
Terms for subject Sports containing air | all forms | exact matches only
air bag气袋
air ball投空球
air bath气浴
air bath空气浴装置
air boat水上飞机
air boat飞艇
air bounce空中反弹
air conduction气传导
air conduction passage气传导途径
air embolism减压病
air embolism气栓塞
air embolism气泡栓塞
air embolism气栓
air embolus气泡栓塞
air embolus气栓
air exchange气体交换
air expulsion呼气量
air feeling response气感效应
air gap method空气隔离法
air humidity气体湿度
air inflow进气量
air ion空气离子
air one's grievances发泄不满情绪
air pump打气筒
air response气效应
air sport航空运动
air therapy空气浴
air therapy空气疗法
atmospheric air大气
backhand air bounce飞盘反手空中反弹
cold air bath冷空气浴
commercial air route商业航线
complemental air补吸气
complementary air补吸气
complementary air补吸气
compressed-air illness减压病
compressed-air illness压缩空气病
compressed-air illness潜水员病
cyber air sports电子游戏模拟飞行类游戏
dead-space air无效腔气体
exhale air from the lung自肺中呼出气体
expiratory alveolar air呼气时肺泡气
expired air呼出气
Finnish hot-air bath芬兰蒸汽浴
fresh-air outlet通风孔
hot air bath热空气浴
inspired air吸气指吸入的气体
keep the shuttlecock in the air【键】斗键
minimal air最少余气
open-air competition露天比赛
open-air sports室外运动
open-air sports露天运动
open-air stand露天座位
open-air stand运动场的露天看台
pivot in air空中转身
reduce air resistance减少空气阻力
residual air余气
residual air残气
resting tidal air平静潮气
run out of air气用完
stride-in-air type名词词组剪式跳远
supplementary air补呼气量
supplementary air补呼气
supplementary air补吸气
supply of air氧供应
supply of air空气供应
The javelin has been released into the air进人空中
The javelin has been released into the air.标枪已被掷出
tidal air潮气
warm air bath暖空气浴
World Air Sports Federation国际航空运动联合会