
Terms for subject Surgery containing absence | all forms | exact matches only
absence of appendix阑尾缺如
absence of clavicle锁骨缺如
absence of gall bladder胆囊缺如
absence of nipple乳头缺如
absence of pectoral is major胸大肌缺如
absence of pectoralis minor胸小肌缺如
absence of penis阴茎缺失
absence of pericardium心包缺失
absence of rib缺肋
absence of vagina阴道缺如
absence of vas deferens输精管缺如
absence of vertebral body椎体缺如
congenital absence缺如
congenital absence of penis先天性阴茎缺如
congenital patella absence先天性髌骨缺如
intestinal muscular absence肠壁肌层缺损
partial absence of diaphragm膈肌部分缺失
rib absence肋骨缺损
skin absence皮肤缺损
thrombocytopenia with absence radius血小板减少症伴桡骨缺如
tibial absence胫骨缺如
toes absence缺趾
ulnar absence尺骨缺如