
Terms containing acceptance check | all forms | in specified order only
tech.acceptance check验收检査
commer.acceptance check验收核查
textileacceptance check合格检验
tech.acceptance check工程验收
plast.acceptance check合格验收
spaceacceptance check验收检查
hydroel.st.acceptance check验收
oilacceptance check核收
el.acceptance check接收检验
tech.acceptance check验收合格
textileacceptance of checks支票承兑
tech.acceptance of checks票据承兑
spacecheck acceptance method检查验收方法
expl.check and acceptance of a completed blasting爆破项目竣工验收
expl.check and acceptance upon completion竣工验收工程全部建成,具备投产运行条件,正式办理固定资产交付使用手续时进行的工程验收
shipb.check before acceptance验收
shipb.check item by item before acceptance逐项验收
tech.check-acceptance survey of open pit露天采场验收测量
China, lawcheck-for-acceptance system进货检查验收制度
tech.customer's final acceptance check用户的最终验收
expl.final check and acceptance竣工验收工程全部建成,具备投产运行条件,正式办理固定资产交付使用手续时进行的工程验收
spaceframe acceptance check帧接收检验
spacemissile acceptance check导弹验收
busin.statement of acceptance on a check支票上的承兑申明
spacesystem check and acceptance系统检测验收
tech.system of check and acceptance验收制度
econ.We agree to accept notes, bills, checks and trade acceptances我方同意接受各种票据、现钞、支票和商业承兑汇票