
Terms for subject Aviation containing advanced technology | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Advanced Technology Advisory Committee先进技术咨询委员会
advanced technology application division高级技术应用部
advanced technology blade高级技术叶片
advanced technology blade先进技术叶片
advanced technology bomber高级技术轰炸机
advanced technology bomber先进技术轰炸机
advanced technology center先进技术中心
advanced technology combat aircraft先进技术战斗机
advanced technology component先进技术零件
advanced technology component先进技术部件
advanced technology coorbiting platform〔日〕先进技术同轨平台
advanced technology cruise missile先进技术巡航导弹
advanced technology demonstration先进的技术演示验证
advanced technology demonstrator engines先进技术演示验证发动机
advanced technology development先进的技术研制
advanced technology development centre先进技术发展中心
advanced technology engine先进技术发动机
advanced technology engine study先进发动机技术研究
advanced technology experimental transport先进技术实验运输机
advanced technology fighter engine高技术战斗机发动机
advanced technology ground attack fighter先进技术对地攻击战斗机
advanced technology interior先进技术内部装饰
advanced technology laboratory先进技术实验室
advanced technology large aircraft system先进技术大型飞机系统
advanced technology large aircraft system先进技术大型航空器系统
advanced technology light fighter先进技术轻型战斗机
advanced technology light twin先进技术轻型双发飞机
advanced technology light twin airplane先进技术轻型双发飞机
advanced technology of management先进管理技术
advanced technology regional aircraft先进技术支线飞机
advanced technology spacecraft高级技术太空船
advanced technology tactical transport先进技术战术运输机
advanced technology test demonstrator先进技术试验演示器
advanced technology transport先进技术运输机
advanced technology wing先进技术联队
aircraft wing with advanced technology operation采用先进技术的飞机机翼
combined advanced technology enhanced design g-ensemble综合先进技术高过载防护配套装置
compact high-energy capacitor module advanced technology experiment密集高能电容器组件先进技术实验
high maneuverable advanced technology高机动先进技术
short range advanced technology短程先进技术