶任何一个电影人交谈,他们一定会告诉你全球电影票房的上升给好莱坞带来的是根本性的改变
nautic., tech.spike type box grab齿式爪箱器
shipb.spring box mold弹簧箱铸型
securit.squawk box扬声器 经纪商用于与证券公司不同机构、部门和办公室联系的电话系统
securit.squawk box内部通话箱
gen.stand a box on end把箱子竖着放端面朝下
shipb.starboard-engine reduction gear-box右机减速齿轮箱
avia.stowage box assy/shutoff full face mask〔支〕空勤氧气面罩箱 (black)
nautic., tech.stuffing box舵杆填料函
nautic., tech.stuffing box bulkhead尾轴孔舱壁有填料函舱壁
nautic.stuffing-box casing填料箱〔函〕
nautic., tech.stuffing box casing填料函外壳
nautic.stuffing box gland密封套
gen.stuffing box is as cast with pump bearing lantern填料函是同泵轴承罩铸成一体的
nautic., tech.stuffing box recess填料函龛
avia.sub-power distribution box子配电盒
avia.subsystem power distribution box子系统动力分配盒
avia.subsystem power distribution box子配电盒
avia.subsystem power distribution box子系统动力配置盒
avia.support box支援盒
avia.surface arrangement of control box控制箱面部布置图
avia.surge box恒压箱
biol.sweet box野扇花 (Sarcococca ruscifolia Stapf.)
biol.sweet box野扇花属 (Sarcococca Lindl.,黄杨科)
avia.switch box转换开关
shipb.switch-box support开关箱托架
avia.system setup box系统起动盒
shipb.tandem reduction gear-box串联式减速齿轮箱
avia.target designation box目标指示框
refrig.terminal box末端静压箱
multimed.text-entry box文本输入框
gen.There's no bus conductor in this city. Drivers play both role of driver and conductor. You have to go to the front and drop your fare into a metal box这个城市的巴士没有售票员。司机兼有双重职责。你得到车的前面把车费投到金属盒里
gen.tissue box纸巾盒
avia.toilet paper box手纸箱
gen.tophan box离心罐
avia.torque box扭矩盒
avia.torsion box翼盒
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