
Terms for subject Commerce containing bill | all forms | exact matches only
A/B is also called airway bill or air consignment note空运提单亦称空运单或航空托运单
acceptance of bill票据的承兑
accepted bill已承兑票据
accepted bill已承兑汇票 (指受票人 (drawee) 或承兑人 (acceptor) 已在汇票 (draft) 上签字表示到期付款)
accommodation bill通融汇票
accommodation bill通融票据 (受担保或短期借款票据可用 accommodation note, accommodation paper)
advance bill发货前开出的票据
advice of bill accepted票据承付通知
agency bill代理行票据
aggregate food import bill粮食进口总费用
aggregate food import bill粮食进口总支出
Air Freight Bill空运货单
airway bill航空货运单
airway bill of lading空运提单 (airfreight bill)
altered bill更改过的票据
amount billed开单金额
antedated bill日期提前的票据
antedated bill of lading倒签日期提单
appropriation bill拨款法案
arrival bill货到付款汇票 (draft)
back a bill背书票据
backer of a bill票据背书人
bank acceptance bill银行承兑票据
banker's long bill银行长期票据
be obliged to tender shipped on board clean bills of lading有义务提交已装船的清洁提单
bearer bill持票人票据
big bills大面值钞票
bill accepted已承兑的汇票
bill accompanied by documents附货运单据的汇票
bill advice票据到期通知
bill at ninety days' sight九十天期汇票
bill at short date短期汇票
bill book岀纳簿
bill by negotiation逆汇 (与顺汇(bill by remittance) 相对)
bill by remittance顺汇汇票
bill discount BD deposit票据贴现押金
bill discounted贴现票据比较: BD 银行贴现
bill dishonoured by nonacceptance拒绝承兑汇票
bill dishonoured by nonpayment拒付票据
bill drawn for price value收取货款汇票
bill drawn payable at a certain time after date出票后若干天付款的汇票
bill duly protested已作成拒绝证书汇票
bill of clearance结关报单
bill of costs费用清单
bill of debt债务证书
bill of entry入港报表
bill of exchange汇票亦缩为 BEX, B.EX, B/EX
bill of health健康证明
bill of lading with reservation不清洁提单
bill of particulars明细表
bill of remittance票汇
bill of rights权利清单
bill of sight暂时起岸报关单
bill of sight性质不明进口货物登记
bill of victualing他运之货单
bill of victualing从保税仓库取出货物
bill purchased买入票据
bill to order应签字照付的票据
bill unaccompanied by documents不附货运单据的汇票
bill with credit凭信用证开具的汇票
Bills of exchange payable "to bearer"or "to order" are negotiable instruments来人或空白抬头的汇票是可以转让的票据
Bills of lading are to be made out "to order and blank endorsed"提单按空白抬头与空白背书制岀
bills receivable应收票据亦缩为 B/R
bills receivable account应收票据账目
blank bill of lading无记名提单
budget bill预算方案
cancellation of bill of exchange注销汇票
cash against bill of lading凭提单现付
charges for negotiation of export bills岀口押汇费
charter party bill of lading租船提单
charter party bill of lading租船契约提单
claused bill加批注票据
claused bill of lading不清洁提单
claused bill of lading带批注提单
clean bill指不随附货运单据的票据 (bill unaccompanied by shipping documents)
clean bill不附货运单据的汇票
clean bill of health无传染病健康证明书
clean bill of lading清洁提单 (亦缩为 clean B/L)
clean bills collection光票托收
clean negotiable bill of lading清洁的可转让的提单
clean up past-due bills清理过期票据
clear a bill清算票据
collection bill托收汇票
collection bill bill for collection托收汇票
collection on documentary bill跟单托收
combined transportation bill of lading联合运输提单
consolidated bill of lading并装提单
custody bill of lading保管提单
D/A bill承兑交单汇票
deferred presentation of bills票据延期提示
demand bill银行汇票
demand bill票汇
discount bills in London在伦敦贴现票据
discount ninety-day bills把九十天期票贴现
discountable bill可贴现汇票
discounted bill已贴现的汇票
dishonour a bill拒付票据
documentary bill lodgement跟单汇票托收申请书
documentary bills of collection跟单汇票托收
documentary payment bill付款交单汇票
documents against acceptance bill承兑单汇票
domiciled bill付款地汇票
D/P bill付款交单汇票
ed bill虚报账单
eligible commercial bill合格商业票据
endorse over a bill to another person把票据权利背书转让给别人
endorsed bill已背书票据
endorser of a bill票据背书人
Fed fund bill美国联邦资金票据
finance bill拨款法案
finance bills金融票据
food import bill食品进口汇票
Foreign Currency Bills Payable外币应付款票据
forged bill of lading伪造提单
forwarder's bill of lading货运承揽人提单
foul bill of lading不清洁提单
freight bill运费单
freight prepaid bill of lading运费预付提单
freight to be collected bill of lading运费到付提单
full set of bill of lading整套提单
full set of bills of lading全套提单
general bill of lading总提货单
Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, 1930日内瓦统一汇票与本票法 (1930)
Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes日内瓦统一汇票与本票法
genuine bills真实票据
gilt-edged bill上等票据
gilt-edged bills信用可靠票据
government bill后者为短期债券
government bill前者为长期债券
government bill公债
guaranteed bills有保证票据
honour a bill兑换票据
honoured bill已承兑汇票
house air bill航空运输单
house bill of lading运输商行提单
inland bill of lading国内提单
interest bill付息汇票
intermodal bill of lading联合运输提单
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bill of Lading统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading统一提单的若干法律规则国际公约 (海牙规则)
inward bill寄来票据
inward bill of lading输入提单
inward clearing bill进口海关检验单
inward clearing bill输入检查证
loan and bill discounted accounts放款与票据贴现账户
