
Terms containing arrivals | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a place of arrival到达地点
econ.a straight arrival bill直达汇票
econ.actual time of arrival实际抵达时间
avia.actual time of arrival/block实际抵达时间/实际停机时间
gen.Actually, if you miss the freight arrival, you d probably have to pay dock dues on the cargo事实上,如果货物已到达,您却不经意忽略了,您可能要支付码头费
tech.advance and final arrival notice of train至达火车预确报
tech.advance arrival notice of ship船舶到港预报
shipb.advance notice of ship's arrival船舶到港预报
tech.advice of arrival货物运到通知
busin.advise arrival请告抵达情况
shipb.after arrival至达后
fin.after-arrival -of -goods draft货物到达后见票即付汇票
econ.after arrival of the goods in overseas port货物到海外港口后
busin.after-arrival-of-goods draft货物到达后见票即付汇票
busin.after-arrival-of-goods draft货到后见票即付汇票
busin.aggregate arrival成批到达
busin.aggregated arrival成批到达
avia.airport arrival rate机场到达率
econ.All preparatory work relevant to the installation of the imported warping machine shall be finished before the arrival of the expert与进口整机安装有关的一切准备工作必须在专家到达前完成
econ.alteration of ship's estimated time of arrival变更至港时间
econ.an arrival bill货到付款汇票
econ.an arrival card到达地址通知单
econ.an arrival invoice register到达货票登记簿
telecom.angle of arrival无线信号到达角
met.angle of arrival电波到达角
expl.angle of arrival人射角射线路径与界面垂线的夹角,即在各向同性介质中波前与界面的夹角
met.angle of arrival入射角
tech.angle of arrival出现角度
tech.angle of arrival到达角
mil., air.def.angle of arrival location analysis到达角位置分析
telecom.apparent angle of arrival视在到达角
avia.arrival aircraft到达的飞机
avia.arrival aircraft interval到达飞机时间间隔
railw.arrival and departure始发终到
busin.arrival and departure siding始发与终点线
railw.arrival and departure sidings至发线
tech.arrival and departure sidings起讫线
tech.arrival and departure sidings铁路的到发线
telecom.arrival angle人射角
telecom.arrival angle到达角电波的
gen.arrival area抵达区域
gen.arrival at a conclusion得出结论
busin.arrival at destination抵达终点站
ecol.arrival at mine full capacity矿山达产
busin.arrival at port进港
busin.arrival at port抵港
shipb.arrival at port到港
tech.arrival ballast到港压载
tech.arrival bearing到达方位
busin.arrival bill到货后付款汇票票据
fin.arrival bill到货后付款汇票
commer.arrival bill货到付款汇票 (draft)
securit.arrival bill货到后付款汇票
tech.arrival card更改地址通知单
avia.arrival center到达中心
tech.arrival clause到港付款条款
nautic., tech.arrival condition到达工况
anim.husb.arrival conditioning进场调理凡在繁殖场出生而未经调理 (preconditioning)的肉牛,到达肥育场后须经进场调理过程:注射必要的疫苗
tech.arrival conditioning进场准备过程
busin.arrival contract期货合
busin.arrival contract到货合同
tech.arrival contract目的地契约
busin.arrival current终端输入电流
telecom.arrival current接收端电流
telecom.arrival current收信电流
archit.arrival current终端输人电流
archit.arrival current终端〔输人,收信〕电流
shipb.arrival current终端电流
tech.arrival current curve终端电流曲线
tech.arrival current curve输入电流曲线
construct.arrival curve终端〔输人〕电流曲线
tech.arrival curve到达曲线
construct.arrival current curve输人〔终端〕电流曲线
tech.arrival curve输入曲线
avia.arrival date到达日期
avia.arrival delay到达延迟
railw.arrival-departure track到发线
busin.arrival departure track到发路线
avia.arrival direction抵达方向
math.arrival distribution到达分布
tech.arrival draft到港吃水
fin.arrival draft已到汇票
busin.arrival draft到付汇票
busin.arrival draft到货后付款汇票
econ.arrival draft货到目的地方向付款人提示的汇票
econ.arrival draft货到付款汇票
securit.arrival draft货到后付款汇票
expl.arrival end人口端
tech.arrival end入口端
avia.arrival error到达错误
tech.arrival flow到达车流量
tech.arrival flow到达流量
tech.arrival flow rate到达流率
gen.arrival gate大门处
mil., air.def.arrival information到达报告
