
Terms for subject Space containing airborne | all forms | exact matches only
ACEA RTS airborne countermeasures environment and radar target simulator机载干扰措施和雷达目标模拟器
advanced airborne anti-armour weapon先进的机载反装甲武器 (美国研制的一种远距离发射的反坦克集束制导武器)
advanced airborne national command post先进国家级空中指挥所
Advanced Airborne Launch Center先进机载发射中心 (美国空军)
advanced airborne national command post国家先进空中指挥所 (美国空军用此缩写词,美国防部则用 AABNCP)
advanced airborne radio position system先进机载无线电定位系统
advanced airborne surveillance sensor先进机载监视传感器
Airadar airborne interception radar机载截击雷达
airborne active expendable decoy机载一次性有源诱饵 (拖在飞机后面引诱防空导弹的假目标)
airborne Agl generator机载碘化银发生[发烟]器
airborne alert空中警戒
Airborne and Communications-Electronics Board机载与通信电子设备局 (美国陆军)
airborne anti-armour defence机载反装甲防护
airborne anti-ballistic missile机载反弹道导弹 (美国国防部研制的由诸如 C-5A等大型飞机上齐射以摧毁洲际弹道导射的导弹)
airborne anti-ballistic missile intercept system机载反弹道导弹截击系统
airborne antiradiation missile机载反辐射导弹
airborne anti-satellite missile机载反星导弹
airborne anti-satellite missile航空反星导弹
airborne area of operation空中作战区
airborne assault vehicle机载攻击火箭
airborne assault vehicle攻击气垫船
airborne-assault weapon机载突击武器
airborne astrographic camera system机载天文定位照相系统 (为弹道导弹提供距离跟踪能力)
airborne atomic weapon机载原子武器
airborne ballistic missile intercept system机载弹道导弹拦截系统
airborne battlefield空中战场
airborne battlefield command and control center战地空中指挥与控制中心
airborne battlefield management system机载战场管理系统
airborne broadband defence机载宽波段防卫 (电子对抗)
airborne carriage, launch and recovery发射与回收
airborne carriage, launch and recovery空中运载
airborne c-band chain radar beacon机载 C-波段链形雷达信标
airborne collision avoidance equipage机载防撞设备
airborne command post空中指挥所
airborne command post机载指挥所
airborne communication node空基通信节点
airborne communication relay station机载通信中继站
airborne communications location identification & collection system机载通信定位识别与采集系统
airborne communications terminal机载通信终端
airborne data acquisition center机载数据获取中心
airborne data link system机载数据传输器系统
airborne digital avionics test system机载数字式电子设备试验系统 (美国空军)
airborne directed energy weapons机载定向能武器
airborne Doppler radar机载多普勒雷达
airborne early warning机载早期警报
airborne early warning空中预警
airborne early warning and control空中预警和控制
airborne early warning/ ground environment integration segment空中预警与地面防空一体化部门
airborne early warning radar机载预警雷达
airborne electronic ranging instrumentation system机载电子测距装备系统
airborne equipment of missile导弹机载设备
airborne expendable rocket system机载一次性火箭系统 (由火箭发射,并用降落伞下降的小型一次性干扰机)
airborne fire control radar机载火控雷达
airborne fire control system机载火力控制系统
airborne fire director机载射击指挥仪
airborne firing空中发射
airborne firing空中射击
airborne firing空中点火
airborne geophysical device机载地球物理装置
airborne guidance机载制导
airborne guidance空中制导
airborne guidance system机载制导系统
airborne guided missile机载导弹
airborne headquarters空中指挥所
airborne hypersonic missile机载高超声速导弹
airborne hyperspectral imager机载超光谱成像仪
airborne identification mobile system机载识别机动系统
airborne image sensor机载成像遥感器
airborne imagery机载成像
airborne inertial navigation system机载惯导系统
airborne information system机载信息系统
airborne infrared detection system机载红外探测系统
airborne infrared guidance system机载红外制导系统〜
airborne integrated data system机载综合数据系统
airborne integrated navigation system机载综合导航系统
airborne integrated reconnaissance system机载综合侦察系统 (美国海军)
airborne intercept radar机载截击雷达
airborne intercept rocket机载截击火箭
airborne interception空中截击雷达 (radar)
airborne interception equipment机载截击装备
airborne interception radar机载截击雷达
airborne interception radar and pilot's attack sight system机上自动截击系统
airborne interceptor机载截击器
airborne interceptor机载拦截器
airborne interceptor空基拦截器
airborne interceptor missile机载截击导弹
airborne interceptor rocket机载截击火箭
airborne laser空基激光
airborne laser机载激光 (器)
airborne laser fluorimeter机载激光荧光计
airborne laser fluorosensor机载激光荧光遥感器
airborne laser illuminator机载激光照射器
airborne laser illuminator, ranger & tracking system测距与跟踪系统
airborne laser illuminator, ranger & tracking system机载激光照射
airborne laser intercept system机载激光拦截系统
airborne laser target locator机载激光目标定位器
airborne laser tracker system机载激光跟踪系统
airborne launch机载发射
airborne launch control center机载发射控制中心
