
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing be | all forms | exact matches only
be appropriate for适用于
be respectful of对...尊重
Emulsion can be used for 2 to 3 years while water emulsion degenerates faster. So it should be stored in the refrigerator乳液可使用2至3年,水状乳液则变质较快,最好存放于冰箱中
Eye make-up and liquid foundation last the least amount of time and should be tossed out after just three months眼部化妆品和液体粉底安全期最短,从第一次打开算起,只有三个月
Female musk deer and perfume makers alike find the scent to be irresistible不管是雌性麝香鹿或是香水制造商对这种气味都同样难以抗拒
Fragrance is formulated only to be applied to the skin香水是设计用来喷洒在皮肤上的
Generally, eyeliner can be stored for 10 years, if it is placed at room temperature一般说来,眼线笔室温下可存放10多年
Generally speaking, the foundation used for 1 to 2 years will be hardening or emit an odor一般来说,粉底用过1—2年便会硬化或发出异味
If the scent of the perfume fades or sours, it must be discarded如发现香水香味变淡或发出酸味,就应丢弃
If you want to purchase perfumes which are made up of natural compounds, our company would be the best choice如果你想购买由纯天然原料制成的香水,我们公司是您的首选
Ladies must be careful not to overdo their fragrance application, particularly in warm weather女士们必须小心不要过分使用香水,特别是在暖和的天气里
Mascara opened can be used for 3 to 6 months, placed at room temperature Once agglomeration appears, do not bother to use睫毛膏打开后可使用3至6个月,室温下放置。一旦出现结块时就别再使用
Natural herbal and organic plant-based cosmetics will be the next main trend of international cosmetics research and development天然草本、有机植物类化妆品将是今后国际化妆品研发的主要趋势
Perfume usually can be deposited a year or so, placed at room temperature香水通常可存放一年左右,保存于室温下即可
The eyeliner should be waterproof, as well as hypoallergenic if you have sensitive skin眼线应该是防水的,如果你是敏感肌肤还应选用低过敏材质的
We guarantee to make our perfume as pure as alcohol, essence and water, without any impurities, because pretreatment guarantees our products to be limpid, mellow and fragrant我们保证制造的香水和酒精、香精和水一样纯净,不带任何杂质,因为经过了预处理,能保证产品外观清澄、气味醇和、香气扑鼻
When your brand dominates a market, it will be in an exceptionally strong position当你的品牌占据了市场优势时,它就会拥有异常强大的地位
Whether your skin is dry, normal, or even oily, if you can only afford one skin care product, experts say, your dollars will be well spent on a good moisturizer专家表示,无论你的皮肤是干性、中性或是油性的,如果你只买得起一种皮肤护理用品,将钱花在品质好的润肤霜上将是最划算的