
Terms containing Write | all forms | exact matches only
telecom.address write地址写入
telecom.address write wire地址写人线
telecom.address-write wire地址写入线
met.address write wire地址写入线
econ.allow for write-offs in the yearly account允许在年度账内冲销
fin.asset write-down资产减值
busin.asset write-down降低资产账面价值
busin.assets write-down降低资产账面价值
securit.assets write down资产账面价值降低
fin.bad debt write-off坏账冲销
busin.bad debt write-offs坏账冲销
fin.bad debts write-offs销去坏帐 (written off)
fin.bad debts write-offs呆帐注销 (written off)
securit.buy and write strategy期权买卖策略
securit.buy and write strategy购买冲销术
securit.buy-write fund买股票卖期权基金
fin.buy-and-write strategy买人立权策略
econ.capital construction expenditure pending write-off upon approval待核销基建支出
telecom.CD-write once read many一写多读光盘
telecom.CD-write once read many一次写多次读光盘
comp.combined read/write head组合读写[磁]头
multimed.compact disc-write once一次性分段写入光盘
fin.credit write-offs信贷冲销
busin.current write off method当期转销法
tech.department write-up部门组织细则
econ.department write-ups部门组织细则
telecom.direct read after write写后直接读出光盘技术
mining.direct read after write写后直读
multimed.direct read after write写后直接读
telecom.direct read during write写时直接读出
telecom.direct read during write边写边读光盘技术
multimed.direct read during write边写边读
tech.direct write-off method直接冲销法
fin.direct write off method直接冲销法
securit.direct write-off method直线注销法
fin.direct write-off method for bad debts坏账直接注销法
busin.direct write-off method for bad debts坏账直接冲销法
econ.direct write-off method for uncollectible呆账直接销账法
busin.direct write-off method for uncollectible呆账直接冲销法
fin.direct write-off method for uncollectibles坏账直接注销法
fin.direct write-off method for uncollectibles呆帐直接销帐法
tech.direct write-off of bad debt坏账直接冲销
avia.disk file write磁盘文件写出
multimed.DVD-read write可读写
auto.dynamic read/write memory动态读写存储器
gen.Each cheque you write will cost one dollar您每开一张支票就要花一美元
tech.early write初期写入
tech.early write cycle初期写入周期
avia.enable write写人允许
China, polit.entrust another person to write a ballot for him委托他人代写选票
China, lawentrust others to write the application委托他人代书
busin.erasable direct read after write可擦写后直接读出
telecom.exclusive read, shared write专用读、共享写
telecom.exclusive read/write专用读 、写
securit.extraordinary write-offs非常注销
securit.extraordinary write-offs巨额注销
comp.galloping write and recovery跃步写和恢复半导体存储器的测试法
busin.half-write pulse半写入脉冲
mil., air.def.half-write pulse半写人脉冲
telecom.half-write pulse半写脉冲
tech.half-write pulse半写脉冲
auto.heat-write-in mode热写入型
gen.I will write out a receipt for you我给您开一张收据
econ.If convenient adj., please write to him in Japanese方便时,请用日语给他写信
gen.In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself那样的话,您可以开一张现金支票,然后自行取款就可以了
fin.indirect write-off method for bad debts坏账间接转销法
fin.indirect write-off method for uncollectibles坏账间接转销法
busin.loan write-off注销贷款
telecom.loop write to read循环读写
fin.lump-sum write off intangible无形资产全额一次冲销
met.magnetic read/ write head读写磁头
tech.magnetic read-write head磁读写头
shipb.magnetic write head磁写头
tech.main storage read-write channel主存读写通道
tech.market write-down市价下跌
fin.market write-downs and inter-company profits命价下跌与公司内部利益
tech.memory write存储写入
avia.non-destructive read-write不破坏信息读写
comp.non-destructive read-write不破坏〔信息的〕读写
avia.non-volatile memory write error非易失性存储器写错
auto.optical-write-in mode光写入型
econ.other expenses pending write-off upon approval应核销其他支出
busin.other expenses pending write-off upon approval应核销其他费用
tech.partial write operation部分写操作
mil., air.def.partial-write pulses半写部分写人脉冲
fin.partner with debit balance after loss realization and write-off of another partner's debit balance合伙人资本负担变现损失及其他合伙人借差不能补缴损失后变为借差
econ.Partnerships must write out the full names of all partners in their bids for any projects合伙公司在对任何项目的投标书中必须列出全体合伙人的全名
fin.periodic write-off定期注销
fin.periodic write-off定期注销数
busin.periodic write-offs定期销账
