
Terms containing agree upon | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.agree upon一致同意
gen.agree upon决定
gen.agree upon商定
gen.agree upon对〔关于〕…意见一致
interntl.trade.agree upon a price谈妥价钱
textileagree upon a price议定价格
interntl.trade.agree upon a price议价
econ.agree upon a price谈妥价格
China, lawagree upon in the charter合同约定
China, lawagree upon one probation period约定一次试用期
commer.agree-upon price约定价格
econ.Both parties agree that if the goods are rejected upon examination n., the goods will be returned at the expenses of the supplier双方同意如商品检验不合格而被拒收退货费用由供应方负担
econ.Both parties agree that the firm shall be set up forthwith upon satisfaction of the conditions缔约双方同意一俟条件符合,该商行便立即成立
econ.If the parties fail to agree upon additional clauses, the dispute shall be determined in accordance with the general provisions of this agreement如果缔约双方对附则未能取得一致意见,将根据本协议总则来解决争论
econ.Upon execution of this agreement, the United, States Steel Corporation agrees to pay to the Oriental Hotel Ltd. $5000 as advance royalties本协议一经执行,美国钢铁公司同意付给东方饭店有限公司 5000美元作预付租金