
Terms containing addiction | all forms | exact matches only
psychol.addiction to exercise锻炼成瘾
China, lawagreement on treatment of drug addiction戒毒协议
China, lawagreement on treatment of drug addiction in the community社区戒毒协议
adv.consumer addiction消费成瘾
China, lawdegree of addiction成瘾程度
China, lawdiscriminate against a person receiving treatment of drug addiction歧视戒毒人员
China, lawdrug addiction吸毒成瘾
sport., psychol.drug addiction药瘾
psychol.drug addiction药物成瘾
sport., med.drug addiction药癖
otorhinol.drug addiction药瘾 → 药物依赖 (drug dependence)
sport., psychol.drug addiction毒瘾
China, polit.drug trafficking and addiction贩毒吸毒
China, lawengage in the treatment of drug addiction从事戒毒治疗业务
nautic., tech.environmental addiction环境毒瘾
nautic., tech.European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction欧洲毒品和毒瘾监管中心
athlet.exercise addiction练习依赖
psychol.exercise addiction锻炼成瘾
China, lawhumiliate the person receiving treatment of drug addiction侮辱戒毒人员
China, lawin light of the need for treatment of drug addiction根据戒毒的需要
China, lawinternet addiction沉迷网络
China, lawmaintenance treatment of drug addiction戒毒药物维持治疗
China, lawmeasure for treatment of drug addiction戒毒措施
China, lawmeasures for treatment of drug addiction in the community社区戒毒措施
China, lawmedical institution for treatment of drug addiction戒毒医疗机构
China, lawmedical institution that is qualified for medical treatment of drug addiction具有戒毒治疗资质的医疗机构
China, lawmedical institution to be set up for treatment of drug addiction设置戒毒医疗机构
sport., med.morphine addiction吗啡瘾
psychol.negative addiction消极迷瘾
comp., net.network addiction网络成瘾
comp., net.online games addiction网络游戏成瘾
sport., med.opium addiction阿片瘾
sport., med.opium addiction鸦片瘾
China, lawovercome drug addiction戒除毒瘾
China, lawparticipate in treatment of drug addiction in the community参与社区戒毒
China, lawperson for treatment of drug addiction戒毒人员
AI.physical addiction成瘾
nautic., tech.physical addiction人体毒瘾
nautic., tech.psychological addiction心理毒瘾
athlet.running addiction跑步依赖
comp., net.syndrome of network addiction网络成瘾综合症
China, lawtreatment of drug addiction戒毒治疗
China, lawtreatment of drug addiction戒毒