busin.periodic write-offs定期转销数
busin.periodic write-offs定期注销数
gen.Please write down your child's personal particulars and we will try our best to locate your child over our system and using our broadcast请写下您孩子的个人资料,我们会尽可能地通过我们的系统及广播找到您的孩子
gen.Please write down your contact address here请写下联系地址
econ.Please write us and explain why the shipment is delayed请来函解释为何推迟货物的发运
commer.Please write us in full details请详尽向我方作书面说明
gen.Please write your account number on the back of the check请在支票背面写上你的账号
tech.point write mode点写入模型
math.post-write disturb写后干扰
gen.post-write disturb【斗】写后干扰
tech.post-write disturb pulse存入后干扰脉冲
gen.post-write disturbance写后干扰
econ.premature tax write-off过早的税收冲销
busin.premature tax write-off过早税收冲销
manag.rapid write-off快速冲销
securit.rapid write-off initial investment仓业投资的快速冲销
busin.rapid write-off of initial investment创业投资的快速冲销
telecom.read after write写后读
comp.read and write读〔和〕写
tech.read and write直读式记录
telecom.read and write读写
comp.read and write读出和写入
comp.read and write读出与写入
comp.read, compute, write读出、计算、写入
tech.read or write speed读写速度
telecom.read while write边写边读
avia.read-write读/写 (read/write)
telecom.read/write读 /写
avia.read-write〔计〕读-写 (read/write)
tech.read-write access mode读写存取方式
tech.read-write access mode读写访问方式
tech.read-write amplifier读出记录放大器
tech.read-write amplifier读写放大器
telecom.read, write and compute读出 、写入和计算
comp.read, write and compute读出、写入和计算
met.read/write channel读写通道
met.read/write check读写校验
tech.read-write check读写检验
tech.read-write check读写检査
tech.read-write check读写校验
tech.read-write check indicator读写检验位
tech.read-write check indicator读写校验指示器
tech.read-write command读写指令
tech.read-write compatible head读写兼用头
tech.read-write control读写控制
met.read/write counter读写记数器
tech.read-write counter读写计数器
telecom.read-write cycle读写周期
auto.read/write cycle time读写周期
tech.read-write deck读写卡片组
tech.read-write drive读写驱动器
met.read/write head读写头
tech.read-write head读写头
math.read/write head读写磁头
tech.read-write head读写磁头
avia.read/write interface〔计〕读/写接口
telecom.read/write key读写密钥
telecom.read/write memory读、写存储器
auto.read/write memory电子学读/写存储器
comp.read-write memory读〔出-〕写〔入〕存储器
tech.read-write memory module读写存储器插板
tech.read-write operation读写操作
tech.read-write process读写处理
tech.read-write protection读写保护
telecom.read/write protector读/写保护
multimed.read/write slot读写槽
tech.read-write speed读写速度
tech.read-write station读写站
busin.read-write storage读写存储器
tech.read-write storage tape读写存储带
agric.read/write subpool读写子池 (RW subpool)
agric.read/write subpool读写子库 (RW subpool)
tech.read-write subpool读写子池
math.read/write waiting time读写等待时间
tech.read-write waiting time读写等待时间
tech.read-after-write check写后读检查
busin.recovery of uncollectible account write-off坏账收回
econ.recovery of uncollectible account write-off收回已注销的坏账
busin.recovery of uncollectible account write-off收回坏账
securit.recovery of uncollectible account write-off收回已冲销坏账
tech.report write control system报表书写控制系统
tech.scatter read and write分散读写
tech.scatter write operation分散写操作
busin.specific write-off method特定注销法
sport.sports write-up体育专稿
fin.subprime write-off次贷冲销
gen.Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down当然,如果你可以等我一下。让我找张纸写下来
comp.tape read and write library读出与写入磁带库
tech.tax on the write-up资产重估增值税
busin.tax on write-up重估增值税
busin.tax on write-up账面增值税
econ.tax write-off税金的减免
tech.tax write-off for all the expenditures纳税时各项费用的冲销
econ.the market write-down市价下跌
econ.the premature tax write-off过早的税收冲销
econ.the write-off of intangibles无形资产价值的销除
tech.time-write interval写入时间间隔
tech.tool write-up card工艺卡 (片)
multimed.uncacheable speculative write combining非缓冲随机写组合
econ.verify and write off circulating核销流动资金
econ.We now take occasion to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you by the commencement of some practical transactions我们趁此机会写信给贵方看是否可以通过开始做几宗实际的交易与你方建立业务联系
