
Terms containing alcoholic | all forms | exact matches only
oilalcoholic acid羟基酸
tech.alcoholic acid醇酸
chem.alcoholic acid2alkyd醇酸
chem.alcoholic acid2alkydresin醇酸
tech.alcoholic acid paper mica sheet醇酸纸云母片
tech.alcoholic acid paper mica tape醇酸纸云母带
ecol.alcoholic acid putty醇酸腻子
tech.alcoholic acid varnish醇酸清漆
tech.alcoholic acid varnished glass cloth tape醇酸玻璃漆布带
chem.alcoholic ammonia酒精氨
chem.alcoholic ammonia氨的酒精溶液
exhib.alcoholic beverage含酒精的饮料
winemak.alcoholic beverage酒精饮料
busin.alcoholic beverage tax含酒精饮料税
stat.alcoholic beverages between 40 and 80%, vol.酒精饮料40%~80%,容积
chem.alcoholic beverages
interntl.trade.alcoholic beverages except beer酒类啤酒除外
agric.alcoholic beverages酒精饮料
oilalcoholic brake fluid醇型刹车液
nurs.alcoholic cirrhosis酒精性肝硬化
life.sc.alcoholic cirrhosis酒精性肝硬变
agric.alcoholic cochineal酒精胭脂红
surg.alcoholic coma酒精中毒昏迷
tech.alcoholic coma醇毒性昏迷
agric.alcoholic crops酒精原料作物
chem.alcoholic drink
tech.alcoholic enamel醇酸磁瓷漆
met.alcoholic extract酒精萃液
chem.alcoholic extract酒精提出物
anim.husb.alcoholic extract酒精萃取物
chem.alcoholic extract酒精萃
anim.husb.alcoholic extraction用酒精萃取
life.sc.alcoholic fermentation酒精发酵
repr.biol.alcoholic fermentation成醇化酵
life.sc.alcoholic fermentation乙醇发酵
chem.alcoholic fermentation乙醇发酵
repr.biol.alcoholic fermented milk酒精发酵乳
spacealcoholic fuels醇类燃料
oilalcoholic group醇基
life.sc.alcoholic hepatitis酒精性肝炎
tech.alcoholic hydroxyl醇式羟基
nurs.alcoholic hyperlipemia酒精性高脂血症
interntl.trade.alcoholic liquors酒精液体
life.sc.alcoholic liver disease酒精性肝病
tech.alcoholic lye醇碱液
tech.alcoholic mass
nurs.alcoholic pancreatitis酒精性胰腺炎
oilalcoholic poisoning醇中毒
chem.alcoholic potash氢氧化钾的酒精溶液
chem.alcoholic potash钾碱醇液
tech.alcoholic potash氢氧化钾酒精溶液
nurs.alcoholic psychosis酒精中毒性精神病
tech.alcoholic solution醇溶液
tech.alcoholic solution酒精溶液
tech.alcoholic stain醇溶性着色剂
chem.alcoholic steroid醇式固醇类化合物
agric.alcoholic strength酒精浓度
tech.alcoholic tincture醇制酊剂
tech.alcoholic varnish凡立水
tech.alcoholic varnish泡立水
tech.alcoholic varnish酒精清漆
agric.alcoholic wax酒精接蜡{园艺}
dentist.Don't drink alcoholic beverages on that day拔牙当天请不要喝含酒精的饮料
China, lawdrink alcoholic drinks饮酒
interntl.trade.duty on alcoholic liquor饮料税
tech.higher alcoholic deter gent高级醇系去垢剂
gen.In the U. S. , federal laws allow the importation of up to 1 liter of alcoholic beverage and up to 200 cigarettes and 100 cigars for personal use在美国,联邦法律允许带近一升的含酒精饮品,及二百支香烟和一百支雪茄供个人使用
chem.non-alcoholic beverage非酒精饮料
busin.non-alcoholic beverage不含酒精的饮料
tech.non-alcoholic beverages非酒精性饮料
consult.non-alcoholic beverages industry非酒精饮料工业
exhib.non-alcoholic drink不含酒精的饮料
busin.non-alcoholic drink清凉饮料
gen.Of course, madam, But how about a non-alcoholic cocktail?当然有,女士,但无酒精的鸡尾酒怎么样?
agric.rice for alcoholic preparation酿酒米
winemak.Some suggestions were put forward for the new classification method of alcoholic beverages to make the product name an accurate reflection of its true attribution有人对新的酒精饮料分类方法提出了建议,使酒类名称能够准确地体现产品的真实属性和内涵
econ.state monopoly of sales of tobacco and alcoholic drink烟酒专卖
agric.stop alcoholic fermentation中途停止发酵
agric.stopping alcoholic fermentation停止酒精发酵
econ.tax on alcohol and alcoholic liquors酒精饮料税
econ.the alcoholic beverage tax含酒精饮料税
tech.wastewater from alcoholic fermentation酒精发酵废水
winemak.We offer you broad coverage of all product categories in the field of alcoholic drinks together with basic tasting technique我们为您讲解酒水的主要产品分类和基本品尝技巧