
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing actives | all forms
active admixture活性掺合料
active area有效面积
active belt活动带
active carbon活性炭
active crosssection过水断面
active crosssection水流断面
active current有功电流
active drainage area有效排水面积
active earth pressure主动土压力
active earth thrust主动土推力
active erosion强烈
active erosion侵蚀
active erosion强烈侵蚀
active fault活断层
active fault segment断层活动段
active fire control主动灭火
active fire prevention主动火灾预防
active load活荷载
active load有功负荷
active loss无功损耗
active plate活动板
active power balance of power system电力系统有功功率平衡
active power filter有源滤波器
active power filter有源电力滤波器
active power meter有功功率表
active pressure主动压力
active soil pressure主动土压力
active state of plastic equilibrium主动塑性平衡状态
active storage有效库容兴利库容
active storage兴利库容
active storage of reservoir水库有效库容
active structure活动构造
active value动作值
actual active power output curve实际有功出力曲线
coefficient of active earth pressure主动土压力系数
control of active and reactive power有功和无功功率控制
control of active power and frequency有功功率与频率控制
delayed active avalanche延发雪崩
generator active power发电机有功功率
refuse to active拒动
secondary control of active power in a system二次调频
seismically active area地震活动区
seismo-active fault地震活动断层
surveying and prospecting of active fault活动断层探测
top of active conservation capacity有效蓄水库容上限