gen.we shall write down these data so that we may not forget them以免忘记
gen.we shall write down these data so that we may not forget them我们把这些数据抄下来
gen.Well, let's try to get in touch with them. Now would you please write down what you have told me in detail?嗯,让我们设法同他们联系。现在请你详细地写下刚才告诉我的信息
gen.Well, you can telephone or write to the American embassy to tell them about your case. And then, they will ask you to fill in some forms你可以打电话或者写信给美国大使馆说明你的情况,然后,他们会要求你填写一些表格
securit.write a call option售出认购期权
fin.write a call option沽出认沽期权
securit.write a call option售出看涨期权
commer.write a cheek开支票
gen.write a cheque开支票
gen.write a composition作文
commer.write M a letter写信给 M
gen.write a letter写信
commer.write a letter toM 写信给 M
tech.write a program编写程序
fin.write a put option沽出认购期权
securit.write a put option销售认沽期权
tech.write a receipt开发票
China, polit.write a statement and entrust their relatives who have voting rights or other voters to vote on their behalf书面委托有选举权的亲属或者其他选民代为投票
gen.write about记述
gen.write about关于
telecom.write access写人
tech.write amplifier写放大器
China, lawwrite an application书写申请书
busin.write an application for填写…申请书
shipb.write an application for填写申请书
gen.write an application forM 填写 M 申请书
commer.write an application for collection填写托收申请书
securit.write an option出售期权
tech.write and compute读写与计算
telecom.write any read many多写多读光盘
telecom.write any read many optical disc多次性数据存储光盘
gen.write at one's dictation照…的口授听写
busin.write back冲回已减记或注销价值
securit.write back拨回
multimed.write-back cache回写高速缓存
multimed.write-behind cache后写高速缓存
multimed.write buffer写缓冲区
multimed.write buffer写缓冲器
tech.write bus写入总线
telecom.write cache写人高速缓存
shipb.write check routine写人检验程序
manag.write coil资料钱图
multimed.write combining写组合
tech.write current写人电流
telecom.write cycle写周期
tech.write data写数据
telecom.write data line写数据线
tech.write data out signal写入数据输出信号
tech.write direct直接写入
tech.write down减少账面资产
tech.write down折旧
tech.write down减记
tech.write down减记资产账面值
tech.write down冲转
tech.write down降低账面价值
econ.write down记下
econ.write down贬低
econ.write down减除
econ.write down把…描写成
econ.write down写下
gen.write down记录〔下,载〕
securit.write down减少资产账面值
gen.write down减低…的账面价值
gen.write down把…描述成
gen.write down笔伐
gen.write down记下来
tech.write-down cost减记成本
fin.write-down or write-off of intangible无形资产价值减记或销帐
busin.write-down or write-off of intangible无形资产价值的减记或销账
econ.write down the value of doubtful debt减除呆账
fin.write-down the value of doubtful debt减除呆帐
busin.write-down the value of doubtful debt减除呆账
tech.write drive winding写驱动绕组
comp.write driver记录策动器
tech.write driver写数驱动器
comp.write driver人,数驱动器
earth.sc.write enable可以写入
telecom.write enable写人信号
telecom.write enable允许写人
met.write enable写信号
met.write enable允许写入
tech.write enable line写命令线
avia.write end of file文件写完
telecom.write end of file mark文件写结束标记
telecom.write error写错误
multimed.write error写错
securit.write false value-added-tax invoice虚开增值税发票
gen.write for写信订购
gen.write M for用M表示N (N)
gen.write M for把N写成M (N)
gen.write for替…写稿
gen.write for函 〔邮〕购
China, lawwrite for others代书
gen.write for reservations写信预定座位
manag.write gap记录间隙
tech.write gating写控制
met.write half-pulse半写脉冲
gen.write halfpulse半写脉冲
telecom.write head写人头
met.write head写头
China, polit.write his ballot写选票
gen.write in写数
gen.write in记〔存〕人
gen.write in向中心站供应点打报告提出要求
gen.write in记录
busin.write in写入
tech.write in存入
gen.write in把…写人
comp., MSwrite-in product型錄外產品 (A product that is manually added to quotes, orders, and invoices rather than selected from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product catalog)
gen.write in return写回信
tech.write-in time写入时间
tech.write input记录输入信号
tech.write key记录键
econ.write life insurance承保人寿险
telecom.write lock写锁
telecom.write lockout写人封锁
tech.write lock-out写入锁定
telecom.write magnetic tape写入磁带
multimed.write mode写方式
gen.write one's name写上名字
gen.write of记述
