
Terms containing balance of payment | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
textileactive balance of payment实际收支顺差
textileactive balance of payment国际收支顺差
econ.active balance of payment实际的收支顺差
fin.active balance of payments国际收支盈余
interntl.trade.active balance of payments国际收支顺差
interntl.trade.active balance of payments国际收支顺差
fin.active balance of payments国际收支黑字
tech.active balance of payments收支顺差
busin.adjustment mechanism of the balance of payment theory实际收支调整机制学说
textileadverse balance of payment国际收支逆差
tech.adverse balance of payment支付逆差
fin.adverse balance of payments国际收支逆差 (国际收支若收人小于支出,就是国际收支逆差,又称"国际收支赤字")
busin.automatic adjustment in balance of payments国际收支差额自动调整
fin.balance of external payment对外支付差额
interntl.trade.balance of external payments对外支付差额
fin.balance of external payments对外支付余额
fin.balance of international payment国际收支平衡表 (balance of payment)
fin.balance of international payment国际支付差额 (balance of payment)
econ.balance of international payment国际收支差额
econ.balance of international payment国际收支平衡表
commer.balance of international payment国际收支
ecol.balance of international payment accounting for resource industry资源业国际收支核算
IMF.balance of international payments国际收支平衡表
tech.balance of international payments对外收支结算
interntl.trade.balance of international payments国际收支差额
fin.balance of international payments国际收支余额
railw.balance of international payments国际收支
interntl.trade.balance of international payments国际收支平衡表
tech.balance of international payments国际收支平衡
securit.balance of payment国际收支平衡
econ.balance of payment收支差额
busin.balance of payment国际收支
earth.sc.balance of payment收支平衡
proj.manag.balance of payment国际收支差额 (BOP)
securit.balance of payment未付款金额
busin.balance of payment accounting国际收支会计
econ.balance of payment adjustments国际收支调整
IMF.balance of payment analysis国际收支分析
commer.balance of payment deficit国际收支逆差
interntl.trade.balance of payment on basis of official reserve transaction按官方储备结算的国际收支
econ.balance of payment on net liquidity basis按净清偿能力计算的国际收支
commer.balance of payment surplus国际收支顺差
econ.balance of payment theory国际收支差额说
econ.balance of payment theory收支差额说
econ.balance of payments国际收支 (差额)
econ.balance of payments国际收支平衡
el.balance of payments支付平衡
econ.balance of payments收支平衡【差额】
tech.balance of payments支付平衡表
proj.manag.balance of payments国际收支平衡表
fin.balance of payments收支平衡表
fin.balance of payments国际收支平衡
fin.balance of payments收支差额
busin.balance of payments国际收支差额麦
busin.balance of payments国际收支差额
IMF.balance of payments国际收支
avia.balance of payments贸易支付差额
interntl.trade.balance of payments according to IMF formula根据国际货币基金组织规定的国际收支表
IMF.balance of payments accounting国际收支核算
IMF.balance of payments adjustment国际收支调整
fin.balance of payments adjustment国际收支调节
econ.balance of payments adjustment调节国际收支
fin.balance of payments adjustment process国际收支之调整程序
IMF.balance of payments analysis国际收支分析
IMF.Balance of Payments and External Debt Division I, II国际收支和外债一处、二处
securit.balance of payments approach收支平衡方法
IMF.balance of payments assistance国际收支援助
busin.balance of payments authority收支平衡权
busin.balance of payments capital account国际收支资本账户
busin.balance of payments capital accounts国际收支资本账户
IMF.Balance of Payments Compilation Guide《国际收支编制指南》
IMF.balance of payments constraint国际收支制约
busin.balance of payments credits and debits借贷收付平衡表
tech.balance of payments credits and debits借贷收付平衡
interntl.trade.balance of payments crisis国际收支危机
busin.balance of payments crisis国际支付危机
busin.balance of payments crisis国际收支危机
securit.balance of payments crisis收支危机
busin.balance of payments current account国际收支经常账户
fin.balance of payments deficit or surplus屆际收支逆差或顺差
fin.balance of payments deficit国际收支逆差 (若国际收支收人小于支出,就是国际收支逆差,又称"国际收支赤字")
interntl.trade.balance of payments deficit国际收支逆差赤字
proj.manag.balance of payments deficit国际收支逆差
IMF.balance of payments deficit国际收支逆差
econ.balance of payments deficit国际收支逆差 (赤字)
interntl.trade.balance of payments discipline国际收支纪律
econ.balance of payments disequilibrium国际收支失衡
interntl.trade.balance of payments disequilibrium国际收支不平衡
tech.balance of payments disequilibrium收支不平衡
