
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing Zone | all forms | exact matches only
active coke zone焦炭反应活跃区
active zone反应区
active zone作用范围
active zone反应带
active zone反应段
advance zone前移区
affected zone影响区
after-firing zone均热段
after-firing zone带式烧结机的后烧段
air pollution control zone大气污染控制区
allowed energy zone容许能带
aluminium G. P.zone alloy具有 G.P. 溶质原子聚集层的铝合金
arc zone焊接带
arc zone电弧区
arc zone-melting电弧区域熔炼
attack zone侵蚀带
baked pellet deformation zone焙烧球团变形区
baking zone烘干区
batch zone refiner分批区域精炼炉
batch zone refining分批区域提纯
batch zone refining分批区域精炼
beginning point of thermal soft reduction zone热轻压下区起点
blast furnace cohesive zone高炉软熔带
blast furnace cohesive zone location高炉软熔带位置
blast furnace cohesive zone parameter高炉软熔带参数
blast furnace cohesive zone shape高炉软熔带形状
blast furnace cohesive zone size高炉软熔带尺寸
blast furnace cohesive zone structure高炉软熔带结构
blast furnace cohesive zone thickness高炉软熔带厚度
blast furnace cohesive zone type高炉软熔带类型
blast furnace cohesive zone width高炉软熔带宽度
bottom zone底区
bottom zone底层
Brillouin zone布里渊区
Brillouin zone structure布里渊区结构
Brillouin zones filling布里渊区填
brittle zone脆性区
cage zone-refining笼式区域提纯
cage zone refining笼式区域精炼
cage zone-refining笼式区域精炼
calcining zone煅烧带
calcining zone煅烧〔烧成〕带
calcining zone煅烧区
caster radius at unbending zone矫直区铸机半径
central equiaxed crystal zone中心等轴晶带
central zone of sleeve辊套中心区
charging zone上料区
charging zone装料区
chemical composition in transition zone混坯区化学成分
cleaning zone清理工段
cleaning zone轧件清理工段
clinkering zone熔结带
cohesive zone【铁】软熔带 (【技】位于高炉中间部位的炉料由于温度升高已进人由固相向液相过渡的区域,故称软熔带。铁矿石在软熔带经历软化、熔化和初渣的形成。)
cohesive zone软熔带
cohesive zone elevation软熔带高度
cohesive zone in blast furnace高炉软熔带
cohesive zone model软熔带模型
cohesive zone prediction model软熔带预测模型
cohesive zone shape软熔带形状
coke slit in cohesive zone软熔带焦窗
cold sinter zone冷烧结矿带
computer-controlled water distribution in secondary cooling zone计算机控制的二冷区配水
condensing zone冷凝带
constant radius zone基本半径区 (This continuous slab caster has four independent reduction segments in a constant radius zone. 这台板坯连铸机在基本半径区有4个独立的压下扇形段。)
constant radius zone恒定半径区
crack sensitive zone裂纹敏感区
creep zone蠕变区
crucible zone炉缸区
crucible-free zone-melting无坩埚区域熔炼
crucibleless zone melting无坩埚区域熔炼
crucibleless zone melting method无坩埚区域熔炼法
crystallization zone结晶区
crystallographic zone axis晶带轴
cutting zone切割区
cutting zone length切割区长度
dark etching zone暗色浸蚀区
dead metal zone死金属区 (挤压金属时,挤压筒与模子接触处的金属不能流动的地方)
dead zone不灵敏区
dead zone in center of tundish中间包中心死区
dead zone in tundish中间包内死区
dead-zone regulator非线性调节器
dead-zone regulator具有死区调节器
dead zone volume死区体积
decarbonation zone脱碳带
dehydration zone脱水段
density in porous zone疏松区密度
denuded zone贫化区
diffusion zone扩散带
diffusion zone扩散区
direct reduction zone直接还原带 【区】 (【技】高炉冶炼过程中在其下部氧化铁被碳还原的区域。)
direction of zone travel熔区移动方向
distillation zone蒸馏区
distillation zone蒸馏带
distribution state of cohesive zone软熔带分布状况
distribution zone布料段
disturbance zone【压】 扰动区 (金属进人轧辊前的塑性或弹性扰动区)
disturbance zone扰动区
dripping zone滴落带
dripping zone滴落区
dry zone【团】 干燥段
dry zone干燥区
dry zone干燥带
dry zone off-gas干燥段废气
drying zone干燥带
