
Terms for subject United Nations containing between | all forms | exact matches only
Balanced approach between demand reduction and supply reduction in an integrated approach to solving the drug problem在解决麻醉品问题的综合办法中减少需求和减少供应的均衡办法
consignment route between the port of embarkation in the troop-contributing country and the port of entry in the mission area在部队派遣国的启航港和任务区的进入港之间的托运路线
Criminal Justice Advisory Unit of UNMIBH promotes professional cooperation between the police and the criminal justice system刑事司法咨询股
European Year of Older People and Solidarity between Generations欧洲老年人和各代间团结年
Expert Group Meeting on the Interaction between Clients and Grassroots Family-Planning Workers客户和基层计划生育工作人员相互影响问题专家组会议
fair burden-sharing between public and private sectors and between debtors, creditors and investors使公营部门和私营部门、债权国和债务国及投资者之间公平分担负担
Guidelines for Cooperation between States in Weather Modifications各国在人工影响气候方面的合作准则
Joint Meeting of Experts on the Relationship between Electricity and the Environment电力与环境关系问题专家联合会议
Kampala Dialogue between the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the M23坎帕拉对话
Memorandum of Understanding between the Conference of the Parties of the UNCCD and the International Fund for Agricultural Development Regarding the Modalities and Administrative Operations of the Global Mechanism ICCD/COP/10《防治荒漠化公约缔约方会议与国际农业发展基金关于全球机制模式和行政业务的谅解备忘录》
Moscow Treaty = Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Strategic Offensive Reductions美利坚合众国和俄罗斯联邦关于削减进攻性战略力量的条约
Provisions for Co-operation between States on Weather Modification关于人工改变天气的国家间合作规定
System-wide Programme of Work on the Interrelationships between Resources, Environment, People and Development关于资源、环境、人民和发展之间相互关系的全系统工作方案
verification and control procedures: intended to ensure that the terms of the MOU between the united nations and the troop/police contributor are met by both parties at the outset and throughout the period of effect of the MOU核查和控制程序: 是为了确保在一开始和谅解备忘录的有效期限内,联合国和部队/警察部队派遣国双方签订的谅解备忘录的条款能够得到履行