
Terms for subject Business containing booking | all forms | exact matches only
Advanced Booking Charters预定包机
block booking成批定购
block booking影片,杂志整批出租或出售
booking a plane ticket订购飞机票
booking cargo约定货载已订舱货载
booking center记账中心
booking centre记账中心
booking charge售票手续费
booking confirmation订货确认
booking container summary集装箱订舱清单
booking fee订票费手续费
booking hall售票处
booking note船运公司所签货物订舱单
booking of telex calls用户电报挂号
booking office订舱办公处
booking rate记账折合率即外贸中外汇收支折合成本国货币记账的折合率
booking rate记账折汇率
booking rate预订费率
booking report订运清单
booking space订舱
booking telex call挂发用户电报
booking to busy device预定占用设备
booking to free device预定空闲设备
cancellation of booking注销登记
cargo booking货物登记
confirmed booking确定订仓
container booking chart集装箱揽货表
container booking chart集装箱承运登记表
cross booking交叉登记
double booking飞机,火车 加倍订座
enter tain fresh bookingorder接受新订单
freight booking centre货运订舱中心
home booking收货人向船公司办理卸货港订运手续
provisional booking暂时订仓
tentative booking暂时订舱