efficiency of zone pass熔区通过效率
efficiency of zone passes熔区通过效率
electron bombardment zone melting电子轰击区域熔化
electron bombardment zone-melting电子轰击区域熔炼
electron-beam float zone电子束悬浮区
electron-beam float zone-melting电子束悬浮区域熔炼
electron-beam floating zone-melting电子束悬浮区域熔炼
electron-beam floating zone-melting process电子束悬浮区域熔炼法
electron-beam zone refining电子束区域精炼
electron.beam zone refining电子束区域精炼
empty energy zone空能量区
energy zone能量区
equiaxed crystal zone等轴晶区 (The relation between the intensity of stirring and the ratio of the equiaxed crystal zone in carbon steel is shown in Figure 12. In the upside of a billet, the equiaxed crystal zone increases monotonically with the increase of M-stirring intensity. 碳素钢搅拌强度与等轴晶区比之间的关系示于图 12。在小方坯上部,等轴晶区随着结晶器搅拌强度的增加呈单调递增。)
equiaxed zone等轴晶粒区
equiaxed zone size等轴晶区尺寸
equiaxial crystal zone等轴晶区
equiphase zone等相区
eutectoid zone共析区
eutectoid zone共析带
exit of deformation zone变形区出口
fast cool zone急冷区
fast cool zone急冷
fault zone断层地带
feed zone给料带
feed zone给料区
feeding zone布料段
feeding zone给料段
ferrite zone铁素体区
field zone场区
final cooling zone终冷区
final cooling zone终冷工段
final solidification zone凝固末端区域
final solidification zone最终凝固区
firing zone球团矿带式焙烧机的焙烧段
firing zone烧成段
firing zone烧成带 【段】
firing zone焙烧段
firing zone hood焙烧段炉罩
five zone heating furnace五段式连续加热炉
floating zone electron bombardment technique悬浮区域电子轰击法
floating zone melting悬浮区域熔炼
floating zone melting悬浮区熔炼法 (method)
floating zone melting technique浮区熔炼技术
floating zone process浮动区域精炼法
floating zone process浮区精炼法
floating zone purification浮区提纯
floating zone refining悬浮区域净化
floating zone refining悬浮区域精炼
floating zone technique悬浮区域熔炼技术
foot roll zone足辊区
forced convection zone强制对流区
formation zone of preliminary slag初渣生【形】成区
forward slip zone【压】 前滑区
four-zone walking-beam furnace四段步进梁式加热炉
fracture expectation zone预期断裂区
fracture expection zone预期断裂区
fracture zone断裂区
fritting zone【粉】 烧结带
fritting zone烧结带
fused zone熔化区
gas cutoff zone气割区
gas zone refining气体区域提纯
green mix zone生料带
high and new tech development zone高新技术开发区
high temperature zone高温带
high-temperature brittleness zone of steel钢的高温脆化区
high-temperature zone高温带
holding zone均热段
holding zone炉子的均热段
holding zone保温段
horizontal zone melting水平区域熔炼
horizontal zone refining水平区域精炼
horizontal-boat zone refining水平舟区域精炼
horizontal-boat zone refining水平舟区域提纯
impurity zone夹杂区
inactive zone停滞区
inactive zone【铁】 呆滞区
inactive zone at bosh炉腹呆滞区
inactive zone near furnace wall炉墙附近的呆滞区
incandescent zone炽热带
incandescent zone白炽带
inert gas zone惰性气体段 (热管式喷枪的一个区段)
interfacial zone面际区
interfacial zone界面区
intermix zone过渡区 (The use of a separator plate limits the amount of liquid steel that penetrates and mixes within the strand, thereby reducing the length of the intermix zone. 使用钢种隔离板限制了铸坯内贯穿与混合的钢水量,从而减少了混钢区长度。)
intermix zone混钢区
intermix zone length混钢区长度
inverted V-shaped cohesive zone˄ 形软熔带 (【技】倒 V 形软熔带一般出现在冶炼强度高、中心气流大、炉缸活跃稳定、热量充足的高炉中。这种软熔带由于中心气流发展,炉缸活跃,对煤气的阻力较小,煤气能利用率高,可以得到较好的生产指标;同时,煤气流相对集中于中心,边缘气流较小,可减轻边缘热负荷和煤气对炉墙的冲刷作用,有利于延长高炉寿命。: If the ore and coke layers are relatively uniform in thickness in the radial direction, then the inverted V-shaped cohesive zone is obtained. 如果矿层和焦层在径向上的厚度较为均匀,那么即可获得倒 V 形软熔带。)
