
Terms containing allow | all forms | exact matches only
commer.allow a commission of 5 percent on sales付给5%销售佣金
tech.allow a credit给予信贷
busin.allow a discount给予折扣
interntl.trade.allow a discount经予折扣
gen.allow a discount打折扣 (on)
fin.allow a faster rise in wages允许工资加快增长
gen.allow M a free hand允许 M 自由行动
sport, bask.allow a goal投中有效
sport, bask.allow a goal判投中有效
China, lawallow a juvenile to get into允许未成年人进入
gen.allow a large margin of safety留出很大的安全系数
econ.allow a loss as general average允许作为共同海损补偿的损失
interntl.trade.allow make good a loss as general average作为共同海损补偿的损失
commer.allow a loss as general average损失可按共同海损赔偿
gen.allow a margin留出M的余地〔余量〕
busin.allow sb. a monthly subsidy按月发给某人津贴
fin.allow a much higher exchange rate允许汇率大幅提高
shoot.allow a refire允许重射
shoot.allow a retire允许重射
tech.allow a worker act as a cadre以工代干
tenn.allow an easy kill使对方轻易打回一个致命的球
tenn.allow an easy kill使对方轻易打回一个致命球
shoot.allow another target允许重抛靶
fin.allow Chinese and foreign companies to settle trade transactions in renminbi允许中外企业用人民币结算外贸交易
fin.allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trade deals in their own currency允许中国企业以本币进行跨境交易结算
fin.allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trades using the renminbi允许中国企业使用人民币进行跨境贸易结算的项目
tech.allow clearance许用余隙
chem.allow the clearance许用余隙
chem.allow the clearance容许间隙
tech.allow clearance容许间隙
railw.allow comer允许转角
fin.allow companies to use the renminbi for trade outside China允许企业在中国境外贸易中使用人民币结算
busin.allow credit给予信贷
econ.allow credit允许赊账
interntl.trade.allow credit银行给予信贷
econ.allow credit予以信用贷款
busin.allow credit银行准予贷款
fin.allow currency appreciation允许货币升值
fin.allow currency to appreciate允许货币升值
adv.allow 20% discount按货价打八折 (on the price of goods)
econ.allow 10% discount on按照货价打九折 (the price of goods)
commer.allow 10% discount on the price of the goods同意货价打10%折扣
securit.allow employees to hold some shares允许职工持股
econ.allow everybody to air his view群言堂
gen.allow for估计
gen.allow for可以供…之用
econ.allow for考虑到 (this possibility, 这种可能性)
gen.allow for便于
gen.allow for酌情处理
gen.allow for为…做好准备
gen.allow for为…创造条件
gen.allow for考虑
tech.allow for an eccentric set消除测站偏心
tech.allow for grinding磨加工裕量
commer.allow for price rises考虑物价上涨因素
commer.allow for the quality tolerance考虑品质公差
commer.allow for unforeseen circumstances考虑不可预见的情况
busin.allow for unforeseen circumstances留有余地
tech.allow for wind风压差修正量
econ.allow for write-offs in the yearly account允许在年度账内冲销
fin.allow foreigners to invest允许外国人投资
gen.allow free entrance to允许自由进人
gen.allow full play toM 使M充分活动〔发挥〕
fin.allow imports and exports to be invoiced and settled in renminbi允许进出口贸易以人民币开具发票和结算
busin.allow leeway机动权
shipb.Allow me to introduce Mr. Zhang, our sales manager.让我介绍一下,这位张先生是我们的销售经理
securit.allow money-losing enterprise to merger or go bankrupt允许亏损企业兼并或破产
commer.allow 5% more or less in drawings允许在收款时有5%增减幅度
fin.allow more trading in the renminbi允许扩大人民币贸易
fin.allow non-trade-related flows in and out of China允许非贸易资金自由出人中国
gen.allow of可以有
econ.allow of容许 (delay, 延迟)
gen.allow of容许
gen.allow of no没有…的余地
gen.allow of no不许
fin.allow offshore banks and central banks to invest in China's interbank bond market允许离岸银行和各国央行投资于中国的银行间债券市场
fin.allow offshore banks to transfer renminbi among themselves允许离岸银行之间从事人民币转账业务
busin.allow one percent for leakage少算百分之一作为漏损
busin.allow part shipment允许分批装运
manag.allow percentage over operation time for scheduled time允许工作时间超过计划时间的百分率
comp., MSAllow phrase允許字詞 (A custom word or phrase that the administrator sets for the Content Filter agent to enable the processing of e-mail messages to Exchange Server 2007 mailbox users that contain specific words or phrases)
fin.allow renminbi appreciation允许人民币升值
fin.allow renminbi to appreciate允许人民币升值
speed.skat.allow right of way让道
gen.allow room for给…留出地方
busin.allow some leeway留有余地
busin.allow temporary credit通融
busin.allow temporary credit融资
tech.allow temporary credit通融资金
auto.allow the clearance【动】留下间隙
commer.allow the customer 3% commission给客户3%佣金
gen.allow the pressure to fall使压力降低
fin.allow the renminbi to appreciate against the euro允许人民币对欧元升值
fin.allow the renminbi to appreciate more rapidly允许人民币以更快速度升值
fin.allow the renminbi to float against a basket of currencies允许人民币参考一揽子货币浮动
fin.allow the renminbi to rise faster允许人民币以更快速度升值