UN, account.arrival inspection抵达检查
UN, tech.arrival inspection is to take place immediately upon arrival and to be completed within one month抵达检查:在抵达后即刻执行,并在一个月内完成
tech.arrival interval到达间隔
tech.arrival level行近平面
expl.arrival line人口线
tech.arrival list到达船旅客名单
avia.arrival locator到达定位器
archit.arrival lounge机场休息厅
tech.arrival lounge休息厅 (机场)
busin.arrival note到货通知
tech.arrival notice到货通知 (书)
econ.arrival notice抵达通知
busin.arrival notice抵港通知单
tech.arrival notice到船通知书
econ.arrival notice到货通知
avia.arrival notice到达通知
shipb.arrival notice of cargo到货通知
tech.arrival notice of container集装箱到达通知单
tech.arrival notice of ship船舶到港通知
tech.arrival notice of vessel船舶到港通知
econ.arrival of cargo货物到达 (goods)
shipb.arrival of cargo vessel货船到达
busin.arrival of goods货物到达
econ.arrival of goods计算贴现期起始贷物到达
busin.arrival of goods货到
busin.arrival of goods到货
tech.arrival of vessel货船到达
tech.arrival operation expenditures到达作业支出
avia.arrival order到达顺序
tech.arrival pattern到达图形
tech.arrival pattern到达方式
tech.arrival pattern到达图式
tech.arrival pattern到达状态
avia.arrival period到达时间
busin.arrival platform火车站到货平台
archit.arrival platform到达站台
busin.arrival platform卸货月台
tech.arrival platform末站月台
tech.arrival point到达地
tech.arrival point目的地
tech.arrival port到达港
avia.arrival process到达过程
econ.arrival arrived quality到岸品质
ecol.arrival quality到岸品质
commer.arrival quality terms到达品质条款
commer.arrival quantity terms到达数量条款
busin.arrival quantity terms到货数量条件
tech.arrival rate到达车率
agric.arrival rate输入流强度
commer.arrival rate到货率
econ.arrival rate上门率
tech.arrival rate到达比率
tech.arrival rate到达速率
econ.arrival report船舶报到书
avia.arrival report到达报告
tech.arrival route进场线路
avia.arrival route到达路线
avia.arrival runway到达飞机专用跑道
avia.arrival rush到达高峰
econ.arrival sale到货买卖
busin.arrival sale到库买卖
busin.arrival sale到达仓库交易
avia.arrival sequencing program到达顺序程序
tech.arrival shaft到达竖井
econ.arrival ship到岸船
tech.arrival ship到达船
tech.arrival signal进站信号 (机)
busin.arrival station最后到达站
busin.arrival station终'点站
busin.arrival station货物到站
avia.arrival stream filter到达流筛选程序
econ.arrival terms路货到达条件
busin.arrival terms到货条件
auto.arrival time公共交通到达时间
expl.arrival time震波到达时间
avia.arrival-time control按时到达时间控制
tech.arrival time difference到时差
avia.arrival time difference到达时间差异
tech.arrival time distribution到达时间分布
tech.arrival time indicator到达时间表示器
avia.arrival time uncertainty不确定性的到达时间
econ.arrival timetable到站时刻表
archit.arrival track铁路的到达线
tech.arrival track到达线
avia.arrival traffic到达的流量
commer.arrival value到岸价值
avia.arrival velocity到达的速度
archit.arrival wave来波
tech.arrival wave到达波
commer.arrival weight terms到达重量条款
tech.arrival weight terms卸货重量条件
tech.arrival yard到达场【铁】
busin.arrivals in batches成批交货
avia.assigned arrival time指定到达时间
avia.assigned time of arrival指定到达时间
tech.asymptotic direction of arrival到达的渐近方向
tech.asymptotical direction of arrival到达的渐近方向
mil., air.def.azimuth of arrival到达方位
tech.baggage arrival operation income行包到达作业收入
tech.ballast arrival condition压载到港状态
telecom.batch arrival批量到达
telecom.batch arrival成批到达
tech.boarding quantity on arrival入港时剩余数量
econ.book of arrival goods货物到达记录簿
avia.boom-avoidance distance on arrival沿到达航迹测得的进场防音爆距离
tech.bulk arrival大量到达
tech.bulk arrival大批到达
tech.bunker on arrival入港时燃料存量
tech.bunker quantity on arrival入港时燃料舱存油量入港时燃料舱存煤量
busin.buy goods on arrival购买新到商品
interntl.trade.buy goods on arrival批货
tech.buy goods on arrival买新到货
