
Terms for subject Economy containing backs | all forms
a back-to-back account对开账户
a back-to-back credit转开信用证
a back-to-back credit背对背信用证
a birdy back鸟驮式集装箱运输
a birdy back空运货卡
a birdy back system鸟驮式集装箱运输方法
A license-back requirement is likely to violate antitrust laws要求回购许可证很可能违背反托拉斯法
a ticket there and back一张来回票
After a brief rally the cost of raw material fell back短暂上升之后,原材料的价格又下跌了
an automatic answer-back code device自动应答电码器
argument back and forth前后论证
at the back door从后门进行市场业务活动
at the back door从后门进行公开市场业务活动
back charge决算后的各种费用
back dividend未付红利
back dividend未付股利
back down退却
back down放弃 (要求)
back duty延欠税款
back letter赔偿保证函
back letter补充函电
back letter退回担保书
back of demand没有得到满足的需求
back-off system补偿系统【制度】
back office幕后职责
back order延期订货
back order拖欠订货
back order待交订货 (单)
back order拖欠的订货
back order已订期货
back order memo延期订货通知单
back out反悔 (of)
back out of the contract背弃合同义务
back pay欠薪
back pay追加薪津
back pay拖欠工资
back pay补薪
back payment补交拖欠的税款
back pedal on对…变卦
back rent滞纳租金
back rent过期未付的房租
back rent拖欠的房租
back rent欠租
back salary欠薪
back selling后门销售
back sheet副份
back spread证券交易中不同市场间的差价
back taxes退税
back taxes退缴税
Back to Back Account背对背账户
back to back account背靠背帐户
back-to-back对开 (账等)
back-to-back credit対开信用证
back-to-back credit export first出口为先的对开信用证
back-to-back credit export first输出为先的对开信用证
back-to-back credit import first进口为先的对开信用证
back-to-back credit import first输入为先的对开信用证
back-to-back L/C & reciprocalL/C 对背信用证和对开信用证
back-to-back letter of credit偿付信用证
back-to-school goods秋季出售的学生用品
back-to-tum type组合一调整型
back up支援
back up支持
back-up program后援程序
back-up program支援方案
Because we are unwilling to buy your goods, we refrain-ed from cabling back因为我方不愿购买你方货物,所以就没有回电
buy back回购
call-back回收 (指厂商收回新发现有缺点的商品)
call back取消 (声明等)
call back收回 (意见等)
call back pay加班费
chartered back卖出再租
claw back设计弥补
cut back减少
discounted pay-back贴现还款
discounted pay back method贴现回收法
draw back退税
draw back entry退税报关单
draw back for duties paid退还已付关税
exclusive grant-back独享性回授
feed back使 …反馈
feed back把…返送回来
give back福利归还
goods sold with money-back guarantee出售时给以退款保证的商品
grant-back provision回授条款
grant-back rights反馈权
hold back取消
"hold back" money"暂留"款项
kick back退还 (赃物)
kick back付给 (回扣)
kick back退赔
lease back将产权出售同时长期租用该产业的做法
lease-back回租 (出售产权同时长期租用该产业)
lease back租回已出售的财产
money-back guarantee买主保证退款
on the back burner处于次要地位
paper back纸面书
pay back a loan偿还借款
pay-back compensation trade回付产品的 补偿贸易
pay-back or pay-out period rate of return method, pay out period资金回收期法或偿还期报酬法
pay-back period偿还期
pay-back reciprocal归本年期倒数
pay back whatever they spent使用付费
plough back利润再投资
ploughed-back profits再投资利润
plow earnings, etc, back利润等再投资
plow back the earnings倒扣盈利
plow back the profit利润再投资
plowed-back profits再投资利润
product pay-back scheme产品支付办法
Proper steps and proceedings may be taken for getting back profit due to us可以采取正当的措施和手段来取回属于我方的利润
repetitive or fly-back timing反复测时法
sale and lease back售后回租
sale and lease back出售后回租 (产业的产权出售后再租用该产业的使用权)
seize back confiscated property倒算财产
seize back the confiscated property追还被没收财产
seize back the confiscated property倒算
set back下降
set back花费
set back减退
She got a refund after she sent back the faulty goods to the shop她把有缺陷的货物退回商店后,得到了退款
snap-back method弹回法
take back收回
tax-loss carry back税损移前扣减
the answer-back code回答代码
the argument back and forth前后论证
The author has the power to buy back the rights of publication at a fair market price作者将有权以公平的市价买回出版权
the back cargo回程货物
the back freight回程运费
the back freight不足运费
the back freight退货运费
the back goods freight退货费用
the back-haul allowance回程折扣
the back spread赚取差价的证券交易
the carry-back loss扭转亏损
The corporation sold said machinery to gain circulating funds 5 years ago. Now it wanted to lease back the machinery五年前该公司将所述的机械出售获得周转资金,现在公司想回租这些机械
The invoice shall pass to the buyer upon delivery and no articles shall be sent back发货后,发票应交给买方,且不退货
The manager went back on his promise to increase salaries across the board经理答应过全面加薪,但食言了
the net back price出厂价
the net back price净价
This item goes out of stock at the moment but will come back into stock in a month这种货现无存货,一个月后有货
trace the friendship between our two peoples back to我们两国人民之间的友谊可追溯到 (the Tang Dynasty, 唐朝)
trace back to可追溯到
Would you want a fold al the back of your jacket?你是否想在上衣后背打个裥?
yellow back美国黄背纸币 (可在国库兑换黄金)
You can apply the full power of the law to get your property back你可以充分利用法律的力量来收回自己的财产