gen.write of关于
securit.write off销记
securit.write off取销
securit.write off勾销
econ.write off一气写成
econ.write off写信寄出
econ.write off抹去
econ.write off取〔勾,注〕消
econ.write off削减
fin.write off销帐
fin.write off注销
econ.write off资产注销
econ.write off迅速记述
econ.write off划掉
tech.write off删除账面值
busin.write off a bad debt注销坏账
fin.write off a bad debt注销一笔坏帐
econ.write off a bad debt注销一笔账
busin.write off a bad debt注销一笔坏账
busin.write off allowance account销记坏账
tech.write off an entry抹去账项
securit.write off and exempt the circulating fund核销流动资金
securit.write off and exempt the circulating fund冲销流动资金
tech.write off and exempt the circulating funds核销流动资金
securit.write off bad debts注销坏账
econ.write off expenditures by installment摊提 费用
tech.write off method冲销法
securit.write off of intangibles无形资产价值的注销
econ.write-off period注销期
econ.write-off quantity得到补偿的最低生产量
busin.write off quantity报废量
busin.write off uncollectable accounts冲销坏账
busin.write off uncollectables冲销坏账
tech.write off un-collectible account冲去坏账
tech.write off un-collectible account冲销坏账
econ.write off uncollectible account冲销坏账
securit.write off uncollectible account核销坏账
econ.write off uncollectibles销除收不回的账目
fin.write off uncollectibles注销不能收回的帐目
busin.write off uncollectibles注销无法收回的账目
securit.write-offs allowance account借记备抵账
securit.write-offs allowance account销记坏账
UN, econ.write-offs of their Paris Club debts巴黎俱乐部债务的进一步免除
gen.write on记述
gen.write on关于
gen.write on alternative lines隔行写
China, lawwrite on behalf of the other代书
gen.write on every other line请隔行
gen.write on paper写在纸上
telecom.write once一次性写人
multimed.write once写一遍
telecom.write-once optical disc一次写人式光盘
telecom.write once read many一写多读光盘
telecom.write once, read many一写多读光盘
telecom.write once, read many一次写、多次可读光盘
telecom.write once read many optical disc一写多读光盘 (WORM optical disc)
agric.write-once read many optical disk单写多读光盘 (WORM optical disk)
chem.write once read many optical media一次写人型光盘
telecom.write once read many times optical disc一写多读光盘
avia.write once, read multiple一写多读光盘
multimed.write-once technology一次写技术
tech.write only只写
multimed.write-only memory joke只写存储器笑话
multimed.write-only memory engineering只写存储器工程
auto.write only read only memory只写只读存储器
agric.write-only register只写寄存器
polygr.write operation写人操作
securit.write out分做经纪业务
securit.write out消除
China, lawwrite out开具
fin.write out削除
securit.write out完成交易
gen.write out全部,详细开,列
econ.write out开出 (支票)
telecom.write out写出
gen.write out写下
gen.write out誉写〔清〕
tech.write out a receipt开收据
commer.write out an agreement缮写协议
gen.write out fair抄写清楚
gen.write over写满
gen.write one's own ticket自行决定
gen.write one's own ticket自订计划
tech.write pen register光笔记录寄存器
tech.write pen unit光笔记录装置
multimed.write precompensation写预补偿
tech.write protect记入保护
telecom.write protect写保护
multimed.write-protect notch写保护口
telecom.write-protect tab写保护挡片
telecom.write-protect violation违反写保护规定
telecom.write-protect violation写人保护违章
met.write protection写入保护
telecom.write protection notch写人保护缺口
telecom.write pulse写人脉冲
auto.write/read cycle time写读周期时间
met.write read head读写头
met.write rockout写入封锁
telecom.write select line写选择线
tech.write signal写人〔记录〕信号
tech.write signal记录信号
multimed.write strategy写策略
China, lawwrite the ballot in private秘密写票
telecom.write-through cache写人通过高速缓存
multimed.write-through cache写入缓存
telecom.write-to-read crossfeed写读串扰
gen.write under the pseudonym of用…笔名写作
tech.write up提高账面价值
securit.write up提高资产账面价值
securit.write up增记价值
gen.write up完成
econ.write up补写
econ.write up把…写成文
econ.write up详细描写
fin.write up增记
fin.write up提高帐面价值
busin.write up抬高资产、货物等的账面价值
gen.write up揭示
gen.write up把…写得有吸引力
gen.write up写文章赞扬
gen.write up记述
gen.write up写…到最近日期为止
gen.write us the result把结果写信告诉我们
tech.write validity check写入确实性检査
telecom.write while read边写边读 (read while write)
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