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Terms containing Way Into | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.A full-scale investigation is under way into the matter of economic nature正在对经济性质的这一问题进行全面调査
athlet.come off into the straight way入直道
econ.The way of converting the shares of Party A into the shares of Party B shall be as follows...将A方股票换成B方股票其方式如下…
expl.There is no simple way, however, to take into account the interactions resulting from subtle differences in the characteristics of the explosives the blaster had at his disposal, the physical characteristics of specific rock types or geological formations, or the effect of the changes in timing of the initiation sequence on his blast然而、爆破所用炸药的特性、岩石类型或地质构造的物理特性或爆破定时起爆顺序及由于这些因素的微妙差别所产生的相互影响均要考虑
econ.We can find our way into world market provided our products are of good quality and competitive in price只要我方产品品质上乘,价格公道,就能打入世界市场