textilebalance of payments equilibrium国际收支平衡
IMF.balance of payments equilibrium国际收支均衡
econ.balance of payments equilibrium收支均衡
IMF.balance of payments equilibrium exchange rate国际收支均衡汇率
fin.balance of payments facility国际收支援助基金
busin.balance of payments financing国际收支资金融通
interntl.trade.balance of payments financing of low income oil-importing developing countries进口石油的低收入发展中国家的国际收支资金融通
IMF.balance of payments flows国际收支流量
IMF.balance of payments identity国际收支恒等式
commer.balance of payments in foreign currencies外汇平衡
busin.balance of payments in foreign currencies外汇收支平衡表
IMF.Balance of Payments Manual《国际收支手册》
econ.balance of payments manual国际收支手册
IMF.balance of payments need国际收支需要
securit.balance of payments on capital account资本账户收支余额
securit.balance of payments on current account来往账户余额
interntl.trade.balance of payments on current account流动项目收支
econ.balance of payments on current account国际收支经常项目的收支状况
tech.balance of payments on current account流动账目收支差额
busin.balance of payments on current account国际收支经常项目收支状况
tech.balance of payments on current account流动项目收支差额
securit.balance of payments on current account经常账户项目差额
IMF.balance of payments performance国际收支状况
interntl.trade.balance of payments position国际收支地位
commer.balance of payments position国际收支情况
IMF.balance of payments position国际收支状况
fin.balance of payments position.国际收支状况
shipb.balance of payments position收支状况
IMF.balance of payments problems国际收支问题
econ.balance of payments reporting system国际货币基金组织的国际收支申报制 (IMF)
commer.balance of payments reporting system国际收支申报制 (国际货币基金组织)
busin.balance of payments reporting system国际收支申报制
fin.balance of payments sheet国际收支平衡表
IMF.balance of payments statement国际收支表
fin.balance of payments statement国际收支平衡表 (是按照复式簿记原理,以某一特定货币为计量单位,运用简明的表格形式总括地反映一经济体(一国或地区)在特定时期内与世界其他经济体间发生的全部经济交易)
IMF.balance of payments statistics国际收支统计
IMF.Balance of Payments Statistics Advisor国际收支统计顾问
econ.balance of payments statistics based on the IMF standard以国际货币基金为标准计算的国际收支统计
IMF.Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook《国际收支统计年鉴》
busin.balance of payments structure国际收支结构
IMF.balance of payments support国际收支援助
IMF.balance of payments surplus国际收支顺差
fin.balance of payments surplus国际收支顺差盈余
proj.manag.balance of payments surplus国际收支顺差
fin.balance of payments surplus国际收支顺差 (若国际收支收人大于支出,就是国际收支顺差,又称"国际收支黑字" "国际收支盈余")
shipb.balance of payments surplus收支顺差
IMF.balance of payments test国际收支状况检验
econ.balance of payments viability国际收支的应付自如局面
commer.Balance of Payments Yearbook国际收支年鉴
econ.balance of receipts and payments收支平衡
China, lawbalance of receipts and payments in foreign exchanges外汇收支平衡
fin.balance of receipts and payments of credit funds信贷收支差额
busin.balance sheet of payments资产负债表
busin.balance sheet of payments支付平衡表
tech.balance-of-payment assistance收支差额补助
met.balance-of-payments account收支平衡账目核算
interntl.trade.balance-of-payments discipline国际收支纪律
fin.balance-of-payments on capital account国际收支资本收户
econ.balance-of-payments policy平衡国际收支的政策
railw.Balance-of-payments Provisions国际收支条款
met.balances of payments收支平衡
interntl.trade.basic balance of payment基础收支平衡
busin.basic balance of payment基本收支平衡
econ.basic balance of payments基础收支平衡
fin.basic balance of payments基本收支
tech.basic balance of payments基本收支平衡
busin.capital account of balance of payment国际预支资本账户
econ.classical theory of balance of payments adjustment古典式调节国际收入的学说
org.name.Committee on balance-of-payments restrictions国际收支限制委员会
busin.credit entry in balance of payments国际收支贷方记录
fin.current account balance-of-payment国际项目收支往来帐户
busin.current account balance-of-payments国际收支往来账户
busin.current account of balance of payments国际收支往来账户
busin.current balance of payments经常项目收支差额
tech.current balance of payments经常项目收支平衡
fin.deficit in the balance of international payment国际收支逆差
econ.deficit in the balance of payment国际收支逆差
busin.deficit in the balance of payment国际收支逆差
busin.deficit in the balance of payments国际收支逆差
interntl.trade.deficits in the balance of payments国际收支逆差
busin.disequilibrium in the balance of payments国际收支不平衡
commer.disequilibrium of balance of international payments国际收支失衡
