
Terms for subject Economy containing before taxes | all forms | in specified order only
before Federal income tax联邦所得税前
before income tax所得税前收入
before interest and taxes利税前
before tax税前
before-tax income纳税前所得
cash profit before tax税前现金利润
corporate profit before tax公司纳税前利润
corporate profits before after taxes公司纳税前利润
earnings before interest and taxes缴付息税前盈余
earnings before interest and taxes付息和纳税前收益
earnings before interest and taxes付息的税前收益
earnings before interest and taxes缴付息税前盈利
earnings before interest taxes, depreciation and amortization付息 、纳税、折旧和摊销前收益
income tax on income before taxes营业税
net cash flow before interest and tax利税前净现金流
net income before tax缴税前净收入
net income before tax除税前净收入
net income before tax纳税前净收益 (指所得税)
net profit before tax纳税前净利
profit before tax纳税前的利润
profit before tax税前利润