busin.cargo arrival notice货物到达通知
tech.cargo arrival operation income货物到达作业收入
earth.sc.cash on arrival货到付[款]
commer.cash on arrival货到即付
busin.cash on arrival货到付现款
econ.catalogue of new arrivals新到商品目录
busin.catalogue of new arrivals新到商品目录
commer.CIF and war risk payment upon arrival到岸价加战争险在内条件,货到付款
econ.CIFW payment upon arrival成本加运费保费、 加保战争险货到付款
tech.coated prior to arrival on site到达工地前预先涂绝缘层的
agric.coefficient of arrival variation出现变异系数
avia.collect on arrival到达付费
tech.computer-picked arrival of first break计算机拾取初至时间
tech.condition guaranteed on arrival保证到货时状态
avia.control time of arrival到达时间控制
avia.controlled time of arrival控制的到达时间
tech.custody of arrival到达保管
tech.cutting length of the first arrival初至切除长度
tech.cutting time of the first arrival初至互切除时间
tech.data of arrival到达日期
econ.date and time of arrival抵达时间
econ.date of arrival入港日期
shipb.date of arrival of vessel at port of discharge船舶到达卸货港日期
econ.date of arrival price到达日价格
econ.date of arrival price到达日期价格
busin.day of arrival price到货日价格
China, lawdelay in the arrival迟延到达
econ.delivery on arrival货到即交
auto.delivery on arrival到达交付
busin.delivery on arrival货到即提
earth.sc.difference in the time of arrival到达时差
mil., air.def.differential-time-arrival location时差定位
tech.direct arrival wave attenuation factor computation直达波衰减系数计算
tech.direct arrival wave spectrum analysis直达波频谱分析
busin.due time of arrival规定到达时间
tech.due time of arrival应当到达时间
econ.Due to delayed arrival of the goods against Order No. LD1080 from the factory, we failed to ship them by that SteamerLD1080订单项下的货物,工厂交货推迟,我们未能将其装该轮发运
econ.Due to delayed arrival of the goods from the factory, they failed to ship the goods by this steamer由于工厂交货推迟,他们未能把这批货物装上这艘轮船运走
econ.dye time of arrival规定到达时间
econ.earliest arrival arriving time最早到达时间
econ.earliest arrival time最早抵达时间
tech.earliest arrival time最早到达时间
mil., air.def.earliest possible arrival time尽早到达时间
tech.earliest possible time of arrival可能最早到达时间
expl.echo arrival回波波至
avia.elapsed time of arrival到达经历时间
busin.ensure the date of arrival保证按期到达
tech.Erlangian arrival厄尔兰到达
nautic., tech.estimate time of arrival预计到达时间
busin.estimated date of arrival估计到达日期
shipb.estimated time arrival估计抵达时间
telecom.estimated time of arrival估计到达时间移动电台
avia.estimated time of arrival估计到达时间 (①对于遵循仪表飞行规则的飞机,估计飞机到达指定点上的时间,这个点以导航设备为参考来确定,从这个点起仪表程序将开始运行。如果机场没有导航设备,这个时间即指飞机将到达机场的时间。②对于遵循目视飞行规则的飞行,指估计飞机到达机场的时间。③对于定期航班航空公司指飞机到达登机门的估计飞行时间; 而对于非定期航班航空公司,指飞机实际到达跑道的估计时间)
econ.estimated time of arrival预计抵达时间
econ.estimated time of arrival估计抵港时间
dril.estimated time of arrival预计至U 达时间
earth.sc.estimated time of arrival预定到达时间
tech.estimated time of arrival预算到港时间
tech.estimated time of arrival预抵期
tech.estimated time of arrival船舶预计抵港时间
gen.estimated time of arrival估计计算到达时间
tech.ex lighter port of arrival目的港船上交货价
econ.exact time of arrival准确抵达时间
busin.expected arrival rate预期到达率
auto.expected arrival time公共交通预计到达时间
tech.expected data of arrival预计到达日期
busin.expected the time of arrival预期抵达时间
econ.expected time of arrival预计到达时间
interntl.trade.expected time of arrival预定抵达时间
interntl.trade.expected time of arrival预抵期
auto.expected time of arrival公共交通预计到达时间
busin.expected time of arrival预期到达时间
tech.expected time of arrivals预计至达时间
shipb.expected time of ship's arrival船舶预计到港时间
commer.Failing the arrival of your L/C before the end of the month, we'll miss the vessel next month如果你方信用证不能在本月底前到达,我们将会错过下月船期