inverted V-shaped cohesive zone倒 V 形软熔带
inverted V-shaped softening and smelting zone/\形软熔带
inverted V-shaped softening and smelting zone倒 V 形软熔带
iodination zone碘化区
isothermal zone等温区
isothermal zone热储备区
isothermal zone热交换空区
lead-seal zone铅封带
length of cutting zone切割区长度
length of dynamic soft reduction zone动态轻压下区长度
length of intermix zone混钢区长度 (异钢种连铸的)
length of secondary cooling zone二次冷却区长度
length of transition zone混钢区长度 (异钢种连铸的)
length of transition zone过渡区长度
local brittle zone局部脆性区
location of dynamic soft reduction zone动态轻压下区位置
lump zone块状带 (【技】在高炉生产中,炉料从高炉顶部加人并逐步下降,炉料温度自上而下逐步升高。位于高炉上部的炉料温度较低,炉料以固体形态存在,故称之为块状带。这里主要发生炉料的加热、水分蒸发和碳酸盐分解、间接还原和部分直接还原。)
luppen zone粒铁带 (粒铁回转窑的)
luppen zone粒化带
magnetic suspension zone-melting磁悬区域熔炼
micro-scale zone-refining微量区域精炼
middle zone heating element中部加热元件
mixing zone of different grades异钢种混钢区
model of water distribution in secondary cooling zone【连】二冷区配水模型
model of water distribution of secondary cooling zone二冷区配水模型
molten zone熔带
molten zone熔区
molten zone moving mechanism熔区移动机构
molten zone moving mechanism熔区移动机理
movement of molten zone熔区移动
movement of molten zone熔区移动
multi-zone reheating furnace多段式加热炉
multipass zone refining多次通过区域熔炼
multipass zone refining多次通过区域精炼
multiple electron gun zone refining多电子枪区域精炼
multiple-zone refining多熔区区域精炼
mushy zone inside strand铸坯糊状区
mushy zone of strand铸坯糊状区
neutral zone中间带
neutral zone中性区
no-plastic zone in rolled material轧材无塑性刚性部分
no-plastic zone in rolled material轧材无塑性刚性
no-plastic zone in rolled material轧材无塑性区
number of zone passes熔区通过次数
outer zone边缘区
overlapping zones重叠的布里渊
oxidation zone氧化带
oxidizing zone氧化带
oxidizing zone氧化区 【带】
oxidizing zone氧化区
oxidizing zone of BF高炉燃烧带 (【技】高炉风口前焦炭燃烧的区域,故称高炉燃烧带,同时它又是高炉内唯一属于氧化气氛的区域,故亦称高炉氧化带。)
oxidizing zone of BF高炉氧化带
partial brittle zone局部脆性区
pickling zone酸洗
plastic deformation zone塑性变形区
plastic zone【压】 塑性区
plastic zone胶质层
plastic zone塑性层
plume zone【钢】 羽状搅动区 (吹气形成的)
plume zone of gas injection【钢】 喷气羽状搅动区
plus zone正区
porous zone疏松区
porous zone density疏松区密度
position of cohesive zone软熔带位置 (【技】软熔带位置的高低对高炉冶炼的影响是:顶点位置较高的形软熔带,由于增加了软熔带中的焦窗数目,减小煤气阻力,有利于强化冶炼;软熔带位置较低,焦窗数目减少,煤气阻力增加,不利于高炉强化冶炼,但却扩大了块状带间接还原区,有利于提高煤气利用率。)
position of dynamic soft reduction zone动态轻压下区位置
postheating zone焊后热处理区
precalcining zone预热带
precipitate free zone无沉淀物带
precipitate free zone无析出物带
primary cooling zone一次冷却区
primary cooling zone第一冷却段
pseudo-continuous zone refining准连续区熔提纯
pseudo-continuous zone refining准连续区域精炼
raceway combustion zone风口前燃烧带 (【技】风口前燃料燃烧发生气化的区域。它包括氧化区和还原区。燃烧带中有自由氧 O₂ 存在的区域称为氧化区。从自由氧消失到 CO₂ 消失的区域称为还原区。由于燃烧带是高炉内唯一存在氧化气氛的区域,因此亦称氧化带。)
raceway zone循环区
raceway zone焦炭回旋区
raceway zone风口回旋区
raceway zone【铁】 回旋区
radial-columnar crystal zone径向柱状晶带
radial-columnar crystal zone径向柱状晶区
radial-columnar zone径向柱状晶区
rate of equiaxed zone growth等轴晶区生长速率
rate of zone travel熔区移动速率
reaction zone反应带
reaction zone反应区
recrystallization zone再结晶区
reducing zone还原带
reducing zone减压带
reducing zone还原区
rich zone【金】 高浓度区
rich zone高浓度区
rinsing zone清洗工段
