
Terms containing beauty | all forms | exact matches only
textileactive beauty动态美
proj.manag.actual beauty现实美
textileAmerican beauty美国蔷薇红
gen.appraisal of pigeon's beauty other than speedголуб.гонк. 信鸽品评
tech.area of outstanding natural beauty自然风景区
desert.Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty天然风景区
proj.manag.artistic beauty艺术美
textileartless beauty自然美
pharm.Artra Beauty Bar艾他美容皂 (三氯卡斑 (triclocarban) 美容皂商品名;皮肤清洁剂)
textilebalance beauty均衡美
tech.barber shop and beauty parlor理发店与美容店
tech.barker shop and beauty parlor理发店与美容室
textilebeauty and hairdress美容美发
archit.beauty art化妆术
archit.beauty art美容术
biol.beauty-berry紫珠 (Callicarpa dichotoma (Lour.) K. Koch)
biol.beauty-berry紫珠属 (Callicarpa L.,马鞭草科)
desert.beauty bush猬实
textilebeauty contest赛美大会
econ.beauty contest选美比赛
textilebeauty cream美容霜
textilebeauty culture美容术
textilebeauty culture整容术
textilebeauty culture化妆术
busin.beauty culture美容业
textilebeauty culturist美容专家
textilebeauty culturist美容师
interntl.trade.beauty defect美观的缺点
busin.beauty defect外观缺陷
econ.beauty defects表面缺陷
tech.beauty defects木材的表面疵病
textilebeauty doctor美容专家
textilebeauty doctor美容师
textilebeauty for embroidery整体美
textilebeauty for ensemble整体美
gen.beauty & healthcare and audio-visual appliance美容保健电器和声像电器
house.beauty & healthcare and audio-visual appliances美容保健电器和声像电器
textilebeauty in color色彩美
textilebeauty in colour色彩美
textilebeauty in form形态美
biol.beauty-leaf红原壳胡桐,Calophyllum inophyllum L.
biol.beauty-leaf红原壳属 (Calophyllum L.,藤黄科)
entomol.beauty moth松尺蠖 Bupalus piniaria
tech.beauty of art艺术美
textilebeauty of body形体美
textilebeauty of curve曲线美
textilebeauty of dress服饰美
textilebeauty of line曲线美
textilebeauty of line线条美
proj.manag.beauty of machine机械美
proj.manag.beauty of material材料美
textilebeauty of modeling形体美
textilebeauty of modeling造型美
textilebeauty of nature自然美
proj.manag.beauty of technology技术美
textilebeauty of whole整体美
busin.beauty parlor美容院
gen.beauty parlor美容店
busin.beauty parlor malpractice insurance美容业务过失责任保险
busin.beauty parlor malpractice policy美容业务过失责任保单
tech.beauty parlour美容院
tech.beauty parlour美容室
tech.beauty parlour美容厅
econ.beauty part最有利的方面
econ.beauty part最可取之处
textilebeauty patch美人斑 (spot)
textilebeauty patches美人斑 (spot)
econ.beauty product美容产品
tech.beauty rest mattress甜眠型床垫
exhib.beauty salon美容室
archit.beauty salon化妆室
tech.beauty salon美容院
agric.Beauty seedless美丽无核葡萄品种
textilebeauty shop美容店
busin.beauty shop美容所
tech.beauty shop美容院
adv.beauty shot特写镜头
adv.beauty shot特写
chem.beauty soap美容皂
textilebeauty specialist美容专家
busin.beauty specialist美容师
archit.beauty spot美景
archit.beauty spot名胜
landsc.beauty spot风景点
landsc.beauty spot风景区
archit.beauty spot风景
textilebeauty spot面部贴饰
textilebeauty spot美人斑
textilebeauty treatment美容术
textilebeauty treatment化妆
gen.beauty treatment美容
commer.beauty wash液质化妆品
textilebody of beauty形体美
entomol.brindled beauty斑尺蛾 Lycia hirtaria
pest.contr.camberwell beauty安弟奥培杨榆蛱蝶 Nymphalis antiopa (L.)