tech.final arrival notice of ship船舶到港确报
expl.first arrival初至波
tech.first arrival correlation初至对比
tech.first arrival first attack初期灭火
tech.first arrival muting初至切除
tech.first arrival time初至时间
econ.fixed date of arrival at port of destination clause限期运抵目的港条款
interntl.trade.forward arrivals先到货物
interntl.trade.forward arrivals先期到达货物
busin.forward arrivals先到早到货物
sport.foul at the end of arrival到边犯规
econ.free arrival station集装箱到达站交货价
commer.free arrival station集装箱到达站交货价格
mil., air.def.frequency difference of arrival多普勒频差
tech.frequency of ship's arrival and departure至发船密度
tech.fresh arrival新到货 (物)
busin.fresh arrivals新到货物
avia.fuel on arrival燃油抵达
tech.gate arrivals type直达式
tech.general arrival一般到达
fin.goods to arrival;goods afloat将到货
fin.goods to arrival;goods afloat未到货
tech.group arrival time群到时
busin.guarantee the time of arrival保证到达时间
interntl.trade.hold for arrival of goods俟货到后才提示汇票
commer.hold for arrival of goods货到提示
busin.hold for arrival of goods留待货到
econ.If the purchaser finds that the delivered goods are at variance with the sample, he should notify the seller within 15 days after the arrival of the goods如买方发现运来的货物与样品有差异,应在货到后15天内通知卖方
tech.import document arrival notice进口单据至达通知书
commer.in explanation of the delay arrival of the goods解释货物延误到达的原因
busin.instant of arrival抵达及时
commer.large arrivals大量到货
commer.Large arrivals at this time would depress the market prices此时大量到货将压低市场价格
sport.late arrival迟到
tech.launch shaft and arrival shaft出发与到达竖井
avia.line of arrival弹着线
econ.mean arrival rate平均到达率
busin.mean rate of arrival平均到达率
tech.mean time between arrivals两次到达之间的平均间隔时间
busin.mean waiting time of an arrival in the queue来者排队平均等待时间
busin.merchant ship arrival and/or departure report商船停靠和/或离岸报告
gen.merchant ship arrival or departure report商船到达或开出报告
tech.military transport charges paid after arrival军运后付运费
gen.My next arrival area is Tokyo我的下一站是东京
tech.new arrival新到货 (物)
tech.new arrival新来的人
avia.new arrival information新到达的信息
libr.new arrivals上架新书
libr.new arrivals新到文献
libr.new arrivals新到图书
econ.no arrival, no sale不到达不成交
busin.note of arrival到货通知
econ.notice of arrival到货通知书
tech.notice of arrival到港通知
tech.notice of arrival of goods催领通知
tech.notice of arrival of goods到货通知 (书)
manag.notice of goods arrival到货通知单
busin.notice of vessel arrival船舶抵港通知
tech.notice of vessel's arrival船舶抵港通知
shipb.notice of vessel's arrival船舶到港通知
commer.notification of arrival正式到货通知
busin.notification of arrival到货通知单
tech.number of arrival乘客到达人数
avia.number of arrival到货数量
auto.number of arrivals乘客到达人数
tech.oath of arrival到港誓言
commer.offer subject to arrival of goods at port of shipment货抵装运港有效的发盘
busin.on arrival到达货物
econ.on arrival of vessel船到交货价格
busin.on arrival of vessel船到交货价
busin.on arrival of vessel船到交货价格
commer.on arrival terms到货条件
sport.order of arrival at the finish评定
sport.order of arrival at the finish分组
sport.order of arrival at the finish名次排列
sport.order of arrival at the finish分级
tech.overdue arrival逾期到达
avia.passenger arrival information旅客到达信息
tech.pay after arrival后付
econ.pay in the arrival of a ship船到付款
tech.pay on arrival到付
econ.pay on the arrival of ship X in port YX船抵达Y港口时付款
busin.payable on arrival of steamer船舶到达时付款
commer.payable with interest at..., per cent per annum from date hereof to due date of arrival of remittance in London付款时加付利息,按年利百分之…,由开票日至汇款应到达伦敦之时计息