interntl.trade.disequilibrium of balance of payment国际收支不平衡
econ.disequilibrium of balance of payments收支不平衡
fin.disequilibrium of balance of payments国际收支不平衡
securit.disequilibrium of balance of payments支出不平衡
busin.equilibrium in the balance of payments国际收支平衡
oilequilibrium of balance of international payment国际收支平衡
busin.equilibrium of balance of payment国际收支平衡
interntl.trade.equilibrium of balance of payments国际收支平衡
fin.favorable balance of international payments国际收支顺差
interntl.trade.favorable balance of payment国际收支顺差
fin.favorable balance of payments国际收支盈余
fin.favorable balance of payments国际收支黑字
econ.favorable balance of payments国际收支顺差
oilfavourable balance of international payments国际收支顺差
busin.favourable balance of payment国际收支顺差
IMF.Financial Derivatives: A Supplement to the Fifth Edition 1993 of the Balance of Payments Manual衍生金融工具:1993年《国际收支手册》第五版补编
fin.fiscal approach to balance of payments国际收支调节的财政分析法
IMF.global balance of payments全球性国际收支
econ.grand balance of payments总计的支出金额
IMF.IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics基金组织国际收支统计委员会
proj.manag.inflow and outflow of balance of payments国际收支差额的变动
textileinter-country balance of payments国际收支
busin.inter-country balance of payments adjustment国际收支的调整
busin.intercountry balance of payments adjustment国际收支调整
busin.inter-country balance of payments adjustments国际收支调节
interntl.trade.intercountry balance-of-payments adjustments国际收支的调整
busin.international balance of payment国际收支差额即一国的外汇收支差额
econ.international balance of payment国际收支差额
interntl.trade.international balance of payment国际收支
econ.international balance of payment国际收支平衡
securit.international balance of payment国际收支平衡表
busin.international balance of payment deficit国际收支逆差
interntl.trade.international balance of payments国际支付平衡表
textileinternational balance of payments国际收支差额
textileinternational balance of payments国际收支平衡表
busin.international balance of payments国际收支
earth.sc.international balance of payments国际支付差额
tech.international balance of payments国际收支平衡
China, lawmaintaining the balance of receipts and payment of the State in foreign exchange保障国家外汇收支平衡
interntl.trade.mechanism of adjustment of balance of payments国际收支调整机制
busin.mechanism of adjustment of balance-of-payment收支调整机制
busin.mechanism of adjustment of balance-of-payments国际收支调整机制
fin.monetary approach to balance of payments adjustment国际收支调整的货币分析法
IMF.multicountry balance of payments summation多国国际收支汇总
busin.net balance of payment国际收支净差额
busin.net balance of payment国际净收支
IMF.overall balance of payments国际收支总余额
busin.overall balance of payments国际收支总差额
econ.payment of a balance结算付款
fin.payment of balance支付余数
fin.payment of balance付给尾数
econ.process of balance-of-payment adjustment国际收入调整步骤
interntl.trade.process of balance-of-payments adjustments国际收支调整步骤
fin.promote basic balance of international payments促进国际收支基本平衡
IMF.regional balance of payments statement地区国际收支平衡表
IMF.representation of balance of payments financing need陈述国际收支融资的需要
commer.statement of balance of payments国际收支表
busin.statement of balance of payments国际收支表
fin.statement of international balance of payment国际收支平衡表
fin.statement of the balance of international payment国际收支平衡表
commer.statement of the balance of international payments国际收支平衡表
fin.surplus in the balance of payment国际收支的顺差
busin.surplus in the balance of payment国际收支顺差
interntl.trade.surplus in the balance of payments国际收支的顺差
fin.surplus in the balance of payments国际收支顺差
econ.the adverse balance of payment国际收支逆差
econ.the mechanism of adjustment of balance-of-payments国际收支调整机制
fin.theory of balance of payments国际收支论
fin.unfavorable balance of international payment国际支付逆差
interntl.trade.unfavorable balance of international payments国际支付逆差
busin.unfavorable balance of payment国际收支逆差
interntl.trade.unfavorable balance of payments国际收支逆差
fin.unfavorable balance of payments支付逆差
econ.unfavourable balance of international payments国际支付逆差
busin.unfavourable balance of payment国际收支逆差
interntl.trade.unfavourable balance of payments国际收支逆差
IMF.viable balance of payments position可维持的国际收支状况