
Terms for subject Aviation containing be | all forms | exact matches only
be easy to don and remove便于佩戴及解脱
be hinged to通过铰接连接到....
be reluctant to do不情愿去做某事 (sth.)
equipment to be flown要做飞行试验的设备
heat which would be transferred if entire fin area were at base temperature假设整个肋表面处于肋基温度下的散热量
item must be completed必须完成项目
non-conforming to be transmitted and processed需传递和处理的不符合信息
taxi to be nominated等待滑行指示
to be added待加上
to be announced待通告
to be assigned待规定
to be assigned待指派
to be checked待检验
to be confirmed待证实
to be defined待定义
to be deleted待删除
to be development待研制
to be furnished待提供
to be furnished待完成
to be negotiated待商榷
to be negotiated待商讨
to be notified待通知
to be proposed待建议
to be proposed待提议
to be released待发放
to be reviewed待评审
to be revised待修改
to be revised待修订
to be scheduled待安排
to be scheduled待计划
to be specified待明确
to be verified待验证
to be verified待鉴定
will be将会发生