loan bills借款票据
long form of bill of lading提单详式
long-dated bill长期汇票
long-form bill of lading详式提单
long-form bill of lading全式提单
look over the bills检查票据
lost bill of exchange挂失汇票
make out a bill开票
market for bill of exchange票据交换市场
meet a bill支付到期汇票
mercantile bill商业汇票
merchant acceptance bill商业承兑汇票
minimum bill of lading charge最低提单费用
More time will pass before the bill of exchange drawn by the seller on the buyer is settled卖方开给买方的汇票的款项须经更多时间才能由买方付清
mutilated bill残损票据
negotiability of bills票据的流通性
negotiable bills可转让票据
negotiable bills可流通的证券
negotiable bills可流通票据
non-discountable bill不能贴现的票据
non-negotiable bill of lading不可转让的提单
normal bill of lading正式提单
notarized bill of lading公证提单
ocean way bill海上货运单不可转让,亦称记名运费收据
OCP bill of lading陆海联运提单
on acceptance of the bill在承兑汇票时
on board bill of lading已装船提单 (与备运提单 (received for shipment bill of lading) 相对)
on board ocean bill of lading已装船提单 (与备运提单 (received for shipment bill of lading) 相对)
On receipt of the bills of lading, the buyer pledged them to his bank at once买方收到提单后立即抵押给他的银行
one and the same bill of lading同一张提单
one-dollar bill一元钞票
open order bill of lading无记名指示提单
order bill of lading海运指示提单
original parties to a bill of exchange汇票原始当事人 (指受票人 (drawee), 岀票人(drawer),受款人 (payee))
outgoing bill外岀汇票
out-of-date bill过期票据
outward bill外送汇票
outward bill for collection出口托收汇票
outward clean bill for collection国外光票托收
outward documentary bill岀口跟单汇票
overdraft for export bills岀口单据押汇透支
overdue bill过期未付票据
overland bill of lading陆水联运提单
partial shipment bill of lading分运提单
passed bill已通过的议案
payment bill付款汇票
period bill远期汇票 (起算日一般有以下三种:见票后 30 天(30 days after sight)、开票日后 30 天(30 days after date)、 提单开票后30天(30 days after date of bill of lading))
present a bill for acceptance提示汇票要求承兑
presentation of bill汇票提示
presented bill提示的汇票
presented bills提示的汇票
prime bill优等汇票
Problem of Clean Bills of Lading国际商会出版物清洁提单问题
prolongation of a bill汇票展期
railroad bill of lading铁路提货单
regular long form bill of lading正常详式提单 (指正式提单 (normal bill of lading))
regular long form bill of lading正式提单
renewal of bills票据展期
renewed bills展期的票据
retire a bill赎回票据
revenue bill岁入法案
set of bills一套汇票 (包括:汇票第一张 (first of exchange), 汇票第二张 (second of exchange))
shipped bill of lading已装船提单 (与备运提单 (received for shipment bill of lading) 相对)
short dated bill短期汇票
short-form bill of lading略式提单
sight bill银行汇票
sight bill票汇缩为 DD
sight bill on London以伦敦为付款地即期汇票
sight draft with negotiable bill of lading attached附可转让提单的即期汇票
sight sight bill银行汇票
sight sight bill即期汇票
sixty-day bill远期六十天汇票
stale bill of exchange过期汇票
switch bill of lading转换提单
take up a bill赎单
tap bills英国内部发行国库券
tap bills随时可购国库券
tap issue of treasury bill英国国库券内部发行
tax anticipation bills预期交税债券
tax slash bill减税法案
tender bills标售国库券
tender issue of treasury bill英国国库券公开发行
term bill远期汇票 (起算日一般有以下三种:见票后 30 天(30 days after sight)、开票日后 30 天(30 days after date)、 提单开票后30天(30 days after date of bill of lading))
The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权
The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy不论货物发生何种情况,按 CIF 条件成交的买主可以根据提单对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险人提出诉讼
The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions保付行没有扣留货物或提单的-般留置权
The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions对客户在以往交易中所欠款项
The destination on the bill of lading is to be written "London/Rotterdam/Hamburg optional"提单上的目的港应写为"伦敦/鹿特丹/汉堡任选"
The property right in the goods passes when the bill of lading relating to them is tendered to the buyer货物所有权即随之转移
The property right in the goods passes when the bill of lading relating to them is tendered to the buyer提单一经提交买主
time bill远期汇票 (与即期汇票 (sight bill) 相对)
time of maturity of the bill汇票到期日
trade acceptance bill商业承兑票据 (与银行承兑汇票 bank acceptance)
treasury bill market短期国库券市场
trucking company bill of lading卡车运输公司提单
unclean bill o£ lading不清洁提单
unclear bill of lading不清洁提单
Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller在按跟单信用证支付方式下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方开岀的汇票予以承兑,兑付或议付
uniform bill of lading通用提货单
Uniform Bills of Lading Act美国统一提单法
Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes统一汇票及本票法
Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading除非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件
usance bill远期汇票 (与即期汇票 (sight bill) 相对)
usance bill定期汇票
variable-rate bill可变利率票据
victualling bill船用食品装载申报单
victualling bill装载船上用品海关单
way bill货运单
When the shipping documents are transferred to the final buyer, he acquires the status of a consignee of the bill of lading当货运单据转让给最终买主,他就取得提单收货人的资格