fin.allow the renminbi to trade freely允许人民币自由兑换
gen.allow M to + inf.使 M 可以
gen.allow M to允许M (+ inf., 做)
tech.allow to approach the humping signal允许预推信号
agric.allow to enter允进人
agric.allow to enter放人
China, lawallow to register准予注册
fin.allow to return capital to shareholders允许将资本金返还股东
fin.allow trade to be settled in renminbi允许人民币用于贸易结算
textileallow transfer允许让渡
textileallow transfer允许转口
textileallow transfer允许转让
busin.allow transhipment允许转运
econ.allow transshipment允许转船
commer.allow us a discount给我方打折扣
shipb.As a rule we don't allow any discount for this commodity.对这种商品我们一般不给折扣
shipb.Considering this is a new product, we'll allow you a further 1% discount.考虑到这种商品是新产品,我们再增加 1 % 的折扣
proj.manag.Displays all unsaved files, and allows the user to optionally save specific files显示所有未保存的文件、并允许用户有选择地保存特定文件
ITexclusive-allow-read lock state互斥允读锁定状态
commer.For all these items, we allow a flat rate of commission of 2%对所有这些商品,我们一律给予2%佣金
econ.For the goods listed in our catalogue, we allow a flat rate of commission of 5%对于我方目录单所列的商品,我们一律给以5%的佣金
proj.manag.Hardware, software, or both that allows a user to interact with and perform operations on a system, program, or device一种硬件、软件或两者的结合、用户可通过它与系统、程序或设备相互配合并完成操作
gen.In our case, we do not allow anyone to have a negative checking account balance就我们的情况而言,不允许有人拥有的支票账户余额为负数
proj.manag.In our case, we do not allow someone to have a negative checking account balance在我们的例子中、不允许有人拥有的支票账户余额为负数
shipb.In principle we usually don't allow any discount.原则上我们一般不给折扣
gen.In the U. S. , federal laws allow the importation of up to 1 liter of alcoholic beverage and up to 200 cigarettes and 100 cigars for personal use在美国,联邦法律允许带近一升的含酒精饮品,及二百支香烟和一百支雪茄供个人使用
comp., MSIP Allow listIP 允許清單 (" A filtering list that is used by the Connection Filter agent in Exchange Server 2007. IP addresses on the IP Allow list are considered "safe" and are exempted from processing by other anti-spam agents.")
avia.not allow pocket不许出现袋形
gen.not to allow不许
gen.Our modern double bathroom vanity is a perfect place to store your bathroom products, as it allows greater space我们的现代双层浴室盥洗台十分适合存放你的浴室用品,因为它的空间更大
tech.Paint one color at a time onto the surface of the mould and allow it to harden before moving on to the next color在模具表面着一种颜色,并让其在着下一种颜色前变硬
securit.partially allow a claim部分批准索赔申请
securit.plans allow no leeway计划没留有余地
securit.plans allow no leeway计划满打满算
commer.Please amend your letter of credit so as to allow partial shipments and transhipment请将你方信用证改为允许分运与转运
proj.manag.Share your fax printer to allow remote users to send and receive faxes with your fax devices共享您的传真打印机、 允许远程用户用您的传真设备发送和接收传真
commer.Shipment allows of no delay装运不容延误
geophys.sliding gate allow/disallow滑动窗口允许一不允许【标志】
geophys.sonic high pass filter allow/disallow声波高通滤波器允许一不允许标志
gen.Sorry, sir. We don't allow customers to take food out from buffet. We don't have any doggie bags不好意思,先生。我们不让顾客带走自助餐食物,我们不提供打包服务
proj.manag.The app allows you to add listeners and notify them of events at run time这个应用程序允许你增加监听程序、 并在运行时通报事件
econ.The company allows all the workers to take three days' holiday at Christmas公司准许所有的工作人员在圣诞节期间休假三天
proj.manag.The Daisy Chain mode allows the user to read the conversion result from the ADCs contained in the chain在菊花链模式下、用户可以从菊花链内的 ADC 中读取转换结果
proj.manag.The ingenious rudder control system allows for comfortable support as well as strong steering efficiency独特设计的方向舵控制系统提供了舒适的操作支持、 以及高转向效率
proj.manag.The semantic web aims to allow computers to extract useful information from data on the net语义万维网的目标是让计算机从网络中的数据中获取有用的信息
econ.They are prepared to allow us half the amount of our claim他们准备偿付我们一半索赔金额
econ.They are prepared to allow us half the amount of our claim他们准备偿付给我们一半索赔额
econ.They can allow less than 5% commission他们可以付给 5%以下的佣金
proj.manag.This tool allows you to review differences between a current version and an earlier version, or to contrast two possible projections您可以使用此工具查看当前版本和较低版本之间的差异、或者对比两种可能的预测
geophys.uphole AGC allow/disallow井口自动增益控制允许和不允许标志
geophys.uphole automatic gain control allow/disallow井口自动增益控制允许和不允许标志
econ.We must allow for the cost of living in the salaries我们必须在薪水中考虑到生活费用的高低
commer.You must allow us 5% quantity latitude in shipment你方必须给我方5%的装运数量机动幅度