fin.payment against arrival of document单到付款
busin.payment against arrival of documents单到付款
fin.payment …days after arrival of goods货到后若干日付款
econ.payment... days after arrival of goods货到后…日付款
econ.payment ... days after arrival of goods货到后…日付款
econ.payment net cash against shipping documents arrival of the goods货到凭单付现款
tech.payment on arrival交货付款
commer.payment on arrival of goods货到付款
econ.payment on arrival of shipping document见货运单据付款
commer.payment on arrival of shipping documents货运单据到后付款
tech.payment on arrival of shipping documents见货运单据付款
tech.payment upon arrival, cost, insurance, freight and war-risks-payment upon arrival到岸价格加兵险货到付款价
tech.payment upon arrival, cost, insurance, freight and war-risks-payment upon arrival到岸价格加战争险货到付款价
fin.payment upon arrival of document单到付款
commer.payment upon arrival of goods货到付款
econ.payment upon arrival of shipping documents装箱单到付款
econ.payment upon arrival of shipping documents发货单到付款
econ.payment upon arrival of shipping documents单到付款
busin.payment upon the arrival of shipment documents货运单到付款
busin.payment...days after arrival of goods货到后…日付款
tech.picking of first arrival times初至拾取
busin.place of arrival到达地点
avia.planned time of arrival计划到达时间
tech.point of arrival到达点
auto.point of arrival到达站
avia.point of arrival到达机场
tech.Poisson's arrival泊松到达
commer.port of arrival到达港 (指目的港 (port of destination), 与启运港(port of departure) 相对)
tech.port of arrival抵达港
avia.preferential arrival route优先到达路线
avia.preferential department and arrival route优选进出港航线
avia.preferential departure and arrival route优先离场和进近航线 (在两个机场之间的航线,而这两个端站在紧邻着航路交通管制中心 (ARTCC )的区域中。PDAR 和优先的仪表飞行规则 (IFR )航线的意义是不相同的,但他们基本上要实现相同的目的)
bridge.principle of fast arrival速达原则
manag.prior to the current arrival现在到达以前
busin.probability of no-arrivals无事故概率
progr.random arrival随机到达
manag.rate of arrival到达速率
tech.rate of arrival到车率
tech.rate of arrival到达
shipb.report of ship's arrival船舶到港报告
avia.required time of arrival要求到达时间
commer.safe arrival平安抵达
lawsafe arrival平安到达 (s/a)
auto.scheduled arrival time公共交通行车时刻表上的正点到达时间
auto.scheduled time of arrival公共交通行车时刻表上的正点到达时间
avia.scheduled time of arrival计划到达时间
tech.seismic arrival time地震波到时
busin.Should any damage be incurred, you may, within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment, file a claim supported by a your end如果发生损坏,你方可以在货物险公司开立的检验报告
econ.Since the rice was weighed by a public surveyor upon arrival they cannot but admit the shortage大米到货时即由公证行过磅,他们只好承认重量不足
busin.single arrival单一到达
busin.sound arrival value货物到达完好价值
avia.standard instrument arrival标准仪表飞行进场
avia.standard arrival route标准进场航线
avia.standard instrument arrival标准仪表到场 (一个指定的 IFR (仪表飞行规则)到场航线,通常在空中交通服务 (ATS )航线上,并从某一点开始执行公布的仪表进近程序。必要时或在取得操作优先权的情况下,要发布由航路飞行段到进近程序中所使用的定位点或设备的到场航线。当到场航线发布后,相关区域的宽度从航路值以航路轴两边30°的汇聚角逐步降低到“初始进近值”。如果到航线的长度大于或等于25 n mile,汇聚过程在初始进近点前25 n mile 开始,如果到航线的长度小于25 n mile,汇聚则由到场航线的起点开始。到场航线一般在初始进近点结束。考虑到最小区域高度,可以提供全方位的或者区域到场)
avia.standard terminal and arrival reporting system标准航站与进场飞机报告系统
avia.standard terminal and arrival reporting system标准航站及进场飞机报知系统
avia.standard terminal arrival标准终端到达
avia.standard terminal arrival route标准进场路线
avia.standard terminal arrival route标准到场航线
tech.standard terminal arrival route标准场站到达航线
avia.standard terminal arrival route标准航站进场航路
avia.standard terminal arrival route system标准进场航路系统
avia.standard terminal arrival routes标准航站进场航路
