
Terms for subject Securities containing all | all forms | exact matches only
absence of all conditions不具备任何条件
all buyout firm全部收购型公司
all capital earning rate总资产收益率
all cash deals全现金交易
all cash deals全部以现金交易
all directional innovations covered derivative products金融衍生产品全方位创新
all directorate members董事会全体成员
all equity rate全部股本比率
all-floating environment全流通环境
all-floating market全流通市场
all-holders rule收购中的全部股东规则
all in cost发行成本
all in cost全部成本
all in this mess陷于糟糕的困境股市
all-in transaction costs全部交易成本
all-inclusive income statement综合性损益表
all-inclusive income statement综合性收益表
all information所有信息
all-in-rate包括所有费用、单一价格 (包括一切费用的)
all-moneys debenture全面抵押债券
all-moneys debenture全款抵押债券
all or any part全部或部分承销
all or none全部或全不
all or none全部或放弃
all or none offering全部或放弃发行
all or none order全额执行令
all or none order全部或全不指令
all or none underwriting全部承销或放弃承销
all or none underwriting两极承销
all or nothing binary option两极二进制期权
all or nothing option两极期权
all ordinaries index全部普通股指数
all-purpose balance sheet全能资产负债表
all-round advance全面涨价
all-round buying全部购人
all-round decline全部下跌
all-round selling全部抛出
all savers certificate全部储蓄者存单
all-squared stock缴清股
all stocks全部股票
all time low历史最低
all time low低谷
all-time peak有史以来最高值
all-weather fund全天候基金
all your market非本债券市场
amending agreements without all shareholders' consents未经全体股东一致同意的修改协议
annual returns for all stocks全部股票年度回报
any-or-all bid部分或全部报价购买出售的股份的投标
any-or-all bid任何或所有的投标
any-or-all offer部分或全部报价
any-or-all offer任意或全部要约不定购股最大数量的要约,在要约规定未满足前不买人任何股票
Australia All Ordinaries Index澳大利亚全部普通股票指数
buy stocks with all funds of an investor满仓投资人把其所有资金都买成证券
cum all股票附各项权利
Euro NM all share index欧洲新市场全股指数
ex all无权利
ex all除去所有
ex all卖方保留全部权利
extent of all assets出资范围内
extent of all assets资产范围内
freeze all shares registered in securities accounts冻结在股票账户中所有登记的股票
FTSE All Share Index金融时报全股指数
FTSE All Share Index富时全股指数
Hong Kong Stock Exchange All Ordinaries Index香港所有普通股指数
make overall plans and take all factors into consideration统筹兼顾
NEMAX All Share Index德国新市场全股指数
obligational all authority使用专款的授权
offer for less than all shares部分公开招股
on all stocks对全部股票的运用
once for all change一劳永逸
once for all change一次完成所有变动
once for all institutional reform一劳永逸的机构改革
outsource all portfolio investment组合投资外包
over half of all the shareholders超过全体股东半数
overall planning and all round consideration统筹兼顾
pass all entries through the book全部交易列人账册
payment in full of the subscription money for all shares全额交足购股款项
prevent securities crime in all-round and multi-level scope全方面多层次防止证券犯罪
ranking the top 30 of all A shares评出所有 A 股前30名
returns on all stocks全部股票收益
sell out all securities of investor空仓投资人把所有证券全部出售
sell out all securities of investor清仓
sell out all stocks空仓投资人把手中全部股票出售
SES All-Singapore Index新加坡证券交易所全新加坡指数
Singapore SES All-Singapore Index新加坡证券交易所全新加坡指数
summary return of all stocks全部股票总收益
Sydney All Ordinaries Share Index悉尼所有普通股指数
take into consideration in the interests of all concerned统筹兼顾
turnover of all capital总资本周转
uniform any-or-all cash tender offer现金统一价的股权收购
with all faults金融产品售后暇疵自负责