rinsing zone洗涤工段
roasting zone焙烧带
scanning zone扫描区
scrubber zone洗涤工段
scrubber zone刷洗工段
section of cooling zone二次冷却带区段
single crystal by zone melting区熔单晶
single zone单熔区
single-zone floating-zone technique单熔区浮区熔炼技术
single-zone heater单熔区加热器
single zone heater单熔区加热器
single-pass zone-melting一次通过区域熔炼
sinter zone烧结带
sinter zone烧结段
sintering zone烧结带
sintering zone烧结段
sintering zone fan烧结段风机
sintering zone stack烧结段烟囱
slab caster unbending zone板坯连铸机矫直区
slab finishing zone板坯精整区
slag particles gathering zone渣粒聚集区
slag-forming zone成渣带 (高炉的)
soft reduction zone轻压下区 (The dynamic soft reduction technique enables an adaptation of the soft reduction zone to the actual position of the crater end in the strand during casting. 动态轻压下技术能在连铸期间使轻压下区与连铸坯液相穴末端的实际位置相匹配。)
steel stream impact zone钢流冲击区
stirred zone搅拌区
stream impact zone注流冲击区
stream zone in ladle钢包注流区
stud-zone resistance棒区电阻
sublimation zone挥发带
sublimation zone升华带
sub-process zone工艺分段
suction zone吸引区
suction zone吸入区
tar-bonded zone焦油结合层
tertiary cooling zone三次冷却区
thermal reserve zone蓄热带 (【技】高炉冶炼过程中上升气流与下降炉料之间的温差在高炉中部有一段很接近的区域。由于在此区域内二者间的热交换极慢,故称热储备区或热交换空区。)
thermal reserve zone【铁】 热交换空区
thermal reserve zone热储备区
thermal reserve zone蓄热区
thermal soft reduction cooling zone热轻压下冷却区
thermal soft reduction zone热轻压下区
thick zone of shell坯壳厚区
transition slab zone板坯过渡区 (【技】板坯异钢种连浇时,前后两炉不同钢种钢水相混而浇铸成的板坯区段。)
transition slab zone【连】 板坯混钢区
transition zone混钢区
transition zone【连】 过渡区
transition zone过渡组织区
transition zone length过渡区长度
transition zone length【连】 混钢区长度
transition zone of slab板坯混钢区
transition zone of slab【连】 板坯过渡区
travel of zone熔区移动
travel rate of zone熔区移动速度
TSR cooling zone热轻压下冷却区
tuyere zone风口区
tuyere zone风口带
tuyere-zone temperature风口区温度
tuyere-zone temperature风口温度
two liquid zone melting两种液体区域熔炼
two-zone furnace两段式连续加热炉
two zone furnace两段式连续加热炉
two-zone grate-type annular cooler两段式环冷机
two zone grate-type annular cooler两段式环冷机
two-zone ignition furnace【团】两段式点火器
two zone ignition furnace两段式点火器
two-liquid zone melting双液区域熔炼
two-phase zone两相区
two-phase zone of outside curve shell外弧坯壳两相区
updraught drying zone鼓风干燥区段
up-draught drying zone鼓风干燥段
upper heat zone上加热段
upper preheat zone上预热段
upper soak zone上均热段
vertical thermal reserve zone热储备区
vertical thermal reserve zone热交换空区
vertical zone refining垂直区域提纯
vertical zone refining垂直区域精炼
water distribution model of secondary cooling zone二次冷却区配水模型
water flowrate for secondary cooling zone二次冷却区冷却水量
water flowrate in secondary cooling zone二次冷却区冷却水量
water spray system of secondary cooling zone二次冷却区喷水系统
water spray zone喷水区
weakness zone脆弱区
weathered zone风化
weathered zone风化层
welding zone焊接区
welding zone焊接段
wet zone润湿带
width of cohesive zone软熔带宽度
working zone工作段
zone axis晶带轴线
zone axis晶带轴 (线)
zone-beveled single crystal区熔均化单晶
zone configuration晶带结构 (金属的)
zone engineering区域工程
zone fluid熔区液体 (区域熔炼的)
zone freezing熔区凝固 (区域熔炼的)
zone furnace区域熔炼炉
zone hardening吉尼埃-普雷斯顿区强化
zone hardening区域硬化
zone length熔区长度 (区域熔炼的)
zone-melted metal区域精炼金属
zone melted metal区域精炼金属
zone melting区域精炼法
zone melting区域精炼
zone melting区域熔炼