avia.standard terminal arrival, standard terminal arrival route标准航站进场航路
avia.standard terminal arrival, standard terminal arrival route标准航站进场
busin.state dependent arrivals状态相关到达
shipb.subject to reexamination upon arrival以货到重新检验为准
shipb.subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment以货物安达装运港为准
econ.subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment货物安全抵达装运港才有效
busin.subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment以货物安抵装运港为有效
shipb.subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment以货物安全到达装运港为准
tech.teleseismic arrival远震到时
avia.terminal arrival route航站进场航路
econ.the after-arrival-of-goods draft货物到达以后见票即付款的汇票
econ.The arrival of the train is two hours overdue该火车抵达时误点两小时
econ.The arrival of you L/C failed, we have to put off delivery因你方信用证未到,我方不得不推迟发货
econ.The claim must be lodged within one month of the arrival of the goods, after that date all rights to it will be forfeited索赔必须在货物到后一个月内提出,逾期无效
commer.The delay of shipment is not due to our inability to get the goods ready in time but to the late arrival of your letter of credit而是由于你方信用证未及时抵达我方
commer.The delay of shipment is not due to our inability to get the goods ready in time but to the late arrival of your letter of credit装运延误并非由于我方未能及时备货
econ.the hold for arrival of goods货到后提示货票
econ.The late arrival of the ship explains the delay延误是由于该船迟到所造成的
econ.the notification of arrival到货通知书
econ.the safe arrival安全抵达
tech.the utilization ratio of arrival and departure track到发线利用率
econ.They are waiting for the arrival of a consignment of spare parts他们正等候对方交付的备用部件的到达
econ.time arrival bill到货后定期付款的汇票
avia.time between arrival到达间隔时间
tech.time between arrivals至达时间间隔
avia.time delay of arrival到达时差
avia.time delay of arrival到达延误时间
AI.Time Difference of Arrival无线电到达时间差
tech.time difference of arrival脉冲到达时间差
avia.time distance difference to arrival到达时间距离差
dril.time of arrival运到时间
tech.time of arrival船舶抵港时间
tech.time of arrival倒时
auto.time of arrival公共交通到达时间
tech.time of arrival到车时刻
mil., air.def.time of arrival direction-finding location时差测向定位
mil., air.def.time of arrival position到达时间定位法
tech.time of peak arrival峰值到达的时间
tech.time of ship's arrival船舶抵港时间
shipb.time of ship's arrival船舶到港时间
tech.time of tracer arrival示踪剂到达时间
tech.time of train arrival到达时刻
tech.time of wave arrival波浪到达时间
avia.time to arrival到达时间
mil., air.def.time-difference of arrival到达时
mil., air.def.time-of-arrival到达时间
busin.time-of-arrival location到达时差定位法
tech.time-of-arrival location时差定位法
tech.to arrival at dredging site抵达疏浚工地
busin.tourist arrivals旅游者入境人次
busin.train arrival列车到达
tech.train arrival and departure operation列车到发技术作业
econ.Upon the arrival of the ship at the destination on September 6th, 1992 one carton was found short of 8 dozen在该船 1992 年 9月6日到达目的地时,发现有一箱短少8 打
avia.vertex time of arrival顶点到达时间 (飞机到达所使用跑道的定位点的计算时间。这个时间是经过使用适合的速度段的最佳飞行路径计算得到的)
avia.vertex time of arrival到达顶点的时候
tech.vessel arrival and departure report船舶至达及离岸报告
nautic., tech.visa on arrival落地签证
busin.visitor arrivals旅客接待人次
tech.volume of parcel dispatch and arrival and transshipment行包发送、到达、中转量
tech.water-wave arrivals水波到达时间
commer.We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of the goods我们急盼货物到来
expl.wide-angle arrival广角初至
econ.You'd better say a few words by way of explanation for the late arrival你们最好对迟到稍作解释
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