
Terms containing absence | all forms | exact matches only
busin.absence debtor未在场债务人
busin.absence debtor失踪债务人
corp.gov.absence for family-related emergencies因家庭紧急情况缺勤
gen.absence from暂离
gen.absence from勤,席,课…
commer.absence from hearings在审理时缺席
spaceabsence indicator离舰旗 (表示指挥官不在舰上的旗帜)
proj.manag.absence management缺勤管理
gen.absence ofM 没有M
gen.absence ofM 缺少〔乏〕M
busin.absence of aftereffect无副作用
busin.absence of aftereffect无后效
securit.absence of all conditions不具备任何条件
China, lawabsence of an agreed or explicitly agreed provision没有约定或者约定不明确
surg.absence of appendix阑尾缺如
otorhinol.absence of auricle耳郭缺失
fenc.absence of blade剑身不接触
tech.absence of business无生意
avia.absence of cavity无腔
surg.absence of clavicle锁骨缺如
el.mach.absence of collector无集电环
cryptogr.absence of communication attack不存在通信攻击
el.mach.absence of commutator无换向器
busin.absence of consideration缺乏对价
interntl.trade.absence of consideration合同缺乏对价
busin.absence of consideration缺乏要因
interntl.trade.absence of consideration无对价
tech.absence of consideration缺乏对价 (指合同)
tech.absence of convection对流停止
spaceabsence of convection对流缺乏 (在失重状态下的航天器舱中)
spaceabsence of convection无对流
avia.absence of convection没有对流
tech.absence of draft不通风
tech.absence of draught不通风
surg.absence of gall bladder胆囊缺如
genet.absence of gene基因缺失
tech.absence of glare无闪光
tech.absence of glare无光线
archit.absence of glare不透光
tech.absence of glare无眩光
agric.absence of individual chromosome单个染色体缺失
commer.absence of information缺乏信息
avia.absence of injection没有注入
avia.absence of injection没有喷射
nurs.absence of interventricular septum室间隔缺如
tech.absence of load无负载
archit.absence of load无负
tech.absence of load无荷载
archit.absence of loading无负
tech.absence of loading无负载
archit.absence of loading
tech.absence of loading无荷载
genet.absence of lung lobe肺奇叶
gen.absence of mind心不在焉
gen.absence of mind不留心
busin.absence of multicollinearity无多重共线性
tech.absence of multicollinearity非多重共线性
surg.absence of nipple乳头缺如
el.absence of offset无偏移
busin.absence of pattern随机性
busin.absence of pattern无规范
busin.absence of pattern偶然性
surg.absence of pectoral is major胸大肌缺如
plast.surg.absence of pectoralis major胸大肌缺如
surg.absence of pectoralis minor胸小肌缺如
surg.absence of penis阴茎缺失
surg.absence of pericardium心包缺失
croq.absence of player缺员
econ.absence of proof缺乏证据
China, lawabsence of provisions未作规定
nurs.absence of radius桡骨缺如
securit.absence of regulation监管缺位
busin.absence of restriction无约束
commer.absence of restrictions无约束力
tech.absence of restrictions无约束
surg.absence of rib缺肋
busin.absence of serial correlation无序列相关
proj.manag.absence of stock库存短缺
busin.absence of stock无存货
tech.absence of stock缺乏存货
tech.absence of streaks无纹理
archit.absence of streaks水泥和添加剂混合时无缺乏痕线
tech.absence of streaks水泥和添加剂混合时无痕线
tech.absence of streaks无条痕
archit.absence of style无风格
archit.absence of style风格上不协调的建筑物
tech.absence of style风格上不协调的建筑物
repr.biol.absence of the vagina无阴道畸形
anim.husb.absence of twist无卷羊毛
agric.absence of twist无卷指羊毛
nurs.absence of uterus无子宫
nurs.absence of vagina无阴道
surg.absence of vagina阴道缺如
genet.absence of vagina无阴道畸形
plast.surg.absence of vagina阴道缺失
surg.absence of vas deferens输精管缺如
surg.absence of vertebral body椎体缺如
archit.absence of wear无消耗损失
tech.absence of wear无消耗
tech.absence-of-ground searching selector无接地搜索选择器
busin.absence-of-serial-correlation assumption无序列相关假设
genet.absence or hypoplasia of umbilical artery肺动脉缺失或发育不全
tech.absence or incapacity缺席或不能担任工作
el.absence or presence of a pulse有无脉冲
el.absence or presence of a pulse脉冲的出现[存在]与否
lab.law.absence rate缺勤率
nurs.absence seizure失神发作
corp.gov.absence without leave擅离职守
lab.law.absence without leave旷工
lab.law.absence without leave旷职
corp.gov.absence without leave无假缺席
gen.absence without leave无故缺席
nurs.atypical absence seizure非典型失神发作
econ.award rendered in the absence of the respondent在被告缺席的情况下作出的仲裁裁决
interntl.trade.award rendered in the absence of the respondent在被告缺席情况下作成的仲裁裁决