zone-melting analog computer区域熔炼模拟计算机
zone-melting analog computor区域熔炼模拟计算机
zone-melting by electrical discharge放电加热的区域熔炼
zone melting by electrical discharge放电加热区域熔炼
zone-melting furnace区域熔炼炉
zone-melting process区域熔炼法 (【技】一种利用液固相中杂质元素溶解度不同的特点提炼纯金属的工艺。其工作原理是:设一个均匀的固态金属棒中有一小段金属被熔化成液体,那么若这一小段液态区域自左向右缓慢移动,则每移动一次,其效果就相当于把杂质驱赶到右端。如此多次重复,左端金属便可达到相当高的纯度。)
zone melting purification区域熔炼提纯
zone-melting with focused radiation辐射聚焦的区域熔炼
zone melting with focused radiation聚焦辐射区域熔炼
zone movement熔区移动
zone of columnar crystals柱状晶带
zone of columnar crystals柱状晶区
zone of deformation【压】 变形区
zone of easy erosion易侵蚀区
zone of equi-axed crystals等轴晶带
zone of equiaxed crystals等轴晶带
zone of equi-axed crystals等轴晶区
zone of equiaxed crystals等轴晶区
zone of equiaxial crystals等轴晶带
zone of equiaxial crystals等轴晶区
zone of final slag formation终渣形成区
zone of final slag formation终渣形成层
zone of fire燃烧区
zone of fracture断裂带
zone of fusion熔化带
zone of fusion熔化区
zone of heat absorption吸热带
zone of oxidation氧化区 【带】
zone of oxidation氧化区
zone of oxidation氧化带
zone of plastic deformation塑性变形区
zone of preheating预热区
zone of preheating预热带
zone of preliminary slag formation初渣形成区
zone of preliminary slag formation初渣形成层
zone of reduction还原区
zone of reduction还原带
zone of slippage【金】 滑移区
zone of slippage滑移区
zone of slippage on delivery side前滑区
zone of slippage on entry side后滑区
zone of slippage on the delivery side【压】 前滑区
zone of slippage on the entry side【压】 后滑区
zone of sticky fusion粘性熔化带
zone of supply供料带
zone of zero slip【压】 零位滑移区
zone of zero slip粘着区
zone of zero slip零位滑移区
zone pass熔区通过
zone passage熔区 〔区域〕通过
zone passage区域通过
zone passage熔区通过
zone plane
zone plane晶带
zone purification device区域提纯装置
zone-purified metal区熔提纯金属
zone recrystallization区域熔炼
zone recrystallization区域再结晶
zone recrystallization method区域熔炼法
zone recrystallization method区熔再结晶法
zone recrystallization method zone-melting purification区域熔炼提纯
zone recrystallization process区域熔炼法
zone recrystallization process区熔再结晶法
zone recrystallization process区域再结晶法
zone refine区熔精炼
zone refine区域精炼
zone-refined germanium区域精炼锗
zone-refined material区域提纯材料
zone refined metal区域精炼金属
zone refiner区域精炼炉
zone refining区域提纯
zone refining区域精炼
zone refining by solar太阳能区域精炼
zone refining by solar energy太阳能区域精炼
zone-refining by solar radiation太阳能辐射区域精炼
zone-refining curve区域精炼曲线
zone refining curve区域精炼曲线
zone-refining equipment区域精炼设备
zone-refining furnace区域精炼炉
zone refining of chemicals化学试剂区域精炼
zone-refining of metals金属区域精炼
zone refining of semiconductors半导体区域精炼
zone-refining of uranium铀区域精炼
zone-refining process区域精炼法
zone refining without container无盛料器区域精炼
zone sampler区层取样器
zone shape熔区形状 (区域熔炼的)
zone sintering区域烧结
zone speed熔区移动速度
zone structure【金】 带状结构
zone system分区式系统
zone theory of alloy phases合金相能带理论
zone theory of solids固态区域能带理论
zone transformation熔区转变
zone transformation熔带转变
zone-transport method熔区传输法
zone-transport refiner熔区传输精炼炉
zone travel熔区移动
zone travel mechanism熔区移动机理
zone-void method熔区空段法 (区域熔炼的)
zone-void process区熔空段法
zone-void process熔区空段法 (区域熔炼的)
zone-void refiner熔区空段精炼炉
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