
Terms containing assume | all forms | exact matches only
assume a ballet leg芭蕾举腿
gen.assume a facade of neutrality表面上保持中立
assume a position做出姿势
gen.assume a positionсинхр.плав. 做出姿势
busin.assume a set form定型
expl.assume a south-north strike呈南北走向
China, lawassume administrative liability承担行政责任
gen.assume an attitude of取…态度
manag.assume arbitrary power in finance独揽经济大权
securit.assume arbitrary power in finance独揽财务大权
securit.assume exclusive or sole responsibility for profits and losses自负盈亏
busin.assume exclusive responsibility for profits and losses自负盈亏
interntl.trade.assume jurisdiction受理案件
busin.assume leading position担任领导职务
UN, tech.assume liability承担赔偿责任
securit.assume liability towards...对……承担责任
AI.assume-mode choose假定模式选择
el.assume no liability for概不负责
interntl.trade.assume no responsibility for不承担责任
econ.assume no risk不负任何责任 (风险)
interntl.trade.assume no risk不负任何风险
tech.assume no risk不承担风险
securit.assume obligations承担义务
China, polit.assume office就职
China, polit.assume office担任职务
China, lawassume office就任
China, polit.assume overall responsibility for承担全部责任任务
China, polit.assume overall responsibility实行负责制 (for)
tech.assume responsibility承担责任
China, polit.assume responsibility for the election进行选举
securit.assume responsibility for unauthorized trades为非授权交易承担责任证券交易中
busin.assume risk承担风险
sport.assume set position采取预备姿势
fin.assume significant amounts of debt背负巨额债务
busin.assume sole responsibility for profits and losses自负盈亏
mil.assume the defensive进行防御
mil.assume the defensive处于守势
econ.assume the mortage承担抵押贷款
expl.assume the office of a schoolmaster担任中学校长职务
gen.assume the responsibility for接受
econ.assume the responsibility for...对…承担责任
gen.assume the responsibility for…的责任
gen.assume the responsibility of + ing接受
gen.assume the responsibility of + ing…的责任
fin.assume whatever duties and responsibilities承担力所能及的义务和责任
China, lawevenly assume the compensatory liability平均承担赔偿责任
expl.Furthermore, a blaster should not assume that a fresh shot being fired will behave like other shots previously fired at the same operation况且、爆破人员不可假设在同一作业中新一轮爆破与之前其他轮爆破状态都一样
econ.It is the purchaser who assumes risk of damage after delivery to carrier in good order在货物完整无损地递交给承运人后,承担损坏风险的正是买方
gen.jointly and severally assume no liability集体或单独地均不承担责任
commer.jointly or severally assume no liability集体或单独地均不承担责任
expl.Let us assume this shape to be round让我们假定这个形状是圆的
avia.military authority assumes responsibility for separation of aircraft由军事当局负责飞机间隔
China, lawministers assume overall responsibility for the work of the ministry ministries and commissions部长、主任负责制
expl.No one seems willing to assume any obligation of eating instead of him似乎没有人愿意承担替他吃东西的义务
sport.On the command "On your marks" or" Set, all competitors shall at once assume their full and final set position在下达"各就位"或"预备" 口令时、所有运动员应立刻做好最后的预备姿势
mil., air.def.passive ranging-power assume无源测距-功率假设法
manag.system under which the factory director assumes full responsibility under the leadership of the party committee党委领导下的厂长负责制
manag.system under which the president assumes full responsibility under the leadership of the board of directors董事会领导下的总经理负责制
China, lawsystem under which the principal assumes full responsibility校长负责制
commer.The buyer should assume the duty to pay the premium买方应承担支付保险费的义务
gen.the motion of matter always assumes certain forms物质的运动总是表现为-定的形式
econ.They will assume responsibility for the payment of taxes and duties他们将承担支付税款和关税的责任
expl.This issue begins to assume a new form此问题开始以新的形式出现
commer.We assume that the contract will be frustrated我们认为合同将会落空
commer.We assume that you are interested in our tablewares我们猜想你方对我方餐具感兴趣
commer.We cannot assume the responsibility for this accident我们不能承担这起事故的责任
commer.We cannot assume these additional charges我们不能承担这些附加费用
econ.We will assume no responsibility for the loss arising from the delayed shipment因交货延误而造成的损失,我方负责
econ.you must assume the responsibility of getting them to make up a shortage of 30 ton fertilizer你方必须承担使他们补足短欠30吨化肥的责任