
Terms for subject Economy containing absence | all forms | exact matches only
absence of proof缺乏证据
award rendered in the absence of the respondent在被告缺席的情况下作出的仲裁裁决
exchange of products conducted in the absence of money and commerce无商业介入的物物交换
exchange of products conducted in the absence of money and commerce无货币
holidays and paid leaves of absence.假期
man day in absence缺勤工日数
The general manager devolved his duties on his deputy during his absence总经理在缺席期间将其职责交给代理人
the rate of absence缺勤率
The shipment of 325 tons of rice will be effected under guarantee in the absence of the L/C amendment信用证不予修改,325吨大米凭保证书装船