airborne launch control system空中发射控制系统
airborne launch control system机载发射控制系统
airborne launcher机载发射装置
airborne launcher空中发射装置
airborne launching机载发射
airborne measuring system机载测量系统
airborne missile机载导弹
airborne missile assault机载导弹突击
airborne missile control system机载导弹控制系统
airborne missile fire control director机载导弹武器控制仪
airborne missile guidance system机载导弹制导系统
airborne missile launcher机载导弹发射装置
airborne missile tow target机载导弹射击用拖靶
airborne moving target indicator空中移动目标指示器
airborne moving target indicator空基移动目标指示器
airborne multi-mode solid-state active-array radar机载多模固态有源阵列雷达
airborne navigation radar机载导航雷达
airborne optical adjunct机载光学遥感器
airborne packet network机载分组包式
airborne particle悬浮尘粒
airborne particulate浮粒
airborne particulate空中悬浮微粒
airborne radar机载雷达
airborne radar for detecting surface vessels搜索水面目标的机载雷达
airborne radar jamming system机载雷达干扰系统
airborne radiation detector机载辐射探测器
airborne radio relay空中无线电中继
airborne radome机载天线罩
airborne range and orbit determination机载轨道测定
airborne range and orbit determination system机载航程与轨道测量系统
airborne rapid-scan spectrometer机载快速扫描光谱仪
airborne reconnaissance and surveillance architecture空中侦察和监视体系结构
airborne relay station机载中继站
airborne repeater station空中转发站
airborne rocket机载火箭弹
airborne rocket航空火箭弹
airborne satellite communication system机载卫星通信系统
airborne satellite receiving station机载卫星接收站
airborne scanner机载扫描仪
airborne science/space lab experiment system simulation机载科学与空间实验室实验系统模拟
airborne-search radar机载搜索雷达
airborne self-protection jamming机载自卫干扰
airborne sensor system机载探测器系统
airborne sonobuoy receiver机载声呐浮标接收机
airborne submarine exhaust detector机载潜艇排气废气探测仪
airborne support environment机载保障环境
airborne support equipment机载保障设备
airborne & surface early warning空地预警 (系统)
airborne surveillance and target acquisition机载监视与目标捕获
airborne system机载系统
airborne tactical data processing system机载战术数据处理系统
airborne tactical jamming system机载战术干扰系统
airborne target acquisition control system机载目标截获控制系统
airborne target acquisition fire control system机载目标截获与火控系统
airborne target indication system机载目标指示系统
airborne test机载试验
airborne test导弹挂飞试验
airborne transmitter弹载发射机
airborne vehicle identification机载飞行器识别
airborne warning and control system机载预警与控制系统
airborne weapons release set机载武器投放设备
alerting long-range airborne radar机载远程警戒雷达
clutter-locked airborne moving target indicator杂乱回波锁定空中移动目标指示器
contingency airborne reconnaissance system应急空中侦察系统
continuous airborne missile alert机载导弹持续空中待战
continuous airborne missile alert机载导弹持续待机状态
continuously airborne missile launching and low-level机载导弹连续发射与低空突防 (penetration)
continuously airborne missile launching and low-level penetration机载导弹连续发射与低空突防
decca integrated airborne navigation system台卡组合导航系统 (由Decca ,Dectra 和 Doppler 组成)
fleet airborne electronic training unit舰队机载电子教练器
forward looking airborne radar机载前视雷达
geophysical airborne survey system地球物理航空测量系统
German airborne Tow德国机载"陶"式 (导弹)
global airborne integrated navigation system环球空中统一导航系统
homing airborne guidance弹上寻的制导装置
homing airborne guidance弹上自导引装置
integrated airborne navigation system机上综合导航系统
laser-augmented airborne TOW机载激光增强型"陶"式导弹
launching load of airborne missile机载导弹发射载荷
L-band airborne satellite terminal机载 L 波段卫星终端
light airborne ASW vehicle轻型机载反潜火箭
light airborne multipurpose system轻型机载多用途系统
locking system of airborne missile机载导弹锁定系统
low airborne nuclear test低空核试验
microwave airborne radio communication机载微波无线电通信
microwave airborne relay communication机载微波中继通信
military airborne radar system军用机载雷达系统
missile airborne equipment机载导弹设备
modular airborne search and track radar模块式机载搜索与跟踪雷达
multimode airborne solid-state array radar多模式机载固态相控阵雷达
multiple airborne target tracking system多空中目标跟踪系统
multiple airborne target trajectory system多空中目标测轨系统
national emergency airborne command post国家紧急空中指挥所
no airborne intercept无机载截击雷达
range-safety airborne system弹上的靶场安全保障系统 (导弹自毁系统)
side looking airborne radar机载侧视雷达
slow, low airborne target低空低速空中目标
Tacos tactical airborne countermeasure or strike空中战术干扰或突击
thermal imaging airborne laser designator热成像机载激光照射器
time average clutter cohere nt airborne radar时间平均杂波相干机载雷达
umbilical cable of airborne missile机载导弹脐带线缆