busin.award rendered in the absence of the respondent缺席仲裁裁决
mil., air.def.bearing absence方向缺
busin.compensated absence有薪酬假期
surg.congenital absence缺如
genet.congenital absence of deferens先天性输精管缺如
dermat.congenital absence of pain先 天性无痛症
surg.congenital absence of penis先天性阴茎缺如
nurs.congenital absence of salivary gland先天性唾液腺缺失
nurs.congenital absence of salivary gland先天性涎腺缺失
dermat.congenital absence of the breasts and nipples先天性乳房及乳头缺乏
dermat.congenital absence of the skin先天性皮肤缺乏
genet.congenital absence of uterus先天性无子宫
repr.biol.congenital absence of vagina先天性阴道缺如
repr.biol.congenital absence of vagina先天性阴道缺损
repr.biol.congenital absence of vagina先天性无阴道
plast.surg.congenital absence of vagina阴道闭锁
surg.congenital patella absence先天性髌骨缺如
agric.cultivation in the absence of weeds无杂草栽培
agric.cultivation in the absence of weeds机械化栽培
agric.deadlock absence死锁排除
expl.Due to the absence of many from the meeting, no resolution was formed over the relevant issues由于很多人缺席会议、有关问题没有形成决议
China, lawexamine the goods straightway in the absence of the owner径行开验
econ.exchange of products conducted in the absence of money and commerce无商业介入的物物交换
econ.exchange of products conducted in the absence of money and commerce无货币
agric.histone absence in bacteria and fungi细菌与真菌无组蛋白
mol.gen.histone absence of Poly A in mRNA信使RNA 的多[聚]腺苷酸无组蛋白
econ., int. law.holidays and paid leaves of absence.假期
gen.in one's absence当…不在的时候
gen.in the absence当M不在的时候
gen.in the absence由于缺少M
gen.in the absence在没有〔缺少〕M的情况〔条件〕下
gen.in the absence of...当…不在时
gen.in the absence of...在没有…的情况下
commer.in the absence of a letter of credit在没有信用证的情况下
China, lawin the absence of an agreement没有协议的
busin.in the absence of democratic management不实行民主管理
China, lawin the absence of different provisions没有不同约定
China, lawin the absence of fault没有过错
expl.In the absence of oxygen, the substance in the container cannot bum well没有氧气、容器里的物质不能充分燃烧
commer.in the absence of technical data在缺少技术资料的情况下
China, lawin the absence of the completion of an auction拍卖未成交的
surg.intestinal muscular absence肠壁肌层缺损
busin.leave of absence准假
lawleave of absence请〔准〕假
lawleave of absence假期
avia.leave of absence休假
econ.man day in absence缺勤工日数
tech.man days in absence缺勤工日数
tech.man days of absence from work缺勤工日
busin.man-day in absence缺勤工日数
commer.man-days in absence缺勤人工日数
bowl.mister absence缺席球员
otorhinol.muscular absence肌肉缺如
plast.surg.nail absence指甲缺失
commer.No deduction in pay is made for absence due to illness因病请假不扣薪
tech.paid absence allowance假期补贴
surg.partial absence of diaphragm膈肌部分缺失
busin.payment during leave of absence事假工资
genet.presence and absence hypothesis有无学说
genet.presence and absence hypothesis有无说
genet.presence and absence hypothesis在与不在说
agric.presence and absence of awn芒有无
genet.presence and absence theory有无学说
genet.presence and absence theory在与不在理论
genet.presence and absence theory有无理论
genet.presence and absence theory在与不在说
manag.rate of absence缺勤率
surg.rib absence肋骨缺损
tech.sick absence statistics病伤缺勤统计
met.sintering in absence of liquid phase无液相烧结
met.sintering in the absence of a liquid phase无液相烧结
surg.skin absence皮肤缺损
tech.spell of sick absence伤病缺勤事例
fin.subsidy for leave of absence from work离职补助费
busin.subsidy for leave of absence from work离职补助金
chem.systematic absence系统消光
expl.The blasting industry has had to rely on empirical approaches in the absence of a proven mechanistic fragmentation model因为缺乏成熟的机械破碎模型、爆破行业只好依赖经验方法
econ.The general manager devolved his duties on his deputy during his absence总经理在缺席期间将其职责交给代理人
econ.the rate of absence缺勤率
econ.The shipment of 325 tons of rice will be effected under guarantee in the absence of the L/C amendment信用证不予修改,325吨大米凭保证书装船
surg.thrombocytopenia with absence radius血小板减少症伴桡骨缺如
surg.tibial absence胫骨缺如
surg.toes absence缺趾
surg.ulnar absence尺骨缺如
avia.unauthorized absence擅自缺席
box.win by absence不战而胜因对方未出场而获胜
box.win by absence因对方未出场而获胜
textileyarn absence纱线断头