auto.car beauty汽车养护美容
desert.Carolina spring beauty卡罗来纳春美人
tech.characteristic beauty特征美
agric.civic beauty城市美[化]
textilecool beauty素静美
textilecurve of beauty曲线美
textiledress beauty服饰美
textiledress of beauty服饰美
tech.environmental beauty环境美
textilefacial beauty美容
textileformal beauty形态美
textileformal beauty形式美
textilefree beauty自由美
textilefree beauty奔放美
tech.functional beauty功能美
textileharmony beauty和谐美
adv.health and beauty aids美容美发及保健产品
textileinner beauty内在美
bodybuild.International Fitness and Beauty Federation国际健美联合会
proj.manag.It has the form of beauty and embodies a lively formal beauty它具有美的形式、 是形式美的真切体现
biol.Japanese beauty-berry白棠子树日本紫珠,Callicarpa japonica Thunb.,马鞭草科
proj.manag.Life's errors cry for the merciful beauty that can modulate their isolation into a harmony with the whole诸多生命之错乞求着慈悲之美调和它们的孤寂、 以实现与整体的和谐统一
textileline of beauty造型美
textileline of beauty曲线美
textileline of beauty线条美
tech.logic beauty合理美
tech.logical beauty合理美
biol.meadow-beauty瑞克希阿 (Rhexia virginica L.)
biol.meadow-beauty瑞克希阿属 (Rhexia L.)
textilemodelling beauty造型美
textilenail beauty美甲
textilenail beauty美化指甲
tech.natural beauty自然美
tech.nature of beauty美的自然性
gen.No words can express the beauty of the Phillip Island Penguin Parade没有语言可以描述企鹅岛之美
textileoutward beauty人体曲线美
textileoutward beauty胴体美
agric.pained beauty峡蝶
entomol.painted beauty小苎麻赤蛱蝶 Vanessa virginiensis
biol.painted beauty佛州峡蝶 (Vanessa virginiensis (Drury),峡蝶科)
tech.park of scenic beauty风景公园
textilephysical beauty形体美
textilephysical beauty人体美
ecol.places of historic interest and scenic beauty名胜古迹
tech.pristine beauty原始美
textilerhythm beauty节奏美
textilerhythm beauty韵律美
biol.rock beauty岩美草 (Petrocallis sp.)
ichtyol.rock beauty三色刺蝶鱼 Holacanthus tricolor
biol.rock beauty岩美草属 (Petrocallis R.S.,十字花科)
tech.scenic beauty conservation area风景区
ecol.scenic beauty estimation methodSBE 法
ecol.scenic beauty estimation methodSBE美景度评价法
tech.scenic beauty forest风景林
textilescience of beauty美学
textilesense of beauty审美感
textilesense of beauty美感
psychol.sense of beauty in sport运动美感
fin.sleeping beauty睡美人 (喻指那些尚未引起关注、资产价值被低估的绩优上市公司)
securit.sleeping beauty睡美人前景好、资产被低估的公司
proj.manag.Social Beauty社会美
biol.spring beauty春丽苋属 (Claytonia L.,马齿苋科)
textilestatic beauty静态美
textilesuperlative beauty绝色
textilesymmetric beauty对称美
gen.The Mekong is a river blessed with breathtaking natural beauty湄公河风光优美,景色秀丽
proj.manag."The of golden section", "meaningful form", etc. are the embodiments of formal beauty"黄金律"、"有意味的形式"等、都是形式美规律的体现
bridg.constr.urban beauty城市美观
biol.Virginia spring-beauty维金尼亚春美草 (Claytonia virginica L.,马齿苋科)
econ.We are granted the non-transferable license to run a beauty center我方获得了经营一家美容中心的不可过户的许可证
textilewhole body beauty美体
textilewhole body beauty全身美容
textilewhole of beauty整体美
entomol.willow beauty尺蛾属 Boarmia rhomboidaria